Jagr to CGY

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Tue Oct 01, 2019 6:11 pm

The WHA was a glorified minor league. Should not be considered based on the criteria.

Also, Tony Hand would certainly top that list, right?
I went back to the original article (https://www.idnes.cz/hokej/extraliga/zv ... _hokej_par ) - and I missed that they specifically say performance in "Elite European Leagues" - which is probably the reason Jagr did not get any credit for his 8 goals scored for HC Bolzano, or for his 13(?) goals scored for Kladno when the team was stuck in Czech II League in the last 2 years.

Of course, whether Tom's father (incidentally, mine and my friends' favorite player growing up - because he was the "original mullet" way before Jagr) should get "Elite" credit for his lifetime in Bundesleague is debatable... :)

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:35 pm

Jagr was notably absent at the Philadelphia - Chicago game in Prague. Instead, he went to prove that he decided he'll never be Maria Magdalena - from the first row seat! :)



Then, the next day, like the true creature of the night - he scored 2 goals for Kladno, including GWG! :)

Last edited by Tomas on Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Jagr to CGY

Postby dodint » Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:36 pm

Living his best life.

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Mon Oct 28, 2019 4:51 pm

Medal of Merit (1st Grade, i.e. the highest of three) holder, awarded today by the Czech President Milos Zeman during the Czech Independence Day ceremony:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medal_of_ ... _Republic)



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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Thu Nov 14, 2019 1:07 pm

Jagr: AT A MINIMUM, one more season. :lol:

https://translate.google.com/translate? ... 0000000000

Dickie Dunn
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Jagr to CGY

Postby Dickie Dunn » Thu Nov 14, 2019 6:25 pm

Dude is leading his team in goals. He could easily go till he’s 50.

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:35 pm

Jagr and his Faith {in God}: It's everybody's own decision how to take my words

https://translate.google.com/translate? ... _hokej_par

Jagr and his faith: The decision is up to everyone who takes from my words

In three months he will be 48 years old, but he continues to score goals and remains an unmistakable sports person. Recently, Jaromír Jágr received the second state honor from the president, he sells out his winter shoes and flashy arenas again, for example for the last time on Wednesday in Prague's O2, where his Kladno faced the leading Sparta.

People have been playing hockey for nearly thirty years because of it, and maybe one more decade. Five years ago, when Jaromír Jágr spoke about wanting to play hockey under fifty, it sounded like a joke. Now he is close, so he raised the line: “I will play in sixty. People told me to finish at thirty, but who will determine when it's early and when is it late? Who can guess what the future will be? ”

What drives him forward? And what is the role of faith in this? Jagr also speaks about this in an interview for MF DNES and iDNES.cz, whose editors voted him the best extraleague player of the month of October.

You have had two extra-league months. Did they surprise you with something?
Nothing could surprise me because I didn't know what to expect. But I don't want to make any big conclusions because only one-third is played. And now the fatigue, the training of the players and how wide the cadre has played will play a role. That's our problem. We don't even put four lines together, especially when someone gets hurt in training. It is then hard to find someone quickly, because you have to be sure that he will help you to be good in the cabin, and the next thing is what happens to him when you get back. No one's going to make a patch for us.

So is it still difficult for you to combine the role of player and owner?
Being a player is the lighter part. "Just" you're on the ice. There is only wrong when you get out of it - because of an injury or a break. I'm going for inertia, but once I stop, it's hardest to get back into it. Older people understand me - they know there's no problem doing anything, but it's terrible to get used to, and it doesn't matter if it's three days or a year. The body forgets very quickly.

What about the managerial work?
We help each other in the club. It is up to me to make the final decision. Often everyone perceives it differently, but I am not the kind of person who sees a greener grass at a neighbor than I have. On the contrary, I am a person who knows that if the grass is not green in July, it can be nicely colored two months later. Patience is important, just the right measure. The advantage is I'm on the ice with the guys. If somebody fails because he is unlucky or doesn't stick to it, then I don't mind. As a player, I just know if anyone has the punch or ****. The owner, manager of the office can fool the player, but I know it at every step.

You recently said after one game that physically players are quite similar, but that you are training psychic strength where others have reserves. Is it about faith?
Yes, it's all about faith. But it is very difficult to talk about these things in a state like the Czech Republic, where there are not so many believers. When I tell an unbelieving person or someone who has no experience with it, when I go to church I feel thirty percent stronger, he laughs at me. But I don't care because that's the water on my mill. I do not convince anyone of faith, I just say my experiences and things that I have experienced. And I have another big advantage in training.

I can feel every little thing. That's why I don't have to train as much, because after every three minutes I know if it's good for my body.

Do you know the minimum differences?
Yes. And when it's there, I know it's the right way because I feel the change. Others might not. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever had in my life. That I got a response right away. And it is, of course, associated with mental power. The most important thing is that the mental power manifests itself into the physical one. When you do the sport at the maximum level, every percent or two or three more is known. If you sit in the office, you won't feel it because you don't go to your physical maximum. In sports, yes. That's why I don't explain much to anyone. I don't even say I believe in God. Believing means maybe ... But I know.

But even an atheistic Czech Republic may ask: He will be 48, he still rolls, so if there is something about the faith.
And maybe that's the only reason I play. Maybe hockey is my mission to show that there's something about it.

Do you see hockey as a gift?
The greatest gift is my recognition of any change. Of course, it also has a negative impact that if I cut the stick a millimeter differently, I know it. If I take other skates, I'm done because my body is thinking about it. Someone else who doesn't feel the change just plays and doesn't have to think about it. So the gift hinders me in some ways.

How much do fans charge you? Jagr sells out the arenas again.
I greatly appreciate it and take it as a bonus to my mission. But I feel that people are coming to pay homage to me now. By arriving, they show respect for me. I don't believe they come because miracles are waiting for me. That's no longer possible. But again, I believe in myself that if I feel good, I will play my own. But not every day. In my years, it is necessary for a constellation of everything to come out.

Is it binding? I remember the first NHL lockout when you didn't feel fit, but when you heard it was a sold out winter because of you, you went out of bed for a match.
But at that time I was one of the best players in the world. I had the responsibility that people said, "I'm going to see one of the best." Now they can't look at him, now they're looking at someone who was good and still plays in his years. The situation is different, but something is the same - I'm going to turn in the best performance again.

But it seems to me that you are more open to people. You answer hours on Instagram, you are going to talk show.
I never had a problem with that, but when I played abroad, I focused on other things, I had different priorities, there was a time shift in the NHL, and even such things were not fashionable. The trend is shifting and I respond. Some people are surprised, but I never mind "opening" it.

Does your energy give you feedback from people about your opinions?
I am not a person who will force someone else to press on him. The decision is up to everyone who takes from my words. But again, I'm never talking about things I haven't tried on myself. If I hadn't felt things about faith or exercise myself and didn't know they were working for me, I wouldn't publicly present it. I understand that each body is unique, different, but I do not believe that I am a special person to feel something for me and not others. The point is, their body is not yet set up to be open to those things.

I agree that praying, praying, believing is not about giving God more. No! God is a constant, maximum love. That you feel it means that you open yourself to flow into you. If it doesn't flow, it's your fault. Like when your tap is closed and you scream that your water is not flowing, but you do. There is no mistake that there is no water, but that you do not have an open tap. Just turn it at any time. God's power is constant, it is a fixed star. Perhaps you understand me.

I try to.
It's the same as the sun. It still shines with relatively the same force. But when you hide in your bunker all your life, you can't be surprised that someone is tanned and you don't.

What drives you forward in hockey?
Love for the sport. Connectivity with people. And that as soon as I stop, I feel discontent and pain in my body. And of course I don't like that. But I ask: Why should we stop moving? After all, everything in the world is spinning, moving, only we think that if we stop and rest, it will benefit us. Are we any special beings? No, we also have to move, because of that we were created.

But you also have a morning when you don't want to, right?
Yes, but I know it hurts me. Why do I know in advance that I will pay for it? Worst of all, you are lazy, then it will force you to work anyway and it takes you two or three days to get where you were before. That's crazy, because you're actually just killing time. If the animals stopped, she would starve. They are driven by fear for life, they cannot just reach out because someone would sniff them out. We have it very simple against them. We have a refrigerator, which is the greatest support of laziness.

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:02 pm

Do you feel hungry???? :lol:


(Expiration date: 03/13/1998)

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Wed Dec 04, 2019 12:30 pm

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:18 pm

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Gaucho » Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:23 pm

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:08 am

It should be added that Jagr's Kladno (3rd from the last) played league-leading Sparta Prague (coached by ex-NHL star Uwe Krupp). It was an away game for Kladno - and yet they won 8:4.

Jagr's 2 goals after 1:48 mark (1st and 3rd goal in the 3rd period):

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Gaucho » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:13 am

He can still rip it.

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Jagr to CGY

Postby nocera » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:43 am

Those ads are intense.

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Jagr to CGY

Postby mikey » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:50 am

We do need forward help...

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Jagr to CGY

Postby meow » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:32 pm

Don’t tease me with that

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:42 am

Since yesterday, only Jagr in sight for Ovechkin among all-time European goal scorers:

1. * Jaromír Jágr - 766

2. * Alexandr Ovečkin - 686

3. * Teemu Selänne - 684

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:47 pm

Golden (1/4 ounce): 200 pieces for CZK 13,450 each
Silver (1 ounce): 500 pieces for CZK 1,650 each





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Jagr to CGY

Postby Jim » Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:55 pm

"golden" ?

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Wed Feb 12, 2020 4:36 pm

Jagr's last goal as a 47-years old (turns 48 on Saturday). Starts at 5:48


So far 25 points (13+12) in 30 games this year. But the team he owns and plays for lost their 8th straight game, and now they are only 4 points (in a 3-point system) away from the last place (which guarantees relegation this year) with 8 games to go in the regular season.

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:46 am


(A) Cliche soap opera or (B) Czech Extraleague:

X was dead to him. Then the company he had owned was teetering on the brink of collapse. So he hired X to save his company.

B is the answer!

"the brink of collapse" = HC Kladno lost 9 straight, and now is tied for the lowest point total (and the worse H2H against the 2 other teams) with 6 games to go in the regular season. The last team will be relegated, which, in case of HC Kladno would mean huge troubles.

"X" = ex-NHLer Jiri Tlusty, newly hired assistant Head Coach of HC Kladno

"dead to him" = "Tlusty made an idiot out of Jagr in front of the whole National Team!"
Enjoy! :twisted:
https://translate.google.com/translate? ... dy-s-innou
https://translate.google.com/translate? ... -innu.html


Interestingly, even though Jagr has a statistically good season, he has become increasingly unpopular among fans this year. The reason is that in the middle of the season, Jagr and a few other managers of weaker Extraleague teams tried to change the Extraleague rules and wanted to assure than no team will be relegated (basically, turning the Extraleague into a "closed" league). Fans and player unions majorly protested, most of the teams in favor silently backed out, and Jagr + one other manager -another Penguin Jiri Slegr - became the only two hated faces of the whole attempt.

You can only imagine the volume of Internet schadenfreude from fans lauging at the fact that Jagr's Kladno and Slegr's Litvinov are now two of the three teams tied at the bottom of the league standing, making it quite likely that one of those 2 teams will be sent packing...

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:40 pm

Not even hiring the "bro code breaker" helped Jagr's team. Today, Kladno lost their 10th straight game - a key home matchup against HC Pardubice 2:5 (despite Jagr scoring one of Kladno's goals) . Now they are dead last with only 5 games to go in the regular season. It looks very likely that Jagr's first full Extraleague season after retirement from the NHL will end in team's relegation.

11. HC Vítkovice Ridera 48 13 8 4 23 122:161 59
12. HC Dynamo Pardubice 47 13 3 9 22 111:151 54
13. HC Verva Litvínov 46 13 3 8 22 131:157 53
14. Rytíři Kladno 47 13 3 6 25 114:158 51

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Jagr to CGY

Postby mikey » Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:55 pm

That's too bad...will keep playing with that team next year, ya think?

Also, just out of sheer morbid curiosity, how do you pronounce their team name...? There's a lot of stuff going on above those letters...

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Mon Feb 24, 2020 11:39 am

That's too bad...will keep playing with that team next year, ya think?

Also, just out of sheer morbid curiosity, how do you pronounce their team name...? There's a lot of stuff going on above those letters...
I am pretty sure that if Kladno stays in the league, he will play one more season. If they get relegated, I think we may see some sad ending. Either he will retire straight, or he will sign with some other team and let his age show. (I obviously don't get to see any Kladno games, but it seems to me that the overall sentiment is that Jagr is very slow, and the respectable point total he has collected this season is at least in part due to Jagr forcing himself on the team's first line, first PP unit, etc. - after all, he owns the team. It is unlikely he would have that much leverage if he were "just a player", especially on a better team than Kladno.)

Ultimately I am quite curious about what will happen with Jagr after he retires, because my impression is that 99.99% of his whole life revolves around playing hockey, and he is not fit for a "normal life" (which, by the way, he will start at the ripe age of 48).

Yesterday was another disappointment for Kladno. They lead in Pilsen (team owned by Martin Straka) 5:4 with 12 minutes to go - and lost 8:5, their 11th straight game. Their pretty much only chance is go get 4 more points than HC Pardubice in the last 4 games (they are 3 points behind, but worse H2H record).

11. Vítkovice 48 13 8 4 23 122:161 59
12. Litvínov 47 14 3 8 22 137:161 56
13. Pardubice 48 13 3 9 23 112:155 54
14. Kladno 48 13 3 6 26 119:166 51

Oh, and there is no way I can describe how to pronounce "Rytíři" (="Knights), but this rapper says that word multiple times during the -official(?!) :lol: - Kladno fight song/anthem

(basically it should be something similar to Ryh-tiee-rzhy)

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Jagr to CGY

Postby Tomas » Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:58 pm

Who would have guessed - after losing 11 straight games, Kladno finally wins (beating Sparta Prague 4:2). And, who scored the GWG?

This guy! :)

https://tv.isport.blesk.cz/video/620819 ... o-3-2.html

11. Vítkovice 48 13 8 4 23 122:161 59
12. Litvínov 48 14 3 8 23 139:164 56
13. Pardubice 48 13 3 9 23 112:155 54
14. Kladno 49 14 3 6 26 123:168 54

52 games in the regular season. The last gets relegated.

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