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Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:41 pm
by Freddy Rumsen
why is Lincoln Project still a thing?
Grifters gotta grift.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:43 pm
by tifosi77
Re people 'pretending' to believe in the Big Lie

Why? To what point and purpose do you put on a public face that you believe the lie if the central tenet of the lie is not an actual thing that moves the needle amongst your electorate? It's all well and good if you think you're heading off a primary challenge, but a primary challenge from a crazy person is only a threat if that person cultivates a significant following vested in their crazy.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:00 pm
by shmenguin
They need more money to groom sexual predators evidently.
Handled the fallout better than the Catholic Church, at least.

The LP being opportunistic low character charlatans doesn't matter. Any organization has skeletons in its closet. It's a separate consideration from the service they provide. They make media collateral that's better than home grown stuff from Dems - which makes them useful idiots. These ads, though, they're just jerk off material for people who already agree with the premise. 2020 showed that TV ads don't really move the needle anymore. So i dunno...maybe they have basically no value. But whatever. i liked the commercial.
Why would I care about a dig at the Catholic Church?
Not a dig - I understand you don’t roll with that crew. Just another example of icky institutions.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:12 pm
by shmenguin
Re people 'pretending' to believe in the Big Lie

Why? To what point and purpose do you put on a public face that you believe the lie if the central tenet of the lie is not an actual thing that moves the needle amongst your electorate? It's all well and good if you think you're heading off a primary challenge, but a primary challenge from a crazy person is only a threat if that person cultivates a significant following vested in their crazy.
In 2017, if you asked a far left liberal if they thought Russians directly hacked voting machines, they might have been like “Maaaaaybe but nah”. But if Hillary started lying about it, then I think in certain settings that liberal would bandwagon onto a different message like “yeah that totally happened. Look how much of an idiot Trump is. No way he won”.

But in the end, there’s this blended yes/no duality at play where it goes back and forth between reality and conspiracy. I think maybe that’s what’s happening. Aspirational thinking that’s being pumped up by Fox News bandwagoning.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:13 pm
by MalkinIsMyHomeboy
the LP is the one person who had some really funny zingers a few years ago but still make the same kind of jokes. I just don't see the point of them. Anti-trumpers already agree with them and trumpers already disagree with them. It's masturbatory, which is annoying

include the sexual deviancy aspect and I'm ready for them to go away

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:30 pm
by Troy Loney
Re people 'pretending' to believe in the Big Lie

Why? To what point and purpose do you put on a public face that you believe the lie if the central tenet of the lie is not an actual thing that moves the needle amongst your electorate? It's all well and good if you think you're heading off a primary challenge, but a primary challenge from a crazy person is only a threat if that person cultivates a significant following vested in their crazy.
There's no punishment for toeing the Donald Trump line of the party. The only GOP folks that face backlash are the ones that side with democrats or the media. The pretenders are making the calculation that their political viability remains in staying in the good graces with the chuds. The NANs and Colby's of the world of the "don't care" aren't engaged, and as advertised, don't care (enough to engage) whether their GOP candidate is a hooting maga chud or a Mitt Romney.

So, this is why I think the folks that don't care should care, go vote in the primary and make the politicians accountable the sensible voters and not the hooting maga chuds.

And if your reason is "doesn't matter", they'll still lose, then that contradicts the argument that the chuds are a minority.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:51 pm
by NAN ... rial-board

This is the kind of stuff that gets stupid. The dude put up 1 finger after his first win, 2 after his second, and 3 after his third, but the way he put up the 3 was considered a signal of white supremacy and now people are going after him.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 1:53 pm
by count2infinity
"mass hysteria"... :lol:

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:05 pm
by MalkinIsMyHomeboy
they didn't include a single social media post of someone being upset as "evidence" of mass hysteria. that's one of the worst articles I've ever read

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:13 pm
by MR25
Not only would I not have known about it if NAN hadn't posted it, I would not have even heard of it if Fox News wasn't trying to stir up some ****.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:15 pm
by faftorial
NAN seemed hysterical when he posted about it.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:20 pm
by King Colby
Re people 'pretending' to believe in the Big Lie

Why? To what point and purpose do you put on a public face that you believe the lie if the central tenet of the lie is not an actual thing that moves the needle amongst your electorate? It's all well and good if you think you're heading off a primary challenge, but a primary challenge from a crazy person is only a threat if that person cultivates a significant following vested in their crazy.
There's no punishment for toeing the Donald Trump line of the party. The only GOP folks that face backlash are the ones that side with democrats or the media. The pretenders are making the calculation that their political viability remains in staying in the good graces with the chuds. The NANs and Colby's of the world of the "don't care" aren't engaged, and as advertised, don't care (enough to engage) whether their GOP candidate is a hooting maga chud or a Mitt Romney.

So, this is why I think the folks that don't care should care, go vote in the primary and make the politicians accountable the sensible voters and not the hooting maga chuds.

And if your reason is "doesn't matter", they'll still lose, then that contradicts the argument that the chuds are a minority.
Depends on what qualifies as "don't care"

I dont care enough to go be a political advocate and try and change the direction of the party (beyond my vote). Mainly because idgaf about the party.

But if someone is blabbing about the big steal in front of me and I felt like arguing I'd probably put them in their place.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:22 pm
by Troy Loney

Depends on what qualifies as "don't care"

I dont care enough to go be a political advocate and try and change the direction of the party (beyond my vote). Mainly because idgaf about the party.

But if someone is blabbing about the big steal in front of me and I felt like arguing I'd probably put them in their place.
Voting in the primary is the extent of activism that I am talking about. I hope you don't think this means I think you should go around arguing with people.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:45 pm
by NAN
they didn't include a single social media post of someone being upset as "evidence" of mass hysteria. that's one of the worst articles I've ever read ... 88c1944be1 ... ntroversy/

For you guys getting your panties in a bunch over fox news, here are other links so with a little more flavor.

I'm not hysterical over it, but I do think it's stupid and feel bad for the guy having to go out and apologize over stupid crap.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:51 pm
by count2infinity
Our panties are in a twist?

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:51 pm
by shmenguin
everyone here thinks the jeopardy thing is stupid.

related point...if it wasn't obvious, shaf, NAN and KC are not considered MAGA mutants by people here (I don't think). as abhorrent as i find your political and social beliefs, you aren't in the same category as the median GOP voter.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:00 pm
by shmenguin
Reminder that Cheney supports pressuring foreign allies to dig up political dirt on your enemies, using bribery as the vehicle. Also didn’t have anything to say as 500k people died because of the candidate she supported until it was her own life that was put into danger.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:09 pm
by King Colby
everyone here thinks the jeopardy thing is stupid.

related point...if it wasn't obvious, shaf, NAN and KC are not considered MAGA mutants by people here (I don't think). as abhorrent as i find your political and social beliefs, you aren't in the same category as the median GOP voter.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:13 pm
by tifosi77
Re people 'pretending' to believe in the Big Lie

Why? To what point and purpose do you put on a public face that you believe the lie if the central tenet of the lie is not an actual thing that moves the needle amongst your electorate? It's all well and good if you think you're heading off a primary challenge, but a primary challenge from a crazy person is only a threat if that person cultivates a significant following vested in their crazy.
There's no punishment for toeing the Donald Trump line of the party. The only GOP folks that face backlash are the ones that side with democrats or the media. The pretenders are making the calculation that their political viability remains in staying in the good graces with the chuds. The NANs and Colby's of the world of the "don't care" aren't engaged, and as advertised, don't care (enough to engage) whether their GOP candidate is a hooting maga chud or a Mitt Romney.

So, this is why I think the folks that don't care should care, go vote in the primary and make the politicians accountable the sensible voters and not the hooting maga chuds.

And if your reason is "doesn't matter", they'll still lose, then that contradicts the argument that the chuds are a minority.
This is all kind of my point in framing the question. The only reason for 'pretending' to believe the Big Lie, to perpetuate it, is because the consequence for not doing so is greater than that for honesty. That imbalance doesn't exist in a world where the NANs and KCs are representative of anything like a substantial percentage of Republicans in 2021.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:21 pm
by NAN
everyone here thinks the jeopardy thing is stupid.

related point...if it wasn't obvious, shaf, NAN and KC are not considered MAGA mutants by people here (I don't think). as abhorrent as i find your political and social beliefs, you aren't in the same category as the median GOP voter.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:39 pm
by King Colby
I think congressfolk perpetuate the bogus election claims for two reasons.

#1 it gets their name in the news and allows them to build a brand. No publicity is bad publicity

#2 the Trump GOP makes it so you're either with them or against them, and the only people with the balls to go against them have the brains not to. They're "waiting it out" if you will. Idk if that's smart or dumb. It's only been 3 months. And tbh I haven't paid enough attention to know whether the Trump GOP is gaining steam or losing it.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:45 pm
by faftorial
I think congressfolk perpetuate the bogus election claims for two reasons.

#1 it gets their name in the news and allows them to build a brand. No publicity is bad publicity

#2 the Trump GOP makes it so you're either with them or against them, and the only people with the balls to go against them have the brains not to. They're "waiting it out" if you will. Idk if that's smart or dumb. It's only been 3 months. And tbh I haven't paid enough attention to know whether the Trump GOP is gaining steam or losing it.
I'd say maintaining steam when Scalise says:
“This idea that you just disregard President Trump is not where we are — and frankly, he has a lot to offer still.”

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:56 pm
by Freddy Rumsen
That doesn't sound good.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:59 pm
by MWB

i think guys like Hawley and Cruz have already gone through the reps that you're going through, and have determined that no - this conspiracy theory is a real thing and they need to play along to stay in good favor with the voting majority. if it was, say, 25% of GOP were conspiracy-riddled trumpers, then congress would still be sucking up to CEOs and giving reasonably sane TV interviews.
This is the most relevant part of the debate, IMO. Politicians do things and take stances to get re-elected, so there is definitely a significant sentiment that saying the election was stolen will garner votes. Is that the same as a voter saying it was stolen? No, but it’s pretty close.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 4:11 pm
by shmenguin
and keep in mind what this is doing to their donor pipeline. these guys would have much preferred to get in bed with the same handful of CEO's that have propped them up in the past. but when they do the faux populism thing, they lose that money. it's a colossal risk to take unless you know that your voters are >50% Trumpers. and with how politics works...>60% to be sure.