Thread of Love v6.9

Orlando Penguin
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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Orlando Penguin » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:38 am

Sooooo,to get this thread back on topic instead of it turning into the 'Thread of Dislike', I think I'm getting myself into a long distance relationship. Any of you out there in radioland had success with these and if so, got any tips? I'll hang up and listen.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby MalkinIsMyHomeboy » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:41 am

Sooooo,to get this thread back on topic instead of it turning into the 'Thread of Dislike', I think I'm getting myself into a long distance relationship. Any of you out there in radioland had success with these and if so, got any tips? I'll hang up and listen.
I'm like, half in one now. It's weird.

I was in one previously and it failed miserably. I wouldn't recommend it unless you both know the stakes

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Reveutopique » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:46 am

Sooooo,to get this thread back on topic instead of it turning into the 'Thread of Dislike', I think I'm getting myself into a long distance relationship. Any of you out there in radioland had success with these and if so, got any tips? I'll hang up and listen.

Make sure the person isn't a serial killer or something.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Algernon » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:50 am

Sooooo,to get this thread back on topic instead of it turning into the 'Thread of Dislike', I think I'm getting myself into a long distance relationship. Any of you out there in radioland had success with these and if so, got any tips? I'll hang up and listen.
My most serious relationship I ever had started as a long distance relationship.

We were penpals/skype buddies for 6 months before we met in person

It was pretty amazing actually. Obviously aspects suck

But if you're compatible.... It can be pretty intense

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Pavement » Tue Sep 22, 2015 2:55 am

Sooooo,to get this thread back on topic instead of it turning into the 'Thread of Dislike', I think I'm getting myself into a long distance relationship. Any of you out there in radioland had success with these and if so, got any tips? I'll hang up and listen.
Haven't had one myself unless you count a short lived holiday romance where we met up once when we both got back home.

However, my friend had a long distance romance with a lovely American lady who he has since married and he now lives in the U.S with her.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby eddy » Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:28 am

Sooooo,to get this thread back on topic instead of it turning into the 'Thread of Dislike', I think I'm getting myself into a long distance relationship. Any of you out there in radioland had success with these and if so, got any tips? I'll hang up and listen.
My wife and I did this for about a year while we were dating. We saw each other on most weekends, it was definitely tough, but in the end made us stronger and we will be celebrating our 9th wedding anniversary tomorrow. Best of luck

Sorry, as far as tips, we talked a lot over the phone and tried to stay in touch throughout the day as much as we could so it felt like we wouldn't be strangers catching up everytime we saw each other.

Clams Herbert
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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Clams Herbert » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:04 pm

Lots of experience in the long-distance relationship field. Me and my lady-friend have been together for over three years, the first 2 of which she lived in New Jersey, 3 and a half hours away. There were stints where we'd go months at a time without seeing each other. It's tough. Had a lot of doubts if I wanted to continue with it just because, but man we were close. We texted essentially non-stop and Skyped most nights. Last year she moved to Lancaster, still about 40 minutes from me, to go to school and then got a job at the casino nearby. I'm glad I stuck it out, she's a catch. The "honeymoon" period lasted a long time simply because we never saw each other.

My advice; if you can see her on weekends, you should be okay. But it's those long stints where plans just can't line up that really wear on your patience. Maybe not right away, but after a few months sure. Just talk lots, and try to always spill your entire days to each other. Snapchat is your friend, too ;)

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby RonnieFranchise » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:41 pm

Have tried this 3 times- twice in college which between maturity level and it being the late 80s/early 90s when there was no readily accessible internet and you paid for long distance calls by the minute so as broke azz college students you didn't talk often- isn't really a good equivalent for today. The first was my first "real" gf and it hurt a lot for a long time when we couldn't make it work. I guess there's always one that you wonder what would have happened if it had worked out- that's mine. The other, it turned out was sleeping with every frat boy at her college.

My wife and I were seeing each other for 8 months or so when I decided to move to Boston and see if I could get a job. Like others have said, lots of phone calls, lots of driving on her part, I don't think I went back to PA once to see her. I actually dumped her at one point. After I begged her to take me back, she moved to Boston and we got married. 19 years, a move back to PA and three kids later, she seems to still like me OK. Guess my advice is: Communicate. Make sure what the expectations are, are you exclusive or allowed to see other people? Should probably have some vague ideal of whether or not being together in the same place sometime is a goal, I'd say.... It is definitely rough but if she's the one, it's worth it!

Orlando Penguin
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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Orlando Penguin » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:43 pm

One thing I have going in my favor is the vast amount of technological improvement in the communication area. Thankfully, I have unlimited texting or I'd be in bankruptcy court already. And no, Reveutopique, she's not a serial killer lol. I met her 6 years ago thru a mutual friend and I'd see her once in a while when she'd come to Orlando on vacation but it was our last meeting a couple of weeks ago where something just changed. She's in Nashville, I'm here so I've already planned one trip. But as some of you know, I'm in a job where my weekends are Monday/Tuesday and I don't have the traditional type of work schedule. We both haven't committed to anything as of yet but we want to see how things progress before really diving in.

Thanks for the feedback. As it turns out, the mutual friend who we met thru had a long-term relationship lead to marriage. So we both know that it's possible.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby ExPatriatePen » Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:51 pm

So I'm curious as to what the general consensus is on this, from both men and women's viewpoints.

I met a woman a little over a year ago. Awesome lady. I had business in her home town so I spent four days with her getting to know her. (I stayed in a hotel and we went out almost every night) noting physical. We've been talking and texting ever since. She had an 18 year old daughter who just went off to college who was her main focus so we had to be satisfied with just texting and calling. She's very cautious and reserved.
We've been talking about spending a weekend together somewhere. Maybe New Orleans, maybe Seattle, San Diego.. Somewhere fun.

Here's the question. What do people think about the romance part of these kinds of weekends. How do you deal with the possibility that while you both hope it turns out you have chemistry, typically the guy is sure and confident and the woman is afraid of coming across as "selling herself" for a weekend. (Even if she's financially capable of doing it on her own".
It's an awkward situation. I've been here many times. Sometimes it's awesome. Sometimes it's "why did I do this?".

How would ya'll handle this? Especially the women here. (Rev?) I'm really curious as to the social dynamics of these situations.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Algernon » Fri Sep 25, 2015 9:16 pm

The social dynamics of these situations are strongly impacted by people's personality

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Reveutopique » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:03 pm

The social dynamics of these situations are strongly impacted by people's personality

Idk much about your situation, her background, personality, history.

With that in mind:

Low and slow always results in the most satisfying meal.

I think that it is out there already. Both parties know why they are going on this weekend together: Do we like spending time with each other IN PERSON after spending some time together and then talking over text for a year?

Since you are falirly certain, having spent time with each other before, that you like each other, but are unsure if there's something more, the concentration should be on just spending time together with no other goal in mind.

I would invite her to start skyping and then when you do meet, I would take things very slowly. Just enjoy being together.

It seems like you are putting pressure on the romance part. The romance part will come if it is due. It can not be planned for if you want honest results. I would be romantic if it strikes your fancy. If you're the type of guy who sees a carriage and wants to take her on a carriage ride, do that.

If you are romantic in other ways, do those things instead if she moves you to do them. You have to want to do them with her and for her.

If you just go to dinner and then go for a walk, then that is fantastic.

Whatever you do, just keep the focus on getting to know about each other.

Romance is going to be at the back of everyone's mind going into the weekend anyway. It's out there. The best thing to do is take the pressure off of both of you and just say hey, you know what would be fun? If we did this, or ask her about something she likes to do. Maybe there's something you both like to do or both want to see or try. Think of her as your partner who is going with you to do this special thing.

Like maybe if you come to Seattle you could say you want to see Mt. Ranier or go to the Rainforest or Pike place. Ask her if she'd want to do that and then do it together and make that your focus. It will take the pressure off of trying to make the weekend Romantic.

Bc let's be honest.
Romance happens in the little moments when it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing. Your partner could be spewing snot in bed and you just want to cuddle with them and kiss them or they are doing something random like playing WOW and the curve of their back makes you fall all over yourself.

If you like being with them, you like being with them and it's as simple as that.

I hope that helps.

Sorry if that's very random. I don't know a lot about the situation.

That is my 2 cents.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby tifosi77 » Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:43 am

Romance is clearly impled, imo, but not a given. You still have to earn it.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby tifosi77 » Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:44 am

So I'm curious as to what the general consensus is on this, from both men and women's viewpoints.

I met a woman a little over a year ago. Awesome lady. I had business in her home town so I spent four days with her getting to know her. (I stayed in a hotel and we went out almost every night) noting physical. We've been talking and texting ever since. She had an 18 year old daughter who just went off to college who was her main focus so we had to be satisfied with just texting and calling. She's very cautious and reserved.
We've been talking about spending a weekend together somewhere. Maybe New Orleans, maybe Seattle, San Diego.. Somewhere fun.

Here's the question. What do people think about the romance part of these kinds of weekends. How do you deal with the possibility that while you both hope it turns out you have chemistry, typically the guy is sure and confident and the woman is afraid of coming across as "selling herself" for a weekend. (Even if she's financially capable of doing it on her own".
It's an awkward situation. I've been here many times. Sometimes it's awesome. Sometimes it's "why did I do this?".

How would ya'll handle this? Especially the women here. (Rev?) I'm really curious as to the social dynamics of these situations.
The social dynamics of these situations are strongly impacted by people's personality

Orlando Penguin
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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Orlando Penguin » Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:55 am

Here's the question. What do people think about the romance part of these kinds of weekends. How do you deal with the possibility that while you both hope it turns out you have chemistry, typically the guy is sure and confident and the woman is afraid of coming across as "selling herself" for a weekend. (Even if she's financially capable of doing it on her own".
It's an awkward situation. I've been here many times. Sometimes it's awesome. Sometimes it's "why did I do this?".

I agree with what Rev wrote and that's actually in the back of my mind for my situation. As to your last sentence here, I wouldn't worry too much about the 'why did I do this' possibility. What's that saying -- I'd rather regret something I did instead of something I didn't do.

Lemon Berry Lobster
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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:04 am

Better question is what's the deal with your future step daughter?

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby ExPatriatePen » Sat Sep 26, 2015 10:49 am

Better question is what's the deal with your future step daughter?
I don't know about the "future step-daughter" part (wouldn't that imply a step-sister for Godric?) :shock:

But the young lady didn't fall from the tree. She's smoking hot, girl next door looks, but very very very sheltered and shy. She also has taken on her mothers reserved nature.

As a college freshman she's in a period of her life where she's going to gain a lot of maturity here in the next year.

She'll be a catch for someone down the road.

Having said all of that, stay away from her. :lol: it's funny how quickly I've become protective of her. :D

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Algernon » Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:08 pm

Meh whatever

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby columbia » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:26 am

Unfortunately I didn't get any real notice, so I can't make it, but my 77 year old aunt is getting hitched next week...
to a woman. I think that they been together for about 15 years.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Gaucho » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:39 am


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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Algernon » Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:37 pm

Tfw you write the date down and you realize its your ex gf's birthday.

Her mom was a crazy Jehovah's witness... So she never got to celebrate her birthday..

When it was her birthday I would make such a huge deal out of it lol

I took her to the beach and I already had happy birthday written real big in the sand .... That was funny...

Weird feels today

Edit: spelling
Last edited by Algernon on Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby tifosi77 » Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:55 pm

I took her to the beach and I already had happy birthday written real big in the sand .... That was funny...
That is almost nauseatingly sentimental. (And I mean that in a good way)

:fist: :thumb:

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby Algernon » Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:06 pm

I did a lot of sappy stuff like that

She is Ukrainian so when she was on break around Easter.... I surprised her with eggs lol... She said her grandma used to make them back in Ukraine and I had a old lady neighbor growing up that would always give me one

Ours didn't come as cool... Or mine didn't at least... But it was fun

King Colby
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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby King Colby » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:28 am

Queen Colby and I were married on Saturday

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Thread of Love v6.9

Postby count2infinity » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:32 am

Queen Colby and I were married on Saturday
:thumb: congrats dude.

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