Police earning the hate

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Police earning the hate

Postby Shyster » Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:28 pm

Steve Chapman: When cops are their own worst enemies
Cops who justify or excuse the lawless conduct of their fellow officers do no service to the people they serve or themselves

https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/Op ... 2006160011

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Police earning the hate

Postby Shyster » Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:55 pm

Video shows police gave [Chicago Transit Authority] supervisor a choice: Drop complaint against Chicago officer or face arrest

https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct- ... story.html
When CTA supervisor Martesa Lee attempted to lodge a complaint against a Chicago police officer in February, she was given a choice:

Drop her grievance against the officer she accused of pushing her out of an unmarked crime scene on a Red Line platform or face possible arrest.

It was.

Authorities arrested Lee in front of her co-workers and a platform of CTA riders after she informed the sergeant she would not let the matter go. With her hands cuffed behind her back and tears streaming down her face, she refused additional opportunities to retract her grievance and regain her freedom.

The incident, captured on police body camera videos obtained by the Tribune, exemplifies the kind of small, typically undocumented occurrences that can erode community trust in the Chicago Police Department, especially at a time of renewed focus on law enforcement conduct nationally. Critics contend it highlights, yet again, a decades-old “code of silence” — an unwritten understanding that officers protect one another at all cost — that has led to federal oversight of the department in recent years.

In this case, not only did the sergeant immediately dismiss Lee, he had the officer who was the subject of her complaint cuff her.

“This is precisely how the code of silence works,” said Craig Futterman, a University of Chicago law professor who specializes in police accountability issues. “It’s controlling that narrative, it’s manufacturing that narrative in a way that protects the officer from discipline and hides ongoing police abuse.”

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Police earning the hate

Postby Shyster » Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:47 pm

Police unions and police misconduct: What the research says about the connection

https://www.washingtonpost.com/business ... rge-floyd/

Main points:

- Unionization emboldens violent officers

- Use-of-force complaints are more likely among unionized officers

- Union-imposed appeals processes make it more difficult to fire "bad apples"

- Other contract provisions also shield police from accountability, including provisions that “limit officer interrogations after alleged misconduct, mandate the destruction of disciplinary records, ban civilian oversight, prevent anonymous civilian complaints, indemnify officers in the event of civil suits, and limit the length of internal investigations.”

- Police unions advocate shielding disciplinary records from public view

- Unionized police may be more likely to kill civilians, particularly nonwhite ones

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Police earning the hate

Postby tifosi77 » Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:47 pm

Steve Chapman: When cops are their own worst enemies
Cops who justify or excuse the lawless conduct of their fellow officers do no service to the people they serve or themselves

https://www.post-gazette.com/opinion/Op ... 2006160011
This is behind a paywall, but the thesis set forth in the title is my biggest issue with the systemic problems withing law enforcement. The problem isn't individual police, necessarily. It's policing. And it starts with the Thin Blue Line crap.

The head of, I think, the NYC police union has been on TV in the last couple of days just........... you know the phrase 'covering yourself in glory'? He's been doing whatever the opposite of that is called.

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Police earning the hate

Postby Shyster » Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:57 pm

This is behind a paywall, but the thesis set forth in the title is my biggest issue with the systemic problems withing law enforcement. The problem isn't individual police, necessarily. It's policing. And it starts with the Thin Blue Line crap.

The head of, I think, the NYC police union has been on TV in the last couple of days just........... you know the phrase 'covering yourself in glory'? He's been doing whatever the opposite of that is called.
I believe you're referring to this guy:


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Police earning the hate

Postby MR25 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:57 am

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Police earning the hate

Postby willeyeam » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:21 am

Thoughts and prayers for Stacey

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Police earning the hate

Postby tifosi77 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:54 am

This is behind a paywall, but the thesis set forth in the title is my biggest issue with the systemic problems withing law enforcement. The problem isn't individual police, necessarily. It's policing. And it starts with the Thin Blue Line crap.

The head of, I think, the NYC police union has been on TV in the last couple of days just........... you know the phrase 'covering yourself in glory'? He's been doing whatever the opposite of that is called.
I believe you're referring to this guy:

Here there be monsters.

What a muppet.

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Police earning the hate

Postby Jim » Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:57 am

Thoughts and prayers for Stacey

"I don't know whats going on with people now-a-days..." Seriously? Did you just say that? "bad" cops do bad stuff and "good" cops either cover it up or ignore it, and you don't know whats going on?

"I've been in this for 15 years and I've never had such anxiety about..." About what? About finally being held accountable for either your actions or, more likely, your complete lack of action?

Nope. Zero sympathy. Even if you are one of the "good" ones, then you need to start acting like it. It was all fine when things were swept under the rug and wiped clear from pigs records and people blatantly lied about what happened in situations because there were no cameras and they could get away with it... but now it's sit in a parking lot and cry because instead of free coffee you are not sure if someone spit on your McMuffin... Maybe you should have been doing a better job policing yourselves for he last 15 years. You dug this hole for yourselves.

Troy Loney
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Police earning the hate

Postby Troy Loney » Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:16 am

Good god, are cops now going to start preemptively arresting restaurant workers on suspicion of tampering with their food?

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Police earning the hate

Postby AuthorTony » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:05 pm

Good god, are cops now going to start preemptively arresting restaurant workers on suspicion of tampering with their food?
Nah, they'll just beat the **** out of them.

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Police earning the hate

Postby Troy Loney » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:45 pm

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Police earning the hate

Postby willeyeam » Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:52 pm


King Colby
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Police earning the hate

Postby King Colby » Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:07 pm

Thoughts and prayers for Stacey

What a loser

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Police earning the hate

Postby tifosi77 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:48 pm

One of the cops in ATL involved in the Wendy's incident has apparently agreed to turn state's evidence and will testify against the shooter cop. That's a big deal.

shoeshine boy
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Police earning the hate

Postby shoeshine boy » Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:11 pm

One of the cops in ATL involved in the Wendy's incident has apparently agreed to turn state's evidence and will testify against the shooter cop. That's a big deal.
just heard that. I was shocked. it's also appalling that the shooter kicked Brooks as he laid there bleeding.
i feel bad for the non-shooting cop. all he's trying to do is get this guy to move his car, he calls for back-up to help with the sobriety test and the whole thing goes off the rails.

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Police earning the hate

Postby dodint » Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:32 pm

I'll eat tif's hat if that shooter is convicted. Ground fighting a cop, taking a weapon from the cop and pointing it at him, and then running off (in endangerment of the public). I'm not saying I support the cop, just with those facts it's going to be an uphill battle for a prosecutor.

It's easy to minimize it as "dude shot for sleeping in his car" but I highly doubt those facts lead to a conviction. Remember, it's not even probable Floyd's killers are convicted, let alone this guy.
Last edited by dodint on Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Police earning the hate

Postby count2infinity » Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:33 pm

One of the cops in ATL involved in the Wendy's incident has apparently agreed to turn state's evidence and will testify against the shooter cop. That's a big deal.
just heard that. I was shocked. it's also appalling that the shooter kicked Brooks as he laid there bleeding.
i feel bad for the non-shooting cop. all he's trying to do is get this guy to move his car, he calls for back-up to help with the sobriety test and the whole thing goes off the rails.
I've seen enough videos with cops to see this be the case often. All it takes is one Tommy Tough Nuts to come onto the scene and blow everything up beyond where it needs to be.

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Police earning the hate

Postby tifosi77 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:27 pm

Looks like I jumped the gun giving a cop credit for breaching the Thin Blue Line. His attorney just released a statement refuting everything the DA claimed.

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Police earning the hate

Postby NAN » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:28 pm

One of the cops in ATL involved in the Wendy's incident has apparently agreed to turn state's evidence and will testify against the shooter cop. That's a big deal.
just heard that. I was shocked. it's also appalling that the shooter kicked Brooks as he laid there bleeding.
i feel bad for the non-shooting cop. all he's trying to do is get this guy to move his car, he calls for back-up to help with the sobriety test and the whole thing goes off the rails.
I've seen enough videos with cops to see this be the case often. All it takes is one Tommy Tough Nuts to come onto the scene and blow everything up beyond where it needs to be.
There was that one video in this thread where some whackjob is going nuts in the street, the officers on scene seem to be diffusing the situation, then some other cop pulls up, walks over, zaps him with the taser, and then continues to do it while he is down and handcuffed.

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Police earning the hate

Postby NAN » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:33 pm

Serious question here for those that may know. I read that Brooks was on probation and was risking some jail time due to this possible DUI. Which is probably why he tried to flee. Could the defense use that as something that the cop feared that Brooks could do something lethal to get away from arrest?

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Police earning the hate

Postby tifosi77 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:45 pm

I'll eat tif's hat if that shooter is convicted. Ground fighting a cop, taking a weapon from the cop and pointing it at him, and then running off (in endangerment of the public). I'm not saying I support the cop, just with those facts it's going to be an uphill battle for a prosecutor.
This DA just recently charged a couple other APD officers for excessive force by using a Taser out-of-policy in which it was characterized as a 'deadly weapon' in the charging document. But the Taser Brooks took had apparently been discharged once already, and APD patrol officers only carry 2 single-use cartridges, so when Brooks fired the thing it became a very bougie paperweight; it was a weapon in the same sense that within every tool there is a hammer, and I suppose he could've thrown it at someone. He had been frisked and no other weapon had been found. It is also against APD policy to discharge a Taser at a fleeing suspect, as Ofc Rolfe was seen doing before drawing his sidearm. And it is against SCOTUS precedent to discharge a firearm at a fleeing non-violent suspect.

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Police earning the hate

Postby tifosi77 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:51 pm

Serious question here for those that may know. I read that Brooks was on probation and was risking some jail time due to this possible DUI. Which is probably why he tried to flee. Could the defense use that as something that the cop feared that Brooks could do something lethal to get away from arrest?
If true, it would provide a reasonable explanation for why he started resisting. But I don't think fear of being done for one crime is really solid ground for the defense of some other, more serious, criminal act.

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Police earning the hate

Postby tifosi77 » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:53 pm

Procedural question: If the discharge of the Taser by Ofc Rolfe is shown to be out-of-policy, can that be construed adversely against him in evaluating the rest of the facts?

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Police earning the hate

Postby dodint » Wed Jun 17, 2020 7:31 pm

I think you'll lose the "non-violent suspect" argument on account of him fighting with and overtaking two police officers just before flight.

I would love a prosecution, if only to redraw the line. Police officers should be held to a higher standard of accountability. That said, the facts here are rough, and an acquittal is a possible catalyst for more unrest down the line. I just don't think this is the right 'showcase' incident, for lack of a better word.

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