Making a Murderer Thread

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:02 pm

No. Alive doesnt mean conscious. And stop being a dick.

Troy Loney
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby Troy Loney » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:06 pm

Aside from being brain dead or in a coma, is there an alive state where being burned alive wouldn't wake you up?

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:06 pm

stop being a dick.
And even if he didnt, it's not like the world is any worse for it. The dude wasn't exactly splitting atoms on the weekends.

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:15 pm

Aside from being brain dead or in a coma, is there an alive state where being burned alive wouldn't wake you up?
Yeah i dont know if drugs or whatever would have kept her down

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:15 pm

stop being a dick.
And even if he didnt, it's not like the world is any worse for it. The dude wasn't exactly splitting atoms on the weekends.
You got personal i made it about a guy none of you or i give 2 shits about

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:16 pm ... lawyers/3/
Sheriff Robert Hermann went on record as saying he couldn’t call the documentary a documentary, and told The Wrap that he had finally watched the documentary due to the increased notoriety..."In several areas throughout the film, you can see where they cut the tape and manipulated things. One place real evident is one of the interviews with Steven Avery in episode 5 — if you watch one video, it jumps from 3:20 to 3:21, then to 3:17, then to 3:22 and then to 3:18.”

On Dec. 22, Hermann told HTR News that he can’t call “Making a Murderer” a documentary because “a documentary puts things in chronological order and tells the story as it is … I’ve heard things are skewed. They’ve taken things out of context and taken them out of the order in which they occurred, which can lead people to a different opinion or conclusion.”
i hate to break it to the good sheriff, but that happens in basically every single documentary in existence.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby dodint » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:17 pm

This was on my local news today. I think I still have about 5hrs left in the series.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:17 pm

stop being a dick.
And even if he didnt, it's not like the world is any worse for it. The dude wasn't exactly splitting atoms on the weekends.
You got personal i made it about a guy none of you or i give 2 **** about
i don't understand your issue. your opinion was objectively appalling. if you say something like that, then you should be prepared to be called out on it. what's the problem, exactly?

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby PFiDC » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:26 pm

stop being a dick.
And even if he didnt, it's not like the world is any worse for it. The dude wasn't exactly splitting atoms on the weekends.
You got personal i made it about a guy none of you or i give 2 **** about
i don't understand your issue. your opinion was objectively appalling. if you say something like that, then you should be prepared to be called out on it. what's the problem, exactly?
I gotta side with shmenguin on this one.

The world IS worse for it. Injustice of this magnitude affects everyone. What if it were you this was happening to?

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:26 pm


-the dassey thing is weird. the lack of any physical evidence whatsoever would make it a damn miracle if the story actually played out the way he confessed. so then...if he was confessing, why fabricate the nature of the murder? so no - i don't think he helped kill her. in which case...the kid/guy is looking at 40 years in prison. if he didn't kill her but was involved, then why the hell wouldn't he fess up to those lesser charges? seems like he really had nothing to do with it.

-steve avery's a little more muddy. there doesn't seem to be much question that the local police planted evidence, but at the same time, it's very possible that he killed her. doesn't seem like there was enough evidence to convict. my gut feeling, though, is that he didn't do it. the doc would have you believe the other dassey dimwit or the ex boyfriend were involved, but that could easily have been an injected narrative from the film makers.

-it made me sad how much i disliked the victim's brother throughout the series. i don't know if i would act any different in his shoes, yet he has millions of people thinking he's an a-hole - despite losing his sister in a horrible way, and not actually having any impact on injustice.

overall, i loved it. one of the best things i've ever seen on TV/internet/whatever. i'm sad we didn't get a tidier ending, but those first 9 episodes were masterpieces

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:29 pm

What if it were you this was happening to?
this is where i'm glad i live in an area not populated by a bunch of dimwitted hicks. not that camden county new jersey is perfect, but it more resembles modern civilization and has a significantly higher median IQ (from police to citizens) than the god forsaken inbred hell hole on this show.

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:30 pm

Id rather the justice system fail than a killer be free

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:32 pm

I would feel better about the whole thing if there was a way to also convict those pieces of **** in the police department that planted evidence

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:34 pm

Id rather the justice system fail than a killer be free
unless it's someone you cared about, of course

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:37 pm

Id rather the justice system fail than a killer be free
unless it's someone you cared about, of course
Not if they were a killer

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:39 pm

I am most disturbed by the Dassey trial and aftermath. He obviously had no idea what was going on - even asking the cops if he would make it back to school in time to turn in a project in sixth period. Asking his mom to record Wrestlemania. His own lawyer threw him under the bus to get a conviction on Avery. It's sickening. Piss off the wrong people, and you end up in the crosshairs of a dysfunctional legal system.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby AuthorTony » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:39 pm

Id rather the justice system fail than a killer be free
I really cannot get my head around this comment. Not locking away innocent people is practically one of the tenets of "America". I just can't believe anyone would think it's better for the country, for society and for us as individuals for an innocent person to be imprisoned for a crime they didn't commit, especially since that means the "real" killer is walking the street.

Troy Loney
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby Troy Loney » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:42 pm

Id rather the justice system fail than a killer be free
I really cannot get my head around this comment. Not locking away innocent people is practically one of the tenets of "America". I just can't believe anyone would think it's better for the country, for society and for us as individuals for an innocent person to be imprisoned for a crime they didn't commit, especially since that means the "real" killer is walking the street.
I think Colby is implying that Avery is guilty, and the manufactured evidence was to ensure conviction. Nothing to do with imprisoning innocent people.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:50 pm

Id rather the justice system fail than a killer be free
I really cannot get my head around this comment.
well yeah, because it doesn't make much sense. in one interpretation, when justice does fail, the killer does go free. so there's that.

in the other interpretation, he's saying he doesn't mind corruption if it leads to the right result, which is odd, considering
I would feel better about the whole thing if there was a way to also convict those pieces of **** in the police department that planted evidence

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:43 pm

Troy is right with what he said.

And my priority 1 is locking up killers. Priority 2 is a fair system. Address the killer first and the corrpution second.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby AuthorTony » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:12 pm

Troy is right with what he said.

And my priority 1 is locking up killers. Priority 2 is a fair system. Address the killer first and the corrpution second.
When you come right out and say that, even if he's innocent it's no great loss, it's easy to misconstrue your opinion.

Edit: To add, it's easy to say it's justifiable for police to plant evidence, etc. to get a killer locked away. The rub comes in when the police think they have a guilty person and do everything they can do get them locked away, but they're wrong.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby shmenguin » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:33 pm

Troy is right with what he said.

And my priority 1 is locking up killers. Priority 2 is a fair system. Address the killer first and the corrpution second.
When you come right out and say that, even if he's innocent it's no great loss, it's easy to misconstrue your opinion.

Edit: To add, it's easy to say it's justifiable for police to plant evidence, etc. to get a killer locked away. The rub comes in when the police think they have a guilty person and do everything they can do get them locked away, but they're wrong.
His opinion isn't being misconstrued. It's very clear. It's just that he's provided an additional, unrelated opinion on top of that.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby RoMo21 » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:49 pm

So I guess we should just put anyone accused for murder in jail for life, even when the evidence against that person is very weak and it is obvious a lot of the evidence used in court was planted by the police?

Seems legit.

King Colby
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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby King Colby » Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:20 pm

The non-planted evidence isnt weak, its just that all of it is circumstantial.

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Making a Murderer Thread

Postby RoMo21 » Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:06 pm

The non-planted evidence isnt weak, its just that all of it is circumstantial.
Which evidence wasn't weak?

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