Amateur Hockey Thread

shoeshine boy
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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby shoeshine boy » Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:20 am

so my league has a new divisional VP (basically guy who oversees our skill level, kicks people up to higher levels, gets things organized, etc.) who has told some of the team captains that if you have a game with no goalie you automatically forfeit. for years we have just put a 6th skater on the ice in the rare instances when this happens. this guy is trying to say this is "against the rules". thoughts?

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:31 am

Dick move.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby meow » Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:35 am

I think that is the right move. The hour of ice is still yours to play, but you get a L

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby MR25 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:44 am

There's a team in my league who consistently does not have their goalie show up. It really sucks to play against a 6th skater tending net when the other team gets to go balls out on your goalie.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby iamjs » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:45 am

I mean technically it is legal to play the game with six skaters, but I think most leagues have some fine print about having to roster a player as goalie.

But I agree with MR on this too. It's not really fair that a team can rifle shots on your goalie but have to take it easy on the 6th man playing in net. I've been on teams that have done it and even dropped back and played D/G for a few games when we had a goalie quit on us. Luckily, most of the players on the other sie agreed to lob their shots or take half-shots that still came in kinda quick.

shoeshine boy
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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby shoeshine boy » Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:25 pm

I mean technically it is legal to play the game with six skaters, but I think most leagues have some fine print about having to roster a player as goalie.

But I agree with MR on this too. It's not really fair that a team can rifle shots on your goalie but have to take it easy on the 6th man playing in net. I've been on teams that have done it and even dropped back and played D/G for a few games when we had a goalie quit on us. Luckily, most of the players on the other sie agreed to lob their shots or take half-shots that still came in kinda quick.
all teams have a goalie but once in a blue moon a team will have an issue getting a sub goalie. in our non-competitive league it's understood that there's no slapshots and try to keep the puck low. in the competitive league though it's all fair game.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby dodint » Tue Nov 13, 2018 3:47 pm

So we came in 1st in our league but the league terminated their lease with the rink and we're done with hockey until we move in April(ish). Except, for two nights only, we get to have our playoffs. So if we win tonight we'll play for the championship tomorrow. Very happy to get to wrap it up as we thought we were done as of two weeks ago.

Despite being the 1st seed we're drawing the team that knocked us out of the playoffs last year. We crushed them in the regular season last year, and they showed up much better in the playoffs with non-rostered players scoring half of their goals. Really not impressed with that and I very much want to beat them tonight.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby bhflyhigh » Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:07 pm

We played our championship game on Monday night. I have a terrible terrible game. We were down, 7-4 with about a minute and a half left in the 3rd. We pulled the goalie and somehow scored 3 goals. Every shot just went in. The other team got pissed and took a penalty. We scored on the PP in overtime and won. It was ridiculous.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:13 pm

So we came in 1st in our league but the league terminated their lease with the rink and we're done with hockey until we move in April(ish). Except, for two nights only, we get to have our playoffs. So if we win tonight we'll play for the championship tomorrow. Very happy to get to wrap it up as we thought we were done as of two weeks ago.

Despite being the 1st seed we're drawing the team that knocked us out of the playoffs last year. We crushed them in the regular season last year, and they showed up much better in the playoffs with non-rostered players scoring half of their goals. Really not impressed with that and I very much want to beat them tonight.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby dodint » Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:15 pm

Yeah, they did it again and we lost. Was super lame.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:20 pm

RIP in peace.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby Joegap » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:09 pm

So we came in 1st in our league but the league terminated their lease with the rink and we're done with hockey until we move in April(ish). Except, for two nights only, we get to have our playoffs. So if we win tonight we'll play for the championship tomorrow. Very happy to get to wrap it up as we thought we were done as of two weeks ago.

Despite being the 1st seed we're drawing the team that knocked us out of the playoffs last year. We crushed them in the regular season last year, and they showed up much better in the playoffs with non-rostered players scoring half of their goals. Really not impressed with that and I very much want to beat them tonight.
I do not think that rink will be ready by April. If you still want to keep playing, I would look into getting on a team down at Neville Island.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby dodint » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:15 pm

We don't think it will be ready either. We looked at a league in Harmar but one of our guys doesn't like the person that runs it and talked our team out of it. Looks like we're just going to sit on our asses all winter.

I suck, I'm not looking to join a team as a Free Agent. My team is okay with me sucking because I started the team. Different dynamic if I'm going Free Agent. I've improved, and am a decent enough stay at home defenseman, but my passing is terrible and it shows.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby MR25 » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:18 pm

Get ice skates and play E league

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby dodint » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:22 pm

Yeah, I have the skates and most of the gear, all I need is pants and shoulder pads. I've considered that. I miss my friends tho. :(

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby mikey » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:23 pm

You'd be surprised how many teams you would improve...

Though, the free agent thing can be pretty intimidating for a number of reasons...

I got really lucky with in a football league I joined as a free agent with a friend of was a good group. Decent talent. I was far from the worst player.

Passing can be worked on in some regards off ice. Foundation in fundamentals, how the puck sits on your blade, how your blade sits on the surface and the follow through...would recommend the triangle rubber band thing that rebounds passes to you (catching a pass is just as necessary of a skill as making one, very underrated...learning how to handle passes on your forehand vs. backhand - different stick angles are necessary). At bare minimum practice passing with gloves on, preferably skates as well if possible...but at the very least gloves.

Getting reps is necessary, even if they're in a closed, non-competitive atmosphere. A thousand passes can be made in this setting vs. you probably make 30 in an average game if I had to guess vs. 0 doing nothing.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby dodint » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:31 pm

You're absolutely right in what you're proposing, I could benefit greatly from structured practice.

I wasn't really talking about the skill of it in the technical sense. I just never redeveloped my sense of awareness as much as I would like. I got to the point where I wasn't handling the puck like a grenade. But I still do stuff like skate just enough to find my outlet, and then when I pass it up it turns out the skater was moving at a different angle than I thought and I sailed it behind them against his momentum. Happens a good bit on any pass that goes more than 30 feet. I suck balls at putting the puck in a place that is advantageous to the recipient. I worry about that more than anything when it comes to joining a team of new people.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:34 pm that you?

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby mikey » Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:50 pm

You're absolutely right in what you're proposing, I could benefit greatly from structured practice.

I wasn't really talking about the skill of it in the technical sense. I just never redeveloped my sense of awareness as much as I would like. I got to the point where I wasn't handling the puck like a grenade. But I still do stuff like skate just enough to find my outlet, and then when I pass it up it turns out the skater was moving at a different angle than I thought and I sailed it behind them against his momentum. Happens a good bit on any pass that goes more than 30 feet. I suck balls at putting the puck in a place that is advantageous to the recipient. I worry about that more than anything when it comes to joining a team of new people.
Hmm, difficult to diagnose from in-the-dark recommendation would be to lean slightly more forward and play more on your toes, slide your bottom hand about an inch and a half or two inches lower with your wrist turned slightly more on the top side of your stick and make much harder passes...almost to the point where they are difficult to catch (not that you can make a bad pass to a good player), but I'd start to worry about just hitting some blades first...get the timing down, get the geometry of the situation down first...then worry about the speed, touch, catch-ability, and all that stuff second...let's get a puck to a target first, accomplish that goal...then we'll work on cleaning it up from there...

But again, I'm doing this in the dark...exactly none of that may be helpful.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby dodint » Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:08 pm

Yeah, I'm probably not explaining it well. Firing it harder to a player moving east when I thought he was moving west isn't going to help anyone. I'm seeing 'where' my guys are in a static sense but I don't mentally process the motion they're taking. I send the puck to where my hockey sense says would be the most logical place for a player in that space of the rink to go to make a play and often he's not going there and the puck doesn't find them.

It's a purely mental thing. It's basically a function of confidence (or lack thereof) contributing to tunnel vision. When I started playing I never saw my guys, I would just get the puck and flail around until I sent it forward generally. Now I'm at least seeing my guys and connecting on short to mid range outlets, including using the boards for bank passes. But if it's going from my face off dot depth to the red line or beyond it becomes an area pass rather than a point pass. I think it will improve with time and confidence.

Except I'm not longer playing. Buh.

MR25, any idea what the gap is between the E League and the Over 30? Over 30 says they balance teams by skill level. E seems to be a learn to play hockey thing and I'm probably beyond that. I wasn't always shitty at hockey, I'm shitty at playing hockey with a 35 year old obese body.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby mikey » Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:18 pm

Ah, gotcha. I understand what you're saying now. I thought you were missing stretch passes or something...

Are these guys ahead of play making jagged motions...? It seems like if you have your head up and they're going in a consistent, sensible direction, that it shouldn't be a big miss...but you seem to be shouldering a lot of the blame...

Just do what MR25 says haha

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby MR25 » Fri Nov 16, 2018 4:24 pm

Over 30 has a range from former college players to some former E leaguers. Definitely more of a higher level game.

E league is definitely more catered to beginners, but my captain helps balance the teams to make sure there aren't frequent horrendous blowouts. There are definitely some people who are beginners and learning to play the game, but most of us are there because we aren't good enough to play C league (there is no D league as far as I'm aware). There are some C leaguers there for the purposes of teaching new players, but recently it seems most of the teams just rely on their C leaguers to carry them, so there might be a rebalancing next session.

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby MR25 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:01 pm

@meow what's your take on goalies wearing glove (baseball, latex, etc) under their mitt?

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby meow » Mon Nov 19, 2018 7:00 pm

Buy a new glove

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Amateur Hockey Thread

Postby dodint » Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:42 pm

Get ice skates and play E league
Did they redesign their site and completely **** it up? I can't find any information at all about adult hockey in Harmar.

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