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Postby dodint » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:02 pm

My dislike of Baldwin as an actor or even a person doesn't alter my statements about how he contributed to this incident.
Funny thing is I don't even follow his politics. He is just an awful person generally which makes his culpability here completely unsurprising. If this was, say, Chris Pratt Inwould demand the same accountability. But it's not Pratt, it's Baldwin, because of course it is. One of the most self-centered egos on the planet didn't take basic precautions to not kill someone they planned to point a gun at. Surprise, surprise.

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Postby dodint » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:05 pm

But the blame isn’t being put on him for hiring inexperienced people or creating an unsafe set. It’s on him because he’s the “trigger-puller” which is dumb. Charlton **** Heston would’ve pulled that trigger after the AD yelled cold gun.
Yes, the memes are coarse, stupid, and low intelligence.
The adults are hoping he pays because of his broader position. It will probably happen in a civil suit, unfortunately.

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Postby faftorial » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:06 pm

I'm not a Baldwin fan but I did enjoy his lampooning of Trump. You are ignoring the fact that this is all play and the people responsible to do their job failed. I do think he deserves criticism as a producer for allowing unqualified people to work on the production.

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Postby nocera » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:08 pm

One of the most self-centered egos on the planet didn't take basic precautions to not kill someone they planned to point a gun at. Surprise, surprise.
But that’s not how sets have ever worked. The actor is handed a gun, usually by the armorer and told its clear. It’s not the actors job to clear the gun because of course it’s not. That’s why sets have professionals just to handle the guns. This set **** up in a number of ways but the actor trusting that a prop he’s told is cold is not one of them.

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Postby dodint » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:13 pm

I do think he deserves criticism as a producer for allowing unqualified people to work on the production.
This is really all I am saying. I am just choosing to be mean about it. It doesn't help my message but I don't care. It will likely be the worst thing that happens to Baldwin in all this so I am going to mention it every time it comes up.

Like how Polanski raped that child, you know?

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Politics And Current Events

Postby shafnutz05 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:23 pm

It sounds like this woman is an incompetent buffoon and is only getting jobs because of her father and being a woman in a male dominated profession

https://nypost.com/2021/10/23/rust-armo ... ild-actor/

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Postby Shyster » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:50 pm

Sure. "It's a movie!" There's no need to adhere to fundamental gun-safety rules. Pfffft. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? It's not like anyone is going to die or anything like that.

Saying "It's a movie!" and therefore no one needs to follow fundamental gun-safety rules is like saying "It's a movie!" and therefore the drivers of any vehicles being used in the movie don't need to wear seat belts and can drive drunk.

Further, the "don't point guns at human beings" is part of the movie culture. As explained by this interview:
The Hollywood Reporter spoke to veteran Hollywood munitions experts about on-set safety, including Bryan W. Carpenter, an armor and weapons master who has been working in the space for 30 years. The tactical trainer says there are fundamental safety rules you never breach when using guns for film and TV productions, guidelines that also translate to real life.

“Number one, always treat all weapons as if they are loaded — don’t treat them as props,” explains Carpenter, who has worked on such gun-heavy productions as Queen of the South, Power, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, NCIS: New Orleans and Cloak & Dagger in addition to serving for 11 years as a professional instructor training agencies and stunt performers in how to handle firearms. “Number two, never have your finger on the trigger or pull the trigger until you’re ready to discharge the weapon. Number three, never point the weapon at anything that can be harmed or injured. And number four, always be aware of what’s in front, behind and on all sides of what you’re aiming for.”

Carpenter believes that if Nos. 1 and 3 had been followed on the New Mexico set of the indie Western Rust, “no one would’ve gotten hurt.”

A search warrant affidavit, first reported by the Santa Fe Reporter, provides an early sketch of what may have occurred Thursday at Bonanza Creek Ranch outside Santa Fe. According to the document, the armorer had laid out three prop guns on a rolling cart, and the assistant director handed one of them to Baldwin, announcing that it was a “cold gun,” meaning it was believed to contain no live ammunition. But, according to the affidavit, the gun was loaded with live rounds, and when Baldwin pulled the trigger, Hutchins was struck and killed. Director Joel Souza, who was standing behind the cinematographer, was wounded.

The munitions expert, Carpenter, who was not part of the Rust production, says pointing a weapon directly at the camera or at individuals is something one should never do. “You never aim a weapon directly at anyone, period.”

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Postby nocera » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:01 pm

I have two friends who are DPs, two that are directors, and one that is a producer. They have all worked on incredibly popular projects that most everybody here has seen. The DPs have all been behind the camera of a shot where a gun is pointed straight at them. I’m sure that dude wants to follow those rules but the unfortunate truth is they are rarely followed. They absolutely should be. And they should use remote operators when the gun is pointed at the camera. A good film set has redundancies in place so an accident like this can’t happen. This wasn’t a good film set. Blame Baldwin for that since he’s a producer. Blame the director since ultimately he’s in charge of the set. Definitely blame the AD for saying it’s a cold gun when obviously it wasn’t. Definitely blame the armorer for allowing a gun that has misfired twice to still be used and for somehow allowing live rounds on set. Don’t blame the actor for following the protocol that the actors have always followed.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby crusherstasiak » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:05 pm

Like how Polanski raped that child, you know?
which is why me and the mrs wont watch anything johnny depp is in

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Postby dodint » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:21 pm

Got lucky on the Wonka reboot, there.

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Postby tifosi77 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:51 pm

I'm shocked those people would be hired again after the first time.
There are educatonal and licensure/certification requirements to be an armorer. You don't just end up there (normally) by responding to an Indeed listing. Apparently this person satisfied none of those requirements, and was more of an 'armorer' than an Armorer/Weapons Master.

This is utterly insane that 2 people with those track records ended up on the same set handling firearms.

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Postby tifosi77 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:55 pm

One of the most self-centered egos on the planet didn't take basic precautions to not kill someone they planned to point a gun at. Surprise, surprise.
But that’s not how sets have ever worked. The actor is handed a gun, usually by the armorer and told its clear. It’s not the actors job to clear the gun because of course it’s not. That’s why sets have professionals just to handle the guns. This set **** up in a number of ways but the actor trusting that a prop he’s told is cold is not one of them.
It is common for the actor to visually inspect the weapon and confirm its status before accepting it on set, but that's more for their own peace of mind than it is for crew safety.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:43 am

Before I say this, let me just say that I have done zero reading on the matter beyond just what is posted here, mostly because Idgaf. But…. I’m Pretty sure the truth is in a middle ground between this is all Alec Baldwin’s fault and none of this is Alec Baldwin’s fault. But then again, this is America. No grey. Only black and white.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby shafnutz05 » Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:45 am

Before I say this, let me just say that I have done zero reading on the matter beyond just what is posted here, mostly because Idgaf. But…. I’m Pretty sure the truth is in a middle ground between this is all Alec Baldwin’s fault and none of this is Alec Baldwin’s fault. But then again, this is America. No grey. Only black and white.
This is a mentally exhausting society to live in.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby NTP66 » Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:46 am

Nah, it's probably just easier to blame it all on Baldwin.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby shmenguin » Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:53 am

“It’s a movie” means that absolutely nothing you’re saying has anything to do with his stance on America’s ongoing crisis with guns and your attempt at calling him out as some sort of hypocrite is a drummed up fantasy based on hurt feelings about your favorite thing being threatened.

It seems appropriate to give him some degree of blame for not taking firearms on set seriously. Maybe a lot of blame. Maybe a little blame. We’ll see. But you’re trying to create connective tissues between this incident and his personal feelings on things like an autistic monster being a trained assassin by his rube mother before he goes and plows down a bunch of kindergartners, for example. But it does seem like you’ve realized how ridiculous that was and have since backed off. Congrats on re-entering earths orbit.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby meow » Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:53 am

This whole Baldwin discussion is weird. There are a dozen or more people that have some fault here, with Baldwin shouldering the most of any individual. You know. Because he **** killed someone.

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Postby meow » Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:55 am

Before I say this, let me just say that I have done zero reading on the matter beyond just what is posted here, mostly because Idgaf. But…. I’m Pretty sure the truth is in a middle ground between this is all Alec Baldwin’s fault and none of this is Alec Baldwin’s fault. But then again, this is America. No grey. Only black and white.
This is a mentally exhausting society to live in.
I’ve been having this very same discussion at work. We are asked to care about too many things. Can we go back to only caring about not nuking the whales?

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Postby Viva la Ben » Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:59 am

This is a bit of one note outrage considering how many other things there are to be outraged about.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:28 am

This is a bit of one note outrage considering how many other things there are to be outraged about.
Well yeah... the discussion is largely driven by Shyster, a self proclaimed single issue voter. If guns are the one and only reason why you vote for a person, then of course you're going to be interested in a story like this.

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Postby Viva la Ben » Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:29 am

This is a mentally exhausting society to live in.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:37 am

Shad's boy, Milo Yiannopoulos is coming to Penn State...

https://news.psu.edu/story/673978/2021/ ... s-and-tour

The tour is apparently called "Pray the Gay Away". I agree with the statement at the end of the press release above...
We hope instead that students and other members of our community will avoid being baited into reacting — as Yiannopoulos wishes. Doing otherwise will only ensure the national attention a provocateur craves and upon which his brand of hate is fueled and spread. Instead, if you oppose bigotry, misogyny, transphobia, and anyone who is determined to make their living by dividing us, make that opposition known by uniting against Yiannopoulos in the most effective way possible — by ignoring him. Commit yourself instead to expressing care and support for those who are the object of his hate. Unify as an empathetic, compassionate and thoughtful university community that stands as one, purposeful in its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, and in its determination to silence hatemongers by turning our backs on them and denying the attention they seek.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:24 am

This is a mentally exhausting society to live in.
Social media - in nearly all forms - is a menace. No way this would've been even an issue or mentioned in 1991 or 2001. It IS exhausting.

Oh, and **** the Braves. **** the Astros as well.

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Postby NTP66 » Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:26 am

I'll go one step further - **** baseball.

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Postby MalkinIsMyHomeboy » Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:29 am

**** NTP66

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