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Postby dodint » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:04 pm

Anyone else have a disconnection between stress and your awareness of it? Meaning your body manifests the discomfort without you really thinking about what's bothering you? I used to get waking panic attacks in the early morning despite not really dwelling on things.
Now I've had stomach cramps since Saturday night. I thought it was the giant bowl of Rizzos pasta I ate after being in the sun all day. But that should've worked itself out by Wednesday. I think I just hate my job more than I thought I did and it's manifesting as constant discomfort. Or it's stomach cancer, who knows.

The thing is, I don't consciously 'worry' about most stuff. I'm aware of deadlines and goals, etc. But I don't sit up all night thinking about them. I have a mindset that life is going to come at you one way or another so just do your best, but I think my body cares more than my mind does.

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Postby mikey » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:14 pm

I think I fall into that category...

My brain is pretty cool with stuff...we rationalize and stay very even body doesn't always agree. I'd like my body to agree, but I assume I have to treat my brain with something to accomplish that...that thought scares me a bit, so I'd rather just deal with what I got for now...

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Postby count2infinity » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:29 pm

I'm not always aware of my stress levels. I don't notice until I look down at my cuticles, especially on my thumbs and they're bleeding from me picking at them. I chew down my fingernails. I get canker sores on the inside of my mouth because I chew at my cheeks. It's all subtle stuff that I don't even know I'm doing until later.

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Postby nocera » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:30 pm

I've dealt with stress and anxiety related health issues for most of my life. It started in third grade with migraines and over the years I've had stomach issues, panic attacks, chest pains, etc. all related to stress/anxiety (all were checked out and diagnosed). I can only tell you my personal experience but a lot of the time when I'm experiencing symptoms, I'm not acutely aware of why. I generally can't point to a source of stress or anxiety. It just kind of happens. Obviously there are also times when I have a big project at work or I'm doing something out of my comfort zone and I experience symptoms. I was on medication but I realized fairly quickly that meds weren't for me. I wanted to try to deal with the anxiety on my own before dialing in a different medication. No judgement on those that do take it, by the way. I know plenty of people who have found something that works for them and doesn't come with the other side effects. Now, I do a lot of breathing exercises when I feel those symptoms coming on. Most of the time they subside just by recognizing that they are anxiety induced. For some reason just acknowledging that helps me greatly.

This is probably more info than you asked for. tl;dr, yes, you can have symptoms of stress/anxiety without actually feeling "stressed."

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Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:37 pm

Yep. I've had trouble sleeping off and on for about 5 years now. Was it heading into my 40s? Or the new job I started around the same time?

I'm very good about not giving a **** and shutting off work when I leave for the day. But the underlying dread of having no budget, reduced staffing, expectation of the same level of service despite the reduced staff, and then having to get up and do it all over again, leave me unable to sleep a lot of nights.

That or my wife's pea-sized bladder...but I digress. It's latent stress. :lol:

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Postby shmenguin » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:57 pm

Anyone else have a disconnection between stress and your awareness of it? Meaning your body manifests the discomfort without you really thinking about what's bothering you? I used to get waking panic attacks in the early morning despite not really dwelling on things.
Now I've had stomach cramps since Saturday night. I thought it was the giant bowl of Rizzos pasta I ate after being in the sun all day. But that should've worked itself out by Wednesday. I think I just hate my job more than I thought I did and it's manifesting as constant discomfort. Or it's stomach cancer, who knows.

The thing is, I don't consciously 'worry' about most stuff. I'm aware of deadlines and goals, etc. But I don't sit up all night thinking about them. I have a mindset that life is going to come at you one way or another so just do your best, but I think my body cares more than my mind does.
before sales presentations, i feel no psychological stress, but a lot of physical stress. i USED to feel both types of stress, and plenty of it. but i've done a million of these presentations by this point, and am now very comfortable. but my guts still rumble when it's showtime like it's some sort of pavlovian response.

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Postby dodint » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:03 pm

Alright, cool. You're all miserable with me. I like that.

I have a history of just getting mad at my body and punishing it. Like today, I just said **** it and picked the hardest bike ride I had on my saved list on Peloton and just forced myself to PR. I used to do the same thing with running. If my body was acting up I'd run for two hours to punish it.

Doesn't sound very stable when I type it out but it was cathartic.

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Postby mikey » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:27 pm

Anyone else have a disconnection between stress and your awareness of it? Meaning your body manifests the discomfort without you really thinking about what's bothering you? I used to get waking panic attacks in the early morning despite not really dwelling on things.
Now I've had stomach cramps since Saturday night. I thought it was the giant bowl of Rizzos pasta I ate after being in the sun all day. But that should've worked itself out by Wednesday. I think I just hate my job more than I thought I did and it's manifesting as constant discomfort. Or it's stomach cancer, who knows.

The thing is, I don't consciously 'worry' about most stuff. I'm aware of deadlines and goals, etc. But I don't sit up all night thinking about them. I have a mindset that life is going to come at you one way or another so just do your best, but I think my body cares more than my mind does.
before sales presentations, i feel no psychological stress, but a lot of physical stress. i USED to feel both types of stress, and plenty of it. but i've done a million of these presentations by this point, and am now very comfortable. but my guts still rumble when it's showtime like it's some sort of pavlovian response.
Yeah, I can relate to this too...even some social situations, things I have done, people I have talked to legitimately thousands and thousands of times, there's still a piece of me that physically reacts to it to the anticipation of it...what am I gonna do, what jokes am I gonna tell, what are people going through in their lives right now that I can connect with them on...and I get a little, I don't know, anxious doesn't describe it because I'm excited for the opportunity, I love socializing, I am charged up by people, I love taking over a room and being the central source of entertainment, but there's an anticipation to it that brain doesn't necessarily register, but my body does...

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Postby count2infinity » Wed Apr 14, 2021 4:28 pm

So medical marijuana, right?

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Postby shmenguin » Wed Apr 14, 2021 5:43 pm

Alright, cool. You're all miserable with me. I like that.

I have a history of just getting mad at my body and punishing it. Like today, I just said **** it and picked the hardest bike ride I had on my saved list on Peloton and just forced myself to PR. I used to do the same thing with running. If my body was acting up I'd run for two hours to punish it.

Doesn't sound very stable when I type it out but it was cathartic.
Your body is machinery that knows nothing about you or your brain. If you master the art of disassociation things get reeeeeeeally weird where you consciously feel yourself giving your body commands. Like staring at yourself in the mirror and telling your hand to slap your face can be the wildest thing where you just see a meat suit doing weird stuff with you as the homunculus pulling the strings.

...and I can do that sober or high. This isn’t stoner stuff.

...but it doesn’t hurt.

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Postby shoeshine boy » Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:20 pm

Anyone have a Peloton bike? We got one and I'm loving it so far. But man does my ass hurt from that seat. Any tips?
the seat cushion will help but I recommend getting a new seat too. for $2k, the Peloton bike comes with a really cheap seat. I have an extra wide seat on mine and it does the trick. are noseless seats weird for guys?

also, get your butt back about as far as you can. a lot of folks sit up too far.

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Postby Shyster » Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:49 pm

Anyone else have a disconnection between stress and your awareness of it? Meaning your body manifests the discomfort without you really thinking about what's bothering you?

Absolutely. I've had anxiety issues for years. In November 2019 I had a massive bout of anxiety that I believe was triggered by an upcoming appellate oral argument. It got to the point where I was experiencing something like a continuous panic attack. We got the argument continued, but the physical symptoms didn't stop even though the trigger was gone. It was like my body had flipped on the "fight or flight" switch, and it got stuck on the "on" position. After more than a week of that where I had probably 5 hours of sleep total over that entire time, I went to the equivalent of the emergency room at Western Psych. They gave me a benzodiazepine (klonopin), which I took for a couple months. I also got a referral to a psychiatrist, who adjusted and upped the meds that I was already taking. The whole time, what I was experiencing was more physical than mental. I mean, I wasn't really having racing thoughts or constant worry or anything like that. It manifested as physical stress and continued to do so even after the stressor went away.

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Postby dodint » Wed Apr 14, 2021 6:59 pm

Interesting. Thanks to all. :thumb:

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Postby NAN » Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:56 am

Anyone have a Peloton bike? We got one and I'm loving it so far. But man does my ass hurt from that seat. Any tips?
the seat cushion will help but I recommend getting a new seat too. for $2k, the Peloton bike comes with a really cheap seat. I have an extra wide seat on mine and it does the trick. are noseless seats weird for guys?

also, get your butt back about as far as you can. a lot of folks sit up too far.
Thanks! I sit back as far as I can because that's the least amount of pain. The bike is awesome and I've really been enjoying it. But man that seat.

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Postby shoeshine boy » Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:33 pm

Anyone have a Peloton bike? We got one and I'm loving it so far. But man does my ass hurt from that seat. Any tips?
the seat cushion will help but I recommend getting a new seat too. for $2k, the Peloton bike comes with a really cheap seat. I have an extra wide seat on mine and it does the trick. are noseless seats weird for guys?

also, get your butt back about as far as you can. a lot of folks sit up too far.
Thanks! I sit back as far as I can because that's the least amount of pain. The bike is awesome and I've really been enjoying it. But man that seat.
you're welcome to "follow" me over there if you like. my username is Loki_is_a_Kat

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Postby dodint » Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:34 pm

"dodint" for me.

I know. Adventurous, clever.

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Postby NAN » Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:39 pm

Yeah, I'll put a follow through. Thanks guys!

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Postby shoeshine boy » Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:40 pm

"dodint" for me.

I know. Adventurous, clever.
definitely no shout-outs for you. ;)

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Postby dodint » Thu Apr 15, 2021 2:41 pm

Yeah. I need to change that thing to "Leanne_I_Love_You"

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Postby shoeshine boy » Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:25 pm

Yeah. I need to change that thing to "Leanne_I_Love_You"

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Postby shoeshine boy » Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:14 pm

I made it home yesterday in time to take a 45 minute Power Zone class. for the last 8 minutes I had an extra 8 pounds on my shoulders.

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Postby dodint » Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:21 pm

"Add some resistance, what's your number!"

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Postby shafnutz05 » Sat Apr 17, 2021 1:54 pm

Final training run for the Gettysburg half today. Did 8.5 miles with brutal elevation... 456 feet of gain (almost all of it in the first four miles). Still was able to maintain a pace under 8:00/mile.

The 13.1 mile course has a total of 498 feet of gain, so I'm feeling pretty confident going into next week. I do wish I lived in a flatter area though... Eastern Lancaster County is damned hilly.

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Postby dodint » Sat Apr 17, 2021 2:19 pm

Get it, shaf. :thumb:

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Postby shafnutz05 » Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:05 am

Get it, shaf. :thumb:
Thanks man. I might be looking forward to the night alone in a hotel more than the race itself :lol:

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