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Health and Fitness

Postby mac5155 » Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:47 pm

My wife keeps talking about wanting a peloton.

Why are these things so God awful expensive.

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Postby dodint » Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:54 pm

Same reason she wants one instead of any other stationary bike.

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Postby shafnutz05 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:00 am

Same reason she wants one instead of any other stationary bike.
Ding ding ding. Its price makes it a status item.

shoeshine boy
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Postby shoeshine boy » Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:09 am

My wife keeps talking about wanting a peloton.

Why are these things so God awful expensive.
I think the Bowflex Velocore is cooler:

we just use a spin bike that we bought from a gym that was upgrading. I've always wanted a rower but we just don't have room. we did recently back this on Kickstarter. I hope it's as cool as it seems:

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Postby skullman80 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:30 am

Same reason she wants one instead of any other stationary bike.
Ding ding ding. Its price makes it a status item.
@mac5155 I bought this off of Amazon back in June or July and for the price it is very good. It rides smooth. No crazy fancy screen (just the basics), but I use my garmin to track stuff anyways.

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Postby dodint » Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:43 am

Nice. I like stationary biking, got really into it when I was marathon training.
My sister was selling a recumbent bike the other day and my wife asked if we should get it. Aside from people coming back from injury I think the recumbent bike might be the laziest piece of gym equipment. :lol:

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Postby mac5155 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:25 am

Yeah, I told her she needs to look at alternatives. We were looking at the MYX one. She really wants the coaching/motivation and I can't say I blame her. MYX also has a higher weight limit that I'd fit on, opposed to the peloton. If I'm spending over a grand, I'm forcing myself to use it too.

All in all it's priceless if it helps with our health. But I'm skeptical that she (and I) will stay dedicated to it.

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Postby dodint » Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:29 am

All I've ever wanted from a stationary bike (beyond the basic utility) is a screen that would allow me to drop in somewhere using Google StreetView and ride around. I'm sure it exists.

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Postby mac5155 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:32 am

Link it to a VR headset. Bet that'd be groovy

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Postby dodint » Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:33 am

I have a Rift laying around. It's heavy though, and I bet clearing the sweat from your eyes/face would get brutal.

Might develop a good strong neck though. Hmmmm.

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Postby mac5155 » Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:34 am

My wife keeps talking about wanting a peloton.

Why are these things so God awful expensive.
I think the Bowflex Velocore is cooler:
Definitely looks cooler.

Price needs to come down a little..

shoeshine boy
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Postby shoeshine boy » Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:22 pm

just completed my first (virtual) 5k (walking) with a time of 1:02, average of pace of 19'56"
my ultimate goal is to walk the (virtual) Peachtree Road Race (10k) Thanksgiving weekend.
maybe when COVID is a distant memory I'll come up to Pittsburgh and do the Lemieux 6.6k.

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Postby iamjs » Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:37 pm

Same reason she wants one instead of any other stationary bike.
Ding ding ding. Its price makes it a status item.
There was someone in my neighborhood selling one for $1200 when I was on FB last week. It's gone.

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Postby MR25 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 6:19 pm

Just played my first dek hockey game since February.

Is this what COVID feels like, but all the time?

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Postby shafnutz05 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:57 am

After many, many months of running, had my biometric screening for our insurance carrier earlier this week (to get bonus money for health stuff).

The only things that were elevated were LDL (slightly, at 125) and total cholesterol (just over 200). My HDL was the best it's ever been by far (73), ditto for triglycerides, and the ratio was the best it's been too.

Overall I'm pretty happy with the results. I was prescribed statins close to a decade ago, and instead of taking them, I decided to start running instead after reading about the side effects.

I'm also wondering if I fasted long enough. I had a few cookies around 930 the night before and my appointment was at 645 :lol:

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Postby obhave » Thu Oct 01, 2020 8:44 am

That's great!

I don't know how you stand running. I've been doing it more recently because I can't go to the gym right now. I just weeze the whole time (I can't breathe through my nose). And I just get so bored

I miss swimming and climbing.

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Postby shafnutz05 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 12:48 pm

That's great!

I don't know how you stand running. I've been doing it more recently because I can't go to the gym right now. I just weeze the whole time (I can't breathe through my nose). And I just get so bored

I miss swimming and climbing.
:thumb: :lol:

Thanks. And I hear you.

I have been running off and on for about ten years now. I can tell you that I did not actually start *enjoying* running until about four or five months ago. I HAVE to have headphones on and I have my Garmin watch that I can track my heart rate/pace etc., so I have enough things to keep me occupied.

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Postby iamjs » Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:05 am

yeah, I can't explain running. There are days where literally minutes into the run where I'm telling myself that I can't wait for this to be over, but there are days when I'm three miles in and I'm telling myself "should I do 4?", or four miles in and telling myself "should I do 5?" I'll sometimes go a few days a week, then there are other times - such as now - where I won't go for a few weeks.

But like Shaf, having the extra things like headphones and especially a watch makes it more interesting. I have a Garmin too and one of the things I like doing afterwards is looking at the stats: pace times, heart rate, elevation rise/decline, etc. And unless I'm running indoors and have the stereo on, headphones are a must. I'm sure that upsets some of the trail people who can't stand "those damn runners who ignore everybody with their headphones on", but I usually try to keep one ear up.

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Postby CBear3 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:25 am

Eff the headphones, I make everybody listen to what I'm listening to from my phone.
No in-person races this year has really turned me into a couch potato. Didn't help that when things started to thaw this spring I went for my first run and it felt like there was no cushioning in my left hip to go along with the serious IT band issues I've had since my first marathon. Tried to start riding but it appears the awesome bike I got in middle school is too small because the knee pain came back (it's only been 25 years). I mentioned it other places, but being home for COVID actually had me cutting out snacks, but now that I'm back to work I've put weight back on.
And I need to quit putting it off and get my first butt probe soon.

It's rough getting old.

ETA: My wife saw a commercial for MIRROR and wants that too now. :face:

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Postby dodint » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:28 am

My wife is plagued with IT Band issues. That sucks my man.

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Postby CBear3 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:34 am

My wife is plagued with IT Band issues. That sucks my man.
Does she do the roller on the side of the leg thing? I've got a buddy I ran XC with who is fighting the same thing. My son wanted to play football in the backyard and I made 1 half hearted cut and I thought my leg was going to fall off.

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Postby dodint » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:46 am

She's gotten some good feedback on it because she works in PT clinics. I can ask her what she's doing for it. I think the only surefire thing is rest, but that sucks because the rest of your body starts to atrophy as well.

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Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:51 am

I've had an issue with my right glute/IT band...for months now. Just constantly achy. It feels better after a massage/chiro, and stretching...but then I have to work and sit in a chair, and all of that gets undone. This middle age nonsense sucks.

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Postby iamjs » Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:36 pm

Yeah I'm not liking this whole getting old thing. Once I did my virtual 25k, I've had no urge to run lately. I've hopped on the treadmill a few times since: once for the Lemieux 6.6k (that one might have even been before the 25k), once for the Great Race, and maybe less than a handful of times to knock out 20-30 minutes.

But lately I have back stuff going on, which has put a stop to all activities. Tried to power through it curling over the weekend and it got to the point where I couldn't even bend down to slide. Figured that was a good stopping point for the day. Based on prior experience, I more than likely pinched a nerve in my back. Chiro usually does a good job cleaning it up with a few visits, but mine isn't in network so that ish adds up real quick.

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Postby Shyster » Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:58 pm

I bought this off of Amazon back in June or July and for the price it is very good. It rides smooth. No crazy fancy screen (just the basics), but I use my garmin to track stuff anyways.

Just bought the same bike on an Amazon lightning deal. I've been riding a regular Schwinn bicycle using an indoor "trainer" stand, but it's big and loud, and I think the bearings on the bike (bought at Walmart for less than $200) might be wearing out.

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