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Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:46 pm
by AuthorTony
I'm writing a new book on Pennsylvania hauntings, ghost stories, urban legends, etc. I know most of the big ones for Western PA, but I figured I'd make a post here and see if anyone knows of any in the state.

So far, for Pittsburgh, I'm writing about 13 bends, Green Man, the Carnegie library, the "ghost bomber", and the Allegheny County jail. Any other leads would be welcomed.

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:50 pm
by dodint
There was a Bigfoot sighting/scare in the 1970s, in the Whitney/Lycippus area.

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:58 pm
by Ad@m

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 6:59 pm
by count2infinity
I’m sure the Bedford springs had something as well. Bedford and ghosts go hand in hand.

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:29 pm
by Dickie Dunn
Which version of Green Man? Green Man's Tunnel and Corvette Tunnel were our two South Park hauntings.

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:41 pm
by tifosi77
My grandparents lived in a haunted house. They're both long dead, but I know the stories second hand.
I'm sure I've told these stories before, but they haven't lived in the house since the late 70s so I don't have any new material to offer. ;)

- Run of the mill bumps in the night;
- Rings disappearing off hands while sleeping (this could easily be a scroungy teenager, though);
- A cuckoo clock in the attic going off despite having no internals;
- My uncle was a talented artist and he once drew a portrait of Jesus w ye olde crown of thorns. Some days, you couldn't scrape it away from the wall with a knife, other days....... it would protrude straight out perpendicular to the wall, and it could be budged (raised or lowered) or pulled away from the wall;
- The house had a garage off the alley behind the house. One day Nan and Pap were coming home from [wherever] and Pap couldn't turn the wheel of the car to enter the garage. They went to the end of the alley and did a U-turn to approach from the other direction, and same thing; the wheel wouldn't budge. My Pap was a huge dude, like 22" pythons big, so this wasn't a case of "give it some more elbow grease". They tried a couple more passes, but as seasoned residents of this jank-ass house they did the only sensible thing that came to mind: They summoned a priest. They showed the priest what was up with the steering wheel, and he tried it for himself once or twice, to no avail. So they walked through the backyard to the house. The rear of the house had one of those sort of sun room additions that was basically like a covered patio. As I remember the story, it was a late spring day and not at all cold, but when they opened the door the air from the inside of the house was see-your-breath frigid. The priest stepped inside the sunroom/patio, and told my grans to wait there......... and then he stepped inside the house propper and immediately made like a faint gaspy kind of "oh" noise and passed out cold.

This house is still around, on Beale Ave in Altoona. Right across the street from what used to be an 84 Lumber.

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:51 am
by shafnutz05
The White Lady of Wopsy!

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:19 am
by Stoosh

The Axe Murder Hollow story in Erie. The Thomas Road area where this allegedly happened isn't all that far from where I grew up.

Know any good ghost stories?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:31 am
by Kane
Isn't there something to do with Blue Mist Rd in North Park?