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Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 2:23 pm
by MWB
My first marriage we just combined everyone. Second marriage we had separate accounts and a shared account for household expenses. For me, that made things more difficult because I was the one in charge of paying the bills and she’d always forget to put her portion into the shared account or would put the wrong amount in. I know everyone just has to do what’s best for their relationship but I prefer to just share an account and not really worry about who spends what on stuff (assuming there’s good communication).

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 2:39 pm
by count2infinity
“Go. Have fun with your friends” would be my reaction.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:11 pm
by NTP66
My wife and I do split up the bills, and it mostly works out to be even. She pays the electric (no more electric bill, though...), Target, and a few others, while I pay for water, cell, and some others. We do split the bigger expenses right down the middle - propane, vacations, etc. I think most of that is pretty normal.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:32 pm
by Pavel Bure
Seems to me like one could get the same experience by going to a sauna all day while using $20 bills as fuel to keep the fire going. Oh, and take a public bus to and from the sauna and ask the person behind you to kick the back of your seat. Bonus points if someone on the bus gets into a fistfight or gives you the 'rona.
Somehow I don’t think you’re the type of person that desires the company of a significant other but I feel somewhat similar to your take. We all have fun in our own ways.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:49 pm
by mikey
I like how there's an ask for advice and then irrelevant disqualifiers for the advice he didn't want haha

Shyster comments about his apparent dislike of Disney; response: "you're not one that would like to spend time with a significant other"

It's like, yeah, you're not going on this trip either, PB...

And then for me, that I'm not married long enough to qualify, as if that has any bearing on your "this seems like a silly way to spend money" stance :lol:


The next time meow asks us how much he should tip a dog groomer, I hope he disqualifies anyone who has fish...

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:53 pm
by CBear3
We have one account, there were too many times we couldn't cover the necessities when we tried separate accounts.

As for Epcot, that's a lot in one day. I can't imagine doing it just to do it, but maybe for one of their festivals. And having a girls night/day is a good idea to keep friendships strong, especially when the rat race of kids gets rough. I would however feel like that's a lot of money/stress to hang out with the girls and would worry about what joint activity we're going to have to axe when there's not enough money in her account or our account or how she'll be no help around the house after she gets back for two days because she's drained, etc.

Its not an "I'm vetoing that" thing, its just a second look at the overall picture of it not just effecting her.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:04 pm
by DigitalGypsy66
One day in Epcot is a lot and with the unpredictability with weather - for flights and attractions closures - it might not be great idea.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:05 pm
by RonnieFranchise
So the cost of this is probably sub $1000 I am guessing? $500 for the airfare, $100 to get to the park and back, $100 for the park ticket, $200 for meals if they go all out, $100 for random other stuff? Not a trip my wife would do but seems fairly harmless. Seems like a lot of effort for a day at EPCOT of all places but to each their own.

I guess more over I'd look at it as an opportunity to do what the hell I want for a day and bank it for something I may want to do with my buddies, or Hell even alone, in the future. Hey honey you remember that trip you took with your girlfriends? My football team hasn't made the playoffs in forever and I want to go. TIcket, drive and hotel room should be about the same. Or something along those lines.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:08 pm
by nocera
I say go all out, book a VIP experience (~$3500). They would really get the most of their one day trip with that. If you're going to do it, do it in style.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:12 pm
by skullman80
I think it also comes down to how comfortable you are with money overall and the stress that comes with that.

If we were tight on money and were living paycheck to paycheck we would probably go about things a bit differently. We are very lucky to not have to live that way right now so neither us of really feel the need to clear something with the other especially if its out of our personal accounts.

If we were taking money out of the "house" account or saving for something there would be a discussion before doing so. That would also normally come with a much larger output of money (several thousand dollars).

On the other hand if I want to go spend 2k on a new tv and I'm paying for it out of my personal account or vice versa if my wife was doing the same for something she wanted....there is really nothing to discuss. It would be more of a hey honey I just ordered a new tv it will be here in two days sort of thing. We are both adults no need to check in on stuff like that.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:34 pm
by count2infinity
I suppose I’m not clear on what’s really being asked. I am already under the assumption that the cost of said trip and personal finances have been discussed and not found to be a deal breaker. If they are, then have that discussion. If they’re not, what’s the sticking point?

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 4:55 pm
by nocera
That was my question too. I assume it's just his wife asking his opinion and not his permission.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 5:13 pm
by meow
I think PB’s question was “Is this weird to do?”

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 5:16 pm
by nocera
In that case, a friend of mine just did it a few months ago. Pittsburgh > EPCOT > back to Pittsburgh in a day. I feel like it's a fairly popular trend among the WDW diehards.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 5:20 pm
by shafnutz05
One day in Epcot is a lot and with the unpredictability with weather - for flights and attractions closures - it might not be great idea.
Yeah that was my thought... You need a lot of things to break in your direction to pull it off. Usually those early morning flights are much safer though... I always fly out at 6am to avoid the inevitable delays in the afternoon/evening.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 5:22 pm
by Pavel Bure
I like how there's an ask for advice and then irrelevant disqualifiers for the advice he didn't want haha

Shyster comments about his apparent dislike of Disney; response: "you're not one that would like to spend time with a significant other"

It's like, yeah, you're not going on this trip either, PB...

And then for me, that I'm not married long enough to qualify, as if that has any bearing on your "this seems like a silly way to spend money" stance :lol:


The next time meow asks us how much he should tip a dog groomer, I hope he disqualifies anyone who has fish...
I actually took your advice. The “her money” comment is what stuck out because my wife and I say “our money” because we’re married lol. I value your input Mikey, no worries.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 5:27 pm
by Pavel Bure
I think PB’s question was “Is this weird to do?”
Oh for sure, knee jerk was “WTF, that’s silly, why would we do that?” Flights are mega cheap on Spirit. Entrance is $40 for the package they’re looking at. All together it’s probably going to be about $500 for flights, entrance, spending. I personally still think it’s stupid BUT seeing it’s more normal than I thought and in perspective of what she and her friends enjoy, it’s not as big of a deal.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:17 pm
by tifosi77
Initially I thought this was a question about money, but now I get that you just don't trust your wife on a girls trip.


Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:26 pm
by meow
is tif insinuating that PB’s lady is going to **** mickey mouse?

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:38 pm
by Shyster
Shyster comments about his apparent dislike of Disney; response: "you're not one that would like to spend time with a significant other"

I wouldn't say I dislike Disney World. My view is that's a lot of expense and aggravation for a one-day thing. But if that's someone's thing, then go for it.

My interest in vacation destinations is basically directly proportional to the interesting restaurants/cuisines that I could sample when I'm there. Like I'd much rather do a one-day trip to Miami to get lunch and dinner at authentic Cuban restaurants than walk around Epcot for a day.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:53 pm
by Pavel Bure
Initially I thought this was a question about money, but now I get that you just don't trust your wife on a girls trip.

Totally lol. More like a day trip that involves an airplane wasn’t anything I ever considered before. It’s a thing that people do though. I think I’m just old.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 6:53 pm
by nocera
You seem to be forgetting that one trip to EPCOT means a trip to Mexico, Norway, China, Japan, Germany, Italy, Canada, Morocco, France, and the UK.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 7:53 pm
by count2infinity
I think it’s weird and I would never attempt it myself.

It’s also weird to tell someone they shouldn’t do it without a good reason.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 8:01 pm
by NTP66
One day… can I just stay on Soarin’ the entire time? **** love that ride.

Randomness Dos

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 8:37 pm
by blackjack68
Okay, so I’m gathering my initial reaction of “that’s a silly way to spend money.” Is somewhat off base. Just wanted to get a feel on how other people would react.
It is indeed a silly and exhausting way to spend money and a day but also, “have a great time honey. Bring me a souvenir.”

Happily married 27 years and frequently take trips without each (as well as with each other.)