Religion Discussion Thread

Willie Kool
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Willie Kool » Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:59 pm

It should be understood that yes we're all Sinners and all fall short of the glory of God but the Bible shows us that some sins make us unqualified for office within the church.
Does this apply to any of the seven cardinal sins? Do you think it should?

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:10 pm

It should be understood that yes we're all Sinners and all fall short of the glory of God but the Bible shows us that some sins make us unqualified for office within the church.
Does this apply to any of the seven cardinal sins? Do you think it should?
I'm not Roman Catholic so I don't believe in a set of seven cardinal sins. ;)

But that being said like any other office which requires a certain level of respect, authority, and particular qualifications there are certain actions which would make one no longer able to fulfill that position.

If as part of your job description you have to be trusted not only with sensitive information but have a need to prove yourself able to deal rightly with that knowledge but you show yourself to be a blabbermouth would you then trust that individual to do that work anymore?

Same with things like adultery and theft.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby CBear3 » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:37 pm

Clear things up a bit just in case: the Pastor in training was not the adulterer, so it kind of doesn’t reflect on the Church (I actually think it was a weird coincidence that the passage coincided with the adulterers return).

But it does bring up an interesting discussion the Methodist Church is having at the moment. Should being homosexual disqualify you from being a pastor or holding a position in the church? My Pastor is a pretty large man, and likes to remind everyone that gluttony is a sin too.

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:42 pm

I misread what you wrote, apologies. I thought you wrote that he was the one who had the affair, in that case he should not face discipline and would be lawfully divorced and able to carry on in ministry.

Now the big bugaboo in the Methodist Church is that they are a global conference and literally none of the global South Methodist churches are in favor of homosexuality. So the sjw's are kind of in a bind in the American UMC. Did they just call all the African and Latin American Bishop's and churches homophobes or do they push for some kind of separation that takes away their voting rights until which time the African and Latin American churches progress and get with the Arc of History.

Willie Kool
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Willie Kool » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:43 pm

I misread what you wrote, apologies. I thought you wrote that he was the one who had the affair, in that case he should not face discipline and would be lawfully divorced and able to carry on in ministry.
The adulterer's ex-wife is the pastor...

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:46 pm

Yeah I reread that and realized I got all the characters messed up.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby CBear3 » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:15 pm

That’s ok Freddy, I’m known to be confusing.

You’re right about the conference though. We spent a very long time discussing the ramifications.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby count2infinity » Tue Oct 30, 2018 11:04 am

@Freddy Rumsen
The Jews for Jesus people make me really uncomfortable, in a professional way, for a lot of reasons unrelated to this specifically.
What are these people? Seems like Christians that want to celebrate more holidays so they kept the Jewish ones too?

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:11 pm

They are basically people who want to remain Jewish (kosher, all the bells of whistles of that, etc...) and believe Jesus is the promised Messiah, who actual Jews are still looking to come.

The big problem I have with them is they equate being Jewish with being Christian, as if you cannot be that later without being the former, which the New Testament makes exceedingly clear is not the case.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Kaiser » Sat Nov 03, 2018 6:54 pm

Sorry humans. homo-sapiens aren't the pinnacle, but since we've surpassed natural selection this is what we get. A bunch of invisible man worshipping f***tards who were ultimately surpassed by technology less than .1% of them understood, and used it to stay on Earth and kill each other for the stupidest reasons possible.
I don’t get making fun of people that believe in god, when every religion, including atheism (yes modern atheism is a religion), takes a leap of faith. Congrats on making fun of yourself.
If I were an atheist, I still wouldn't care about your definition of it.

So you’re agnostic?
Agnostic is closer, but I find the term passive, which is not me. Anyway my post was less about religion and more about the failure of the primate lineage.

My "beliefs" about religion change constantly, but I can't bring myself to look at all the inconsistency, hypocrisy, war mongering, psychotic torture, greed, and of course the kid F'ing and see any reason to join up. Theres the rest of the good people who follow it, and that's all. It looks like the same act of humans as anywhere else. There's nothing extra coming from Earth's gods, they're just brands with slogans, made by people.

And from there, I don't believe people when they talk about things they aren't educated in, can't prove, or weren't there for. Subtract 2000 years of information and you have stories that don't make sense, told by ear and translated by people who frankly didn't know Jack s*** about the nature of their surroundings.
I'm not taking those people seriously, when our 10 year olds would own them in basic knowledge.

I don't think mankind is divine, special, or even relevant. We're just the result of a lucky ball of elements that's been flying through space growing disgusting and kick-ass life on it.

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:58 pm

It's just completely and factually untrue to say that a 10-year old today knows more than adults 2,000 years ago.

The stories from back then are logically coherent and make perfect sense in the same way our contemporary stories and tales and make logical perfect sense.

The ability of human beings from former ages and today are the same.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby dodint » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:29 am

Biological ability, sure. Two-thousand years is nothing on an evolutionary timeline.

The tools and technology today's 10 year old has far and away surpass anything that people even 500 years ago (in most cases, 50 years ago) had access to. If I had a serious medical condition and had to choose between that 10 year old and someone from the year 18, I'm putting all my money on the kid with Web MD in his pocket.

Willie Kool
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Willie Kool » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:50 am

Biological ability, sure. Two-thousand years is nothing on an evolutionary timeline.
:lol: You're replying to Freddy - he doesn't believe in evolution...

Lemon Berry Lobster
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:50 am

But what if the person from year 18 was Jesus :slug:

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:51 am

"Knowledge" in that sense is different from a metaphysical question of knowledge.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby dodint » Tue Nov 13, 2018 10:59 am

Biological ability, sure. Two-thousand years is nothing on an evolutionary timeline.
:lol: You're replying to Freddy - he doesn't believe in evolution...

I took Kaiser to mean 'basic knowledge' as an understanding of the world around us and our interaction with it (understanding of nature of surroundings, etc.)

If you are talking about an abstract and non-observable construct of knowledge then I posit neither the 10 year old or the scholar from 18 AD have anything of relevance to offer me.

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:11 am

Biological ability, sure. Two-thousand years is nothing on an evolutionary timeline.
:lol: You're replying to Freddy - he doesn't believe in evolution...

I took Kaiser to mean 'basic knowledge' as an understanding of the world around us and our interaction with it (understanding of nature of surroundings, etc.)

If you are talking about an abstract and non-observable construct of knowledge then I posit neither the 10 year old or the scholar from 18 AD have anything of relevance to offer me.
I meant it in the way you note in the first sentence. Understanding, deeper meaning, etc... not brute facts.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby dodint » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:13 am

We're still on separate paths, then.

I clicked on this thread by accident and couldn't help myself. Sorry for the intrusion.

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:15 am

But what if the person from year 18 was Jesus :slug:
Jesus in His humanity grew in knowledge, learned things (Luke 2:52), did not know some things (Mark 13:32), etc...

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:17 am

We're still on separate paths, then.

I clicked on this thread by accident and couldn't help myself. Sorry for the intrusion.
I'm not sure how someone could argue that the 10 year old doesn't "know more" in the brute facts sense, so not sure why that is on the table for discussion. The much more interesting question is about knowing more.

Lemon Berry Lobster
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:21 am

We're still on separate paths, then.

I clicked on this thread by accident and couldn't help myself. Sorry for the intrusion.
I'm not sure how someone could argue that the 10 year old doesn't "know more" in the brute facts sense, so not sure why that is on the table for discussion. The much more interesting question is about knowing more.
A ten year old is what, 4th grade? I'd say the average 4th grader now is more intelligent than the average adult from 500, 1000, or 1500 years ago. Simply because we as a whole have more knowledge, and that the education system is better.

Freddy Rumsen
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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:26 am

We're still on separate paths, then.

I clicked on this thread by accident and couldn't help myself. Sorry for the intrusion.
I'm not sure how someone could argue that the 10 year old doesn't "know more" in the brute facts sense, so not sure why that is on the table for discussion. The much more interesting question is about knowing more.
A ten year old is what, 4th grade? I'd say the average 4th grader now is more intelligent than the average adult from 500, 1000, or 1500 years ago. Simply because we as a whole have more knowledge, and that the education system is better.
The question of intelligence has nothing to do with the amount of chronological knowledge an individual may have access to. Besides, going by that standard the average ten-year old in 2018 learns a lot less than the average ten-year old 50 years ago, thinking once more about just items of knowledge.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Kaiser » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:02 pm

It's not about what they can learn, it's about what information is available. You're correct, humans from 2k years ago had the ability to learn to fly the concorde. They didn't however, have access to anything related to it, or the flow of technology that might let them not **** themselves if they ever saw one overhead.

The Bible and its spin-offs were written by these people, who are telling the story of the origin of the universe. They told it with a laughable understanding of anything they couldn't see with their eyes. Yeah there's plenty of evidence for homo sapiens being as unreasonably idiotic today, and those people are viewed as a scourge for good reason, and we don't seem to mind suggesting that they're f***ing nuts.

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby Kaiser » Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:35 pm

The stories from back then are logically coherent and make perfect sense in the same way our contemporary stories and tales and make logical perfect sense.
No clue what this is about

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Religion Discussion Thread

Postby count2infinity » Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:35 pm


@Freddy Rumsen

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