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Politics And Current Events

Postby NTP66 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:57 am

Maybe next time they can glance down at their flag-printed shorts for a comparison before posting.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby nocera » Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:34 am

Maybe next time they can glance down at their flag-printed shorts for a comparison before posting.
But then they’d tweet a picture of a Ar-15.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby redwill » Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:10 pm

To me it’s clear that people who want to destroy the concept of “traditional biological sex” will pull anything out of their asses in order to manufacture the notion that biological sex doesn't exist.
One of my vets has a dog that was born without an ass. More specifically, no rectum. She had to surgically construct one.

Ain't life curious?

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Politics And Current Events

Postby NTP66 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:50 pm

Clearly, what we need are more good guys on jet skis with guns.

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Postby MalkinIsMyHomeboy » Thu Jul 06, 2023 2:58 pm

considering both parties fired shots at each other too and the fact that this happened in Florida, I highly doubt criminal charges will be brought

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Politics And Current Events

Postby NTP66 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:00 pm

considering both parties fired shots at each other too and the fact that this happened in Florida, I highly doubt criminal charges will be brought

Dickie Dunn
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Postby Dickie Dunn » Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:01 pm

No better way to protect kids from jet skis than shooting guns at each other.

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Postby nocera » Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:04 pm

So anyway, I started blasting.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby MWB » Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:46 pm

Just read Sotomayor's dissent in the 303 case... 10/10, would read again.

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Postby Morkle » Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:52 pm

Just read MTG got booted from the Freedom Caucus lol

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Postby faftorial » Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:56 pm

Revenge for her support of McCarthy.

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Postby tifosi77 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 1:38 am

The official reason is apparently the "little b**ch" slap fight with Boebert.

That's the bridge too far, is it.

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Postby Shyster » Fri Jul 07, 2023 2:45 am

Additionally… what are you trying to accomplish with your argument that intersex people should fit into the narrowest possible definition and anything other than that is disingenuous? Is it because it battles your assertion that sex is black and white, male and female, no exceptions? These people are not saying "male" and "female" sexes do no exist, despite you saying it over and over and over and over again... In this particular case, they are saying that it doesn't account for everyone, and not providing any exceptions for those that fall into the exceptions category isn't a great idea. These people do exist.
"Intersex" literally means between the sexes. It refers to people who have both types of genitals (true hermaphrodites) or those who have ambiguous genitals. That's the meaning. Using that term to refer to people who have (in many cases minor) hormonal disorders but do not have both genitals or ambiguous genitals is disingenuous and a misuse of terms. A woman with late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia may have a hormonal disorder, but there is no question that she is a woman (i.e., an adult human female) with a vagina, uterus, and ovaries (ovaries that might be infertile, but still ovaries). If you want to say that approximately 1.7% of the population has some sort of disorder that impacts fertility or proper sexual development, then I'd be on board with that statement 100%. But 1.7% of the population is not intersex.

Sex IS black and white, male and female, no exceptions. There is no third sex anywhere in the entire animal kingdom. No animal species produces a third type of gamete, and humans do not have three sex chromosomes. The closest there might be to multiple sexes is fungal mating types, but fungi are massively different from animals. That some humans have disorders that result in abnormal sexual development does not mean that those people represent any third sex or an intermediate sex. Men and women with disorders of sexual development are just that: men and women with disorders of sexual development.
Btw, the person on the interview had both sex organs, one set was removed before the age of 1. It caused a lot of issues with her later in life and she was fighting to make it so that doesn’t happen to others… the problem was they came out grey and the doctors said “noppeeeeee!!!!! Gotta be black or white. Snip snip time!”

My understanding is that sort of immediate surgical intervention for intersex infants is no longer done, and the proper course of treatment today is to wait until the person is older before determining which if any surgical interventions are appropriate.

Also, that person actually proves the point that sex is not just some sort of social construct. If it were, then that person would have just adjusted to whatever sex the doctors picked for their reconfigured genitals.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:37 am

Just shows how stuck you are with your definitions. You say black and white and for the vast majority of the population, agreed. I present real life people who are grey… they either have both sets of genitals or something that is not xy or xx, and you say “nah… still black and white”. Did you know that the definition for standard temperature and pressure in chemistry changed at one point? Weird, huh?

To your last paragraph, I believe (once again) you are conflating sex and gender. I do not know it it’s purposeful or just something that happened, but sex is not a social construct. Gender and gender roles are social constructs.

Those doctor saw a square peg and mushed it through a round hole so hard that they broke it. I’m glad that kind of treatment doesn’t occur much anymore, but it’s not due to laws or regulations. It’s due to advancements in the profession. That type of treatment is still permissible if you have a doc that wants to do it and parents that are either not informed enough or trust said doctor.

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Postby Gaucho » Fri Jul 07, 2023 7:17 am

Preach, brother (or sister atcmb).

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Postby Shyster » Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:03 pm

Just shows how stuck you are with your definitions. You say black and white and for the vast majority of the population, agreed. I present real life people who are grey… they either have both sets of genitals or something that is not xy or xx, and you say “nah… still black and white”. Did you know that the definition for standard temperature and pressure in chemistry changed at one point? Weird, huh?

To your last paragraph, I believe (once again) you are conflating sex and gender. I do not know it it’s purposeful or just something that happened, but sex is not a social construct. Gender and gender roles are social constructs.

Those doctor saw a square peg and mushed it through a round hole so hard that they broke it. I’m glad that kind of treatment doesn’t occur much anymore, but it’s not due to laws or regulations. It’s due to advancements in the profession. That type of treatment is still permissible if you have a doc that wants to do it and parents that are either not informed enough or trust said doctor.

That people may have extra X or Y chromosomes do not make them any third sex. They are males and females with extra chromosomes. Sex in humans is determined by what chromosomes one has and what sort of gametes their body is set up to produce (the gamete-production organs may be nonfunctional, but in most cases they are still present). A person with ambiguous genitals but XY chromosomes and (possibly malformed or misplaced, but still present) is a male, regardless of the genetic or hormonal disorder that is causing the ambiguous genitals. A male with complete androgen insensitivity who has typical female genitalia, breasts, etc. is still a male because that person has XY chromosomes and a pair of undescended testicles in his abdomen. Sex is black and white because sex for all animals is primarily determined by games: the sex that makes (or should make, in the absence of disorders of sexual development) the small, motile gametes is male. The sex that makes the large, stationary gametes is female. There is no animal species on Earth that makes a third type of gamete in addition to eggs and sperm. Sex is therefore binary.

I am not conflating sex and gender. Some people do, however. If sex were also just a social construct, then a person with ambiguous genitals who was surgically crafted into, say, a female, and then raised as a girl, should simply go along with the both the sex and gender that was selected for them. But I bet the person on that show ended up strongly identifying as the opposite sex and gender than whatever the surgeons picked. How could that happen, if sex is just a social construct that is certainly not something hardwired into a person's development? The reason that happened is that sex is a real biological concept that is wired by one's genetics. For a tiny percentage of the population, that wiring goes wrong, but that does not mean that the genetic wiring doesn't exist or has no meaning.

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Politics And Current Events

Postby count2infinity » Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:11 pm

So in your opinion, XX is not the definition of a female and XY is not the definition of a male… it’s more complex than that EVEN when it relates to sex, not even taking it to the next level of gender. Interesting. Thanks for that.

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Postby count2infinity » Fri Jul 07, 2023 10:14 pm

I mean, this one is really freaking easy right? There are people (a small percent of people, but still some people) that do not fit into the boxes as cleanly as the vast majority of people, and you can’t even agree to that. Why? I don’t know, but it’s weird.

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Postby Shyster » Sat Jul 08, 2023 4:37 am

So in your opinion, XX is not the definition of a female and XY is not the definition of a male… it’s more complex than that EVEN when it relates to sex, not even taking it to the next level of gender. Interesting. Thanks for that.
No, that's not my position, and sorry if I wasn't clear. Sex is defined by gametes. Male = small motile gametes; female = large immobile gametes. That definition holds across all animals. No animal on Earth produces anything other than those two forms of gametes, so there are only two sexes.

In humans, sex is determined by the X and Y chromosomes. So XY = male; XX = female. That doesn't hold true across all animals because other species have different genetic sex-determination systems. In many birds, for example, it's the females who have two different chromosomes (ZW) and the males who have two of the same (ZZ). But for humans, the presence of a Y chromosome (or more specifically the SRY gene on the Y chromosome) makes that person a male because that is the gene that (barring disorders of sexual development) causes the body to develop gonads that will produce small, mobile gametes. Thus, if a human has a Y chromosome, that person is a male.

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Postby meow » Sat Jul 08, 2023 5:54 am

why does this matter?

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Postby count2infinity » Sat Jul 08, 2023 7:14 am

It only matters because there are legislative actions that are taking place to restrict the rights of individuals based on sex and they do not define sex the same way shyster does. It only matters because there are medical practices where they try to make an infants body fit into this binary rather than leaving them be and it has lasting effects on those individuals. It only matters because individuals such as shyster and Matt Walsh take it even one step further and conflate sex and gender to the point of saying “trans individuals do not and should not exist” or something along those lines.

I do like how he hedges his definition though with “barring disorders”. My man… what do you call intersex individuals?

Troy Loney
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Postby Troy Loney » Sat Jul 08, 2023 9:20 am

why does this matter?
I appreciate that c2i has some receipts on this.

I also don’t care about this issue, but as an empathetic left/lib, I understand that people struggle with sexual/gender identity, and a lot of that’s because jackass conservatives demagogue them to grift/troll/get attention. And if you’re just regurgitating the same **** morons like Matt Walsh and conceptualjames spit out of their blowholes, I know that your opinion is meaningless.

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Postby NAN » Sat Jul 08, 2023 9:39 am

What's the percent of being an intersex redhead?

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Postby Gaucho » Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:21 pm


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Postby dodint » Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:23 pm

I prefer Elephant Beer.

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