I passed my written test, so I 'finished' assembling my home simulator. I repurposed what I could from the sports car cockpit, reusing the seat and the button box. I struggled with key binding some stuff that isn't native to MSFS, I had to learn Spad.next to do that but it turned out great.
I now have everything I need to start working on radio proficiency in the sim. I need to fire up my subscription to the live ATC service, PilotEdge, and get to work.
Last Saturday I went to an FAA Safety Seminar at my local airport. I happened to run into the vice president of the flying club I want to join, as well as their primary instructor. They said the club has a student finishing up in May and it would be best if I joined now and started training in June. I hadn't planned to start training until the fall but I'm not going to complain about the idea of getting to fly sooner than later.
My wife and I signed up for a Discovery Flight at the local school to see how she likes it. Hopefully the weather will be good on Saturday, the forecast doesn't look promising.
As for the simulator, there are some things I'd like to do like wire in my transducers to add some realism. And also actually bolt down the components instead of using the clamps. But it's mostly finished. When I complete my media room in the basement it will move down there and I'll upgrade to a nice curved monitor, but that won't be for a while.