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Politics And Current Events

Postby shafnutz05 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:53 am

Tonight in "Fake, but Accurate"
Father of the now famous photo of the little girl crying [Time cover] says his wife/child were never separated at any time by authorities, that his wife was seeking a job (not fleeing violence), and that he is upset w/ her for taking his child on the dangerous journey.
https://mobile.twitter.com/esaagar/stat ... 1791936513
Soooooo much misinformation out there.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:57 am

Don't you think it comes off as a bit of sour grapes to be whinging and complaining when someone puts to use the rules of the game you've agreed to play in a manner which you disapprove?

Addressing the former point, yes - rejecting The Game, let alone The Rules is the only moral option.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:00 am

But "rules" evolve over time... whinging about rules that seem unfair can result (if the whinging is hard enough and done correctly) the change of said rules. Obviously none of this will happen on a message board, though, so in that case, I agree... quit your dodinting.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby MWB » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:04 am

Don't you think it comes off as a bit of sour grapes to be whinging and complaining when someone puts to use the rules of the game you've agreed to play in a manner which you disapprove?

Addressing the former point, yes - rejecting The Game, let alone The Rules is the only moral option.
Everyone here has agreed to the rules in the same way you have. We live here. You “reject the game” (whatever that means in practice), while others would like some of the rules changed. Sour grapes applies to all of us I guess.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:49 am

But "rules" evolve over time...
Yeah, they "evolve". :lol: Factions seize power and implement their own particular "rules". I guess that's a brand of evolution.
whinging about rules that seem unfair can result (if the whinging is hard enough and done correctly) the change of said rules.
There is that pesky business of the governing document... of course that hasn't been operable for well on a century and a half, so do disregard. That being said (or not said, frankly), the whinging is a whole lot of unnecessary noise, isn't it? It's a bit like opposing fans complaining about a lifted skate being called off-side. They might be right in terms of the spirit of the thing, but at the end of the day that's just too bad for you. You're on the wrong side of the call. Of course, in one case it's a game and in the other it's a matter of life and death. But hey, those are the rules you've chosen to play by.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 9:52 am

Don't you think it comes off as a bit of sour grapes to be whinging and complaining when someone puts to use the rules of the game you've agreed to play in a manner which you disapprove?

Addressing the former point, yes - rejecting The Game, let alone The Rules is the only moral option.
Everyone here has agreed to the rules in the same way you have. We live here. You “reject the game” (whatever that means in practice), while others would like some of the rules changed. Sour grapes applies to all of us I guess.
Always love this argument... Especially great when it comes from a "teacher". Hey Guinness, here's your choices: you can stay here and we'll continue to pillage you as we see fit, OR you can move to some other place on the planet where they'll pillage you as they see fit; or you can stand on your principles in which case we WILL kidnap you, take all of your possessions, and if you resist any of that we'll murder you. :lol:

Good to know the "citizens of tomorrow" are in such good hands! :lol:

I also appreciate the teacher side-stepping the moral issue. But again, publik state skools and all. :thumb:

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Politics And Current Events

Postby MWB » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:07 am

Don't you think it comes off as a bit of sour grapes to be whinging and complaining when someone puts to use the rules of the game you've agreed to play in a manner which you disapprove?

Addressing the former point, yes - rejecting The Game, let alone The Rules is the only moral option.
Everyone here has agreed to the rules in the same way you have. We live here. You “reject the game” (whatever that means in practice), while others would like some of the rules changed. Sour grapes applies to all of us I guess.
Always love this argument... Especially great when it comes from a "teacher". Hey Guinness, here's your choices: you can stay here and we'll continue to pillage you as we see fit, OR you can move to some other place on the planet where they'll pillage you as they see fit; or you can stand on your principles in which case we WILL kidnap you, take all of your possessions, and if you resist any of that we'll murder you. :lol:

Good to know the "citizens of tomorrow" are in such good hands! :lol:

I also appreciate the teacher side-stepping the moral issue. But again, publik state skools and all. :thumb:
Ohhhh, “teacher.” Sick burn.

That wasn’t my argument at all, so try again. My point is that we’re all in the same boat, we just address it differently. And while you say how morally superior you are, way to dodge the point about what it means in practice for you to “reject the game.” It seems that you mostly just want to tell people that they’re morally beneath you.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:07 am

And just to make sure the topic of discussion remains focused, I entered into the discussion to point out the disparity of outrage between enforcement of arbitrary border crossing laws and their consequences (i.e., separation of children from parents) and a whole bunch of other arbitrary laws of which no one is an actual victim... and their consequences (i.e., separation of children from parents).

Selective outrage. Please do continue.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:09 am

Don't you think it comes off as a bit of sour grapes to be whinging and complaining when someone puts to use the rules of the game you've agreed to play in a manner which you disapprove?

Addressing the former point, yes - rejecting The Game, let alone The Rules is the only moral option.
Everyone here has agreed to the rules in the same way you have. We live here. You “reject the game” (whatever that means in practice), while others would like some of the rules changed. Sour grapes applies to all of us I guess.
Always love this argument... Especially great when it comes from a "teacher". Hey Guinness, here's your choices: you can stay here and we'll continue to pillage you as we see fit, OR you can move to some other place on the planet where they'll pillage you as they see fit; or you can stand on your principles in which case we WILL kidnap you, take all of your possessions, and if you resist any of that we'll murder you. :lol:

Good to know the "citizens of tomorrow" are in such good hands! :lol:

I also appreciate the teacher side-stepping the moral issue. But again, publik state skools and all. :thumb:
Ohhhh, “teacher.” Sick burn.

That wasn’t my argument at all, so try again. My point is that we’re all in the same boat, we just address it differently. And while you say how morally superior you are, way to dodge the point about what it means in practice for you to “reject the game.” It seems that you mostly just want to tell people that they’re morally beneath you.

I've offered my solution just like the rest of you. I'm told I'm a kook, and my solutions aren't realistic.

Also, my solutions are morally superior to yours because they do not rely on the unprovoked implementation of force.

Troy Loney
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Politics And Current Events

Postby Troy Loney » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:15 am

And just to make sure the topic of discussion remains focused, I entered into the discussion to point out the disparity of outrage between enforcement of arbitrary border crossing laws and their consequences (i.e., separation of children from parents) and a whole bunch of other arbitrary laws of which no one is an actual victim... and their consequences (i.e., separation of children from parents).

Selective outrage. Please do continue.
I don't think border crossing laws are arbitrary. I think the practice of this administration telling refugees and asylum seekers to **** off is a problem. I think there are international laws and norms that are being crossed by this practice, but there really isn't like some governing body capable of making DHS treat these people differently.
Last edited by Troy Loney on Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby MWB » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:15 am

Guinness, you’re obviously morally superior to me. Just look at the content of your posts here compared to mine, and that’s all most people need to see to make that judgement. In actual life, how does that moral superiority play out? How does your morality impact the world more than my lack of morality? In a real way, not in the “you stand for this and i stand for ‘self’” way that actually doesn’t impact anything.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:23 am

And just to make sure the topic of discussion remains focused, I entered into the discussion to point out the disparity of outrage between enforcement of arbitrary border crossing laws and their consequences (i.e., separation of children from parents) and a whole bunch of other arbitrary laws of which no one is an actual victim... and their consequences (i.e., separation of children from parents).

Selective outrage. Please do continue.
I don't think border crossing laws are arbitrary.
Really?! I guess I should apologize - I just find it remarkable that people think there is a justification for prohibiting people standing one foot away from taking another step toward them based on... I dunno... what exactly? I mean, what exactly that isn't arbitrary, anyway?
I think the practice of this administration telling refugees and asylum seekers to **** off is a problem. I think there are international laws and norms that are being crossed by this practice, but there really isn't like some governing body capable of making DHS treat these people differently.
Again, this is just mindless partisan politics. There is NOTHING in the governing document of the "United States" which prohibits the state from restricting access to the "territory" for any reason. The US government is under no obligation to accept people crossing "it's border" for any reason whatsoever. And it is NO different than any of the other arbitrary laws on the "books" that result in the separation of parents from children. You're spun up about this because a segment of the media wants you to be. Period.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:25 am

Hurray... this again.


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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:27 am

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:30 am

Guinness, you’re obviously morally superior to me. Just look at the content of your posts here compared to mine, and that’s all most people need to see to make that judgement. In actual life, how does that moral superiority play out? How does your morality impact the world more than my lack of morality? In a real way, not in the “you stand for this and i stand for ‘self’” way that actually doesn’t impact anything.
How does ANY of this actually impact the world? This is a backwater message board with a handful of people chatting about nothing. I don't care about any of this anymore. I just took today off and am killing time until the cable guy shows up, before then going to lunch with my wife.

What do you want me to say? This is how I view the world. You view the world in your particularly corrupted way. My way is the RIGHT way to view human interaction. Yours is definitively based on violence. So what? You win. Your view of the world holds total and complete dominance in society at large. Congratulations. I'm just commenting on what I see here, just like everyone else... and frankly everyone else posting here has the EXACT SAME PRESUMPTION of moral superiority. They just don't say it explicitly. Probably because they can't actually back it up (and they know it).

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:31 am

Hurray... this again.

yeah, because the leftist circle-jerk is soooo entertaining...


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Politics And Current Events

Postby tifosi77 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:31 am

Don't you think it comes off as a bit of sour grapes to be whinging and complaining when someone puts to use the rules of the game you've agreed to play in a manner which you disapprove?
The problem is they aren't playing by the agreed rules, to indulge your silliness.

Asylum is a recognized fundamental human right under US and international law. Lumping those that are attempting to seek it in with the actual illegal crossing crowd by preventing their ability to cross at the designated ports of entry - coupled with the zero tolerance policy that necessitates separation of families, as adults are processed criminally as illegal immigrants and children are processed administratively as 'unaccompanied minors' despite the fact that that is patently untrue - is repugnant and directly opposite of the 'rules'.

Just look to yesterday's court filing in California where AG Sessions is making a move to change those rules so that the new policy will be in compliance. This is disgusting no matter how you slice it, provided you are approaching it from the perspective of someone who's plugged into reality and not floating around a world colored by dorm room philosophy.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby tifosi77 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:33 am

I immediately regret engaging on the G-man angle.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby dodint » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:35 am

I agree with Guinness in a lot of ways, and specifically on this issue. But the idea of the border being 'arbitrary' or 'imaginary' is such a huge hurdle to discourse that I don't even know where to begin. Like, if it was a jersey barrier the whole length of the border would that make you feel better? Just not sure what you're trying to do here. Until we have a One World Order these are the parameters we work with, saying they don't exist in a meaningful way is just subterfuge.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:36 am

You put your thesaurus away, young man.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby grunthy » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:36 am

Don't you think it comes off as a bit of sour grapes to be whinging and complaining when someone puts to use the rules of the game you've agreed to play in a manner which you disapprove?
The problem is they aren't playing by the agreed rules, to indulge your silliness.

Asylum is a recognized fundamental human right under US and international law. Lumping those that are attempting to seek it in with the actual illegal crossing crowd by preventing their ability to cross at the designated ports of entry - coupled with the zero tolerance policy that necessitates separation of families, as adults are processed criminally as illegal immigrants and children are processed administratively as 'unaccompanied minors' despite the fact that that is patently untrue - is repugnant and directly opposite of the 'rules'.

Just look to yesterday's court filing in California where AG Sessions is making a move to change those rules so that the new policy will be in compliance. This is disgusting no matter how you slice it, provided you are approaching it from the perspective of someone who's plugged into reality and not floating around a world colored by dorm room philosophy.
Are they arresting asylum seekers or those rejected asylum that then cross illegally?

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Politics And Current Events

Postby MWB » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:36 am

Guinness, you’re obviously morally superior to me. Just look at the content of your posts here compared to mine, and that’s all most people need to see to make that judgement. In actual life, how does that moral superiority play out? How does your morality impact the world more than my lack of morality? In a real way, not in the “you stand for this and i stand for ‘self’” way that actually doesn’t impact anything.
How does ANY of this actually impact the world? This is a backwater message board with a handful of people chatting about nothing. I don't care about any of this anymore. I just took today off and am killing time until the cable guy shows up, before then going to lunch with my wife.

What do you want me to say? This is how I view the world. You view the world in your particularly corrupted way. My way is the RIGHT way to view human interaction. Yours is definitively based on violence. So what? You win. Your view of the world holds total and complete dominance in society at large. Congratulations. I'm just commenting on what I see here, just like everyone else... and frankly everyone else posting here has the EXACT SAME PRESUMPTION of moral superiority. They just don't say it explicitly. Probably because they can't actually back it up (and they know it).
First, no **** it’s a message board. We all know it impacts nothing.

Second, you don’t know my world view, you just lump pretty much everyone together here as “not me.”

Third, i know this is a tough question, but how does your world view (bigly moral) impact anything and make you superior to me or others here, in an actual way? You are simply speaking in thoughts and hopes, not in actions. I would say there are quite a few people here with high morality based on actions they take. You may be as well, based on what you do, but your “world view” doesn’t prove your morality.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby tifosi77 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:39 am

Are they arresting asylum seekers or those rejected asylum that then cross illegally?
They are physically preventing people from setting foot on US soil at the ports of entry where they can make the asylum claim.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby tifosi77 » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:39 am

dodint goes to law school and suddenly he's all three- and four-syllable words.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby Guinness » Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:44 am

I immediately regret engaging on the G-man angle.
How noble.

Again, there is NOTHING in the governing document of the US government which requires the US government to allow people to cross it's borders.

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