Today's Harassment Claims

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby shafnutz05 » Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:54 pm

That takes serious balls to do that on national TV.

Black Pentecostal pastors like that have quite a reputation for philandering with women (vs the reputation of Catholic priests for...Well) ... Going back to MLK and beyond. But that... That is just brazen.

Freddy Rumsen
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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:18 pm

Found out today that two of my cousins
were molested by their priest.

1) This explains a lot, tbh, brutally so.

2) I want to found that rat bastard and rip him in half.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby shafnutz05 » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:45 am

I thought the decision by Fallon to cancel Norm's appearance on the Tonight Show this week was pretty pathetic. What a totally lame, milquetoast show. I really didn't disagree with 100% of what Norm said about #metoo, but he did have a good point in terms of how we are now supposed to unconditionally believe every single woman that claims anything.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby mikey » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:18 am

No one wants conflict, no one wants a conversation...whether it's sexual assault or race relations or political brand loyalty or one wants anything but gotcha-brand revenge...short of that, it's considered a loss in our attention-spanless society...

I would bet a five-figure sum that I have logged more minutes of Norm McDonald watching in the past couple years than anyone I know...I even have practiced adapting some of my stories and jokes to the timing of his delivery and his intonation...I'm a big fan. Based on that three minute video, I would say his comments are a little off-base but for him to be wholly dismissed as a result of them is really lazy and unproductive...I know witch hunt has been soiled in our vocabulary now, but you might lean towards that...maybe draw analogy to McCarthyism...

Dickie Dunn
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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Dickie Dunn » Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:00 am

Looks like there's trouble in paradise.
Asia Argento on Monday threatened "immediate legal action" against Rose McGowan, demanding in a tweet that her former friend and fellow Harvey Weinstein accuser retract the contents of an August 27 statement about sexual misconduct accusations lodged against Argento.

"It is with genuine regret that I am giving you 24 hours to retract and apologise for the horrendous lies made against me in your statement of August 27th," said Argento in the tweet, tagging McGowan personally.

"If you fail to address this libel I will have no option other than to take immediate legal action." ... dous-lies/

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Jim » Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:04 am


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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby shafnutz05 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:11 pm

Looks like there's trouble in paradise.
Asia Argento on Monday threatened "immediate legal action" against Rose McGowan, demanding in a tweet that her former friend and fellow Harvey Weinstein accuser retract the contents of an August 27 statement about sexual misconduct accusations lodged against Argento.

"It is with genuine regret that I am giving you 24 hours to retract and apologise for the horrendous lies made against me in your statement of August 27th," said Argento in the tweet, tagging McGowan personally.

"If you fail to address this libel I will have no option other than to take immediate legal action." ... dous-lies/
lolol oh lawd...this is gonna be good. Both of these women are batsht crazy so this has potential.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby mikey » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:00 pm

I have legitimately never heard of those people...what's the skinny on 50 words or less...

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby dodint » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:07 pm

AA: Weinstein accuser, banged a kid.
RM: Wenstein accuser, banged everyone, certifiably insane.

Catfight *rawr*

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Silentom » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:12 pm

Very succinct.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby mikey » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:58 pm

Excellent, thank you.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby dodint » Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:54 am

"Kavanaugh is going to get confirmed, we all know that. A lot of women will be very angry. Some might even take to the streets. But this won't be the tipping point. There won't be a tipping point, there never is. There will just be the subterranean lava flow of women's anger - slow, blistering, savage and inexorable. We'll go to bed angry, we'll get up angry, we'll drink our coffee and fix the kids' breakfasts angrily, we'll drive thru car line and to work angry, our male colleagues will ask each other if we're on the rag, we'll eat silent lunches with rage and we'll pick up groceries on the way home with vengeance on our hearts. We'll kiss our partners and our kids goodnight wrathfully. We'll cry hot, silently screaming tears in the middle of brushing our teeth. We'll go to bed angry. We'll get up angry...
Nothing will seem to change for you. But the mother of a 32 year old man will suddenly snap at him to "Grow up!" when he complains that he's pretty sick of frozen dinners lately. That quiet chick 3 cubicles down will show up out of nowhere and tell a gathering of dudebros that she'll report them to HR if they don't shut up. They'll call her a dodint under their breath as she turns around, but she won't care. The teenage daughter will ask her dad if he'd still find it funny if she was the punchline in his favorite joke. He'll scold her for talking back and look at his wife, who will look back and say nothing. Another daughter will say nothing to her father - ever again.
The anger will shift, seismic but unseen. Before the lava used to burn us to ash on the inside. It's bubbling over now. Enough of us have ripped open our bodies to let the boiling soil of our lives out that the heat itself causes fires. Sure, you can put one or two out at a time. A single flame is easy to catch. But the lava is elemental and everywhere. Kavanaugh will be confirmed. And in less than a generation he'll be a petrified ash fossil, frozen in a rictus of agony in the new Pompeii. Nothing will seem to have changed, until it's too late. The lava of our anger is going to cover the earth and bury you."

Freddy Rumsen
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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:53 am


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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby MrKennethTKangaroo » Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:58 am

Not sure what to say to that

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby mikey » Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:04 pm

"When's dinner?"
is what someone might say to that, KtK...I wouldn't of course...but someone might...

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby obhave » Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:05 pm


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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby dodint » Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:19 pm

I didn't share it t mock her; I thought it was interesting and I didn't have a reply myself so I submitted it without comment.

I think the underlying sentiment has a ring of truth; though I don't think my established relationships with the women in my life will substantially change because of BK or #metoo. I do consider myself more guarded in meeting new people, which is a bad behaivor for me because I make almost no effort to expand my social circle as it is. In high school and college my social circle was almost entirely women; in the years since it has flipped completely with the only true women friends I have being scattered around the country at a distance. Not by design, but that's just how it worked out. I'm sure much of that is a product of getting older; how much of your social life will really change once it's established in mid-life? And I know that the outrageous Rose McGowan type hot takes are not representative of all of women. But moving forward I am more guarded about interacting with women I don't know. Not in an entirely dismissive way, I'm just not interested in making an effort as it might be misconstrued as a desire for something more. A less extreme version of Pence, I guess.

I'm sure mikey can't identify with that at all. :P

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby tifosi77 » Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:35 pm

If that's your takeaway from all this, then I am very sorry for you. It's like adding 3+4 and getting ground turkey as the result.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby dodint » Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:42 pm

As I said, it speaks more to my own character than any external factor. I move to a different time zone every two years, putting down roots isn't really my thing. I have more people I consider friends in NC than I do anywhere else. Putting yourself out there is a greater risk than it used to be. But you don't know me as a person at all so I won't feel slighted by your pity. If you don't see that our behavior as a society has generally moved from a more broad and open experience to a more silo'd existence I'm not sure I could reach you either, which is fine.

It's the same sentiment that has been echoed here as the quip "Boy am I glad I'm not a 20-something trying to date in this climate." I really feel if my wife and I called it quits I'd stay solo the rest of my life. Partially because of who I am and partially because of just how much the dynamic of dating has changed since I graduated high school in '01.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby AuthorTony » Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:46 pm

When I was about 13 or 14, I rode the bus home with a girl who lived at the end of the road. She was 2 or 3 years older than me but I usually got along better with older kids than my peers. One day she had a new hairstyle and I casually told her it looked nice. She never spoke to me again. Women are fraking weirdos.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Jim » Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:48 pm

I got to listen to another breast feeding conversation at work yesterday. Do I get to blow up at the dudettebras or is that only something that women get to do?

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby MWB » Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:42 am

"Kavanaugh is going to get confirmed, we all know that. A lot of women will be very angry. Some might even take to the streets. But this won't be the tipping point. There won't be a tipping point, there never is. There will just be the subterranean lava flow of women's anger - slow, blistering, savage and inexorable. We'll go to bed angry, we'll get up angry, we'll drink our coffee and fix the kids' breakfasts angrily, we'll drive thru car line and to work angry, our male colleagues will ask each other if we're on the rag, we'll eat silent lunches with rage and we'll pick up groceries on the way home with vengeance on our hearts. We'll kiss our partners and our kids goodnight wrathfully. We'll cry hot, silently screaming tears in the middle of brushing our teeth. We'll go to bed angry. We'll get up angry...
Nothing will seem to change for you. But the mother of a 32 year old man will suddenly snap at him to "Grow up!" when he complains that he's pretty sick of frozen dinners lately. That quiet chick 3 cubicles down will show up out of nowhere and tell a gathering of dudebros that she'll report them to HR if they don't shut up. They'll call her a dodint under their breath as she turns around, but she won't care. The teenage daughter will ask her dad if he'd still find it funny if she was the punchline in his favorite joke. He'll scold her for talking back and look at his wife, who will look back and say nothing. Another daughter will say nothing to her father - ever again.
The anger will shift, seismic but unseen. Before the lava used to burn us to ash on the inside. It's bubbling over now. Enough of us have ripped open our bodies to let the boiling soil of our lives out that the heat itself causes fires. Sure, you can put one or two out at a time. A single flame is easy to catch. But the lava is elemental and everywhere. Kavanaugh will be confirmed. And in less than a generation he'll be a petrified ash fossil, frozen in a rictus of agony in the new Pompeii. Nothing will seem to have changed, until it's too late. The lava of our anger is going to cover the earth and bury you."
That’s very thought-provoking, and I’m not sure what else to say.

Regarding the other thing you said, dodint, I’m the same way, but have always been that way. I’m completely guarded when I meet people, to a fault. I don’t want to say something that will offend, so I simply say the least amount I need to.

So a lot of this has to do with personality, and it take a strong personality, or a strong will, to stand up to someone if they’re being offensive toward you. But the above really covers all types of reactions to it.

Freddy Rumsen
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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:47 pm

Lemon Berry Lobster
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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby Lemon Berry Lobster » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:54 pm

The amount of we believe you replies to his tweet is...interesting.

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Today's Harrassment Claims

Postby AuthorTony » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:56 pm

Is it? Look at Big Ben's undying support from Yinzers.

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