Pro Wrasslin' Thread

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Mon Nov 16, 2020 12:23 pm

I have a write up with numbers that may or may not be accurate. But basically yes, there's no way that Twitch money is that lucrative when compared to her WWE pay. Not at 5k subs, and sure AF not with 1k subs.

Getting ready to leave the office and I'll pick this up once I get home.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:22 pm

I think her and Paige are going to have a rude awakening regarding Twitch. Firstly, if they're not WWE employees, does anybody really care to watch them react to YouTube videos? I suppose I shouldn't underestimate the power of thirsty bois but how long will that last?

More importantly, a reddit user pointed out that out of Vega's 15k subs, 14k of them are gifted. Meaning, a vast majority of those gifted subs will expire in 30 days. Paige had 20k subs and she recently dropped down to 5k because her gifted subs expired. I don't think Twitch is the cash cow that they believe it to be. <

Now, WWE is incredibly stupid and short-sighted by forcing their stars off of these platforms. It's an opportunity to bring new eyes to their product, hype up WWE shows on a different platform, put some money in their performer's pockets while also expanding their audience. But Vince is gonna Vince.

I know there's money to be made in Twitch, but I don't think it's some platform that will replace their WWE money despite the younger crowd that keeps saying "you know how much money you can make by streaming?" <br/>
According to a quick Google search,
"On average, expert streamers can make between $3,000 to $5,000 each month playing around 40 hours a week. That specific number doesn't include ad revenue, which averages about $250 every 100 subscribers. If you put in the time and grow a respectable audience, Twitch can certainly be lucrative."

I'm obviously not an expert at figuring this stuff out and have logged into Twitch maybe a handful of times tops, but let's say Paige keeps a core of 5k subscribers. Using the average of 250 per 100 subs, that's 12,500/mo alone or 150k a year on ad revenue and another 3-5k (36-60k) in base money, which would put her up near 200k. Problem is this is for someone who streams 40 hrs a week. We both know with a full time WWE gig this isn't happening. So let's say she does 20 hrs a week, which still seems like a lot no matter how you chop it up. Even going 4 hrs x 5 days or 6 days x 3.5 hrs, it's almost like a second job being in on the stream that long considering WWE probably has her doing other media appearances. At best, she might hit 100k if she keeps 5k streamers. But since I'm not a Twitch expert and can't tell if they pay based on current audience in the room or unique users that enter the stream that might not be subs, there's no telling if those numbers are even accurate. Also, does Twitch pay the same to a person doing 20 hours as a person who does 40 hours a week?

Drop those numbers by 80% and substitute Zelina's name in for Paige, and those numbers might be a thousand or two per month at best.

And like you said, if they weren't in the WWE or closely affiliated with the WWE (had to throw that in, since I'm still not sure what Paige's official status is and I'm too lazy to look it up), would anybody care about their channel? Yes, there are some exceptions to the rule, but both of them aren't exactly talent that are people are lining up around the block to see. Although, like you said, thirsty bois be thirsty bois.

You're right, it is insanely stupid. Let these people show their personality instead of forcing them to be performing robots week after week after week. But Vince continues to want to control every bit of his talent, and I'm sure there's probably a piece of the financial pie involved if Vince/WWE is controlling their streaming accounts too.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby nocera » Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:33 pm

Eventually, the talent will jointly decide to form a union (or join an established union like SAG). A few things need to happen in order for this to take place, though. Mainly, wrestlers need the top guys to buy in. Unionizing has always been a thing with wrestling but you'd have stars like Hogan put an end to it fairly quickly. Without the buy-in from top guys who are considered irreplaceable, there's no chance it happens. Which means that the next thing that has to happen before unionizing is there needs to be a legit cross-over top star in WWE. Vince has been steadily trying to future-proof WWE by making the brand bigger than any one talent. That is absolutely the case currently. Stop somebody on the street and ask them to name a current wrestler in WWE. My bet is 9/10, that person either has no clue or names a past star such as Hogan, SCSA, Cena, Taker, Rock. The current crop needs their huge star AND they need that star to buy in.

Which brings me to the final thing that has to happen before wrestlers unionize: Vince has to die. With the WWE brand being worth more than any single star, Vince will never give in to unionizing. He will fire anybody and everybody he has to before he lets that happen. And since the WWE brand is king, he'll probably get away with it.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby nocera » Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:47 am

I'm posting this mainly because I think the thumbnail is hilarious. It's even more hilarious when you realize it's not from the video.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby shafnutz05 » Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:51 am

Thanks for posting!! Will look forward to it.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby shafnutz05 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:29 pm


Freddy Rumsen
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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby Freddy Rumsen » Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:18 pm

"Don't have a stroke J.R." hahaha

"That's going to swallow Vince whole!"

The best.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby shafnutz05 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:31 pm

"Don't have a stroke J.R." hahaha

"That's going to swallow Vince whole!"

The best.
I just watch these old clips with a big grin on my face.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby blackjack68 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 5:59 pm

It’s bittersweet because nothing that they’re producing today or even for the last 5-10 years will be remembered like that.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby skullman80 » Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:01 pm

The crowd is hot, but that stuff doesn't age well at all IMO.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby nocera » Sat Nov 21, 2020 9:50 am

Yeah I’m up to Armageddon 99 on my PPV rewatch. Honestly, everything after WM 14 has felt repetitive. The crowd is super into everything but the quality of the wrestling is awful. Outside of the main event stars, the roster is dog ****. Test, Hardcore Holly, Al Snow, The Acolytes, Godfather, Val Venis, the list could go on and on. These guys suck.

I was pleasantly surprised at how well 97 held up. That might be my favorite year. I have a ton of nostalgia for the Hulkamania era, I really love 92-94, but 97 blew me away.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby shafnutz05 » Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:22 pm

The crowd is hot, but that stuff doesn't age well at all IMO.
I get it, but when I'm watching this old stuff I'm able to put myself back into the mindset I had at that age usually.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby nocera » Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:43 pm

By the way, the use of women in the attitude era is extremely embarrassing to watch now. I basically skip every women’s segment.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Sun Nov 22, 2020 8:57 pm

By the way, the use of women in the attitude era is extremely embarrassing to watch now. I basically skip every women’s segment.
King is damn near unlistenable in those segments.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby blackjack68 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:04 pm


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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby skullman80 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:06 pm

By the way, the use of women in the attitude era is extremely embarrassing to watch now. I basically skip every women’s segment.
King is damn near unlistenable in those segments.
King is unlistenable all the time. He has always been awful.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:09 pm

wow, didn't see that coming for the womens' survivor match. /s

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Sun Nov 22, 2020 10:00 pm

wow, they're bringing everybody back for this: Godfather, the Godwins, Savio Vega

I'm hoping this doesn't lead to Taker being jumped in back and the PPV ending.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Sun Nov 22, 2020 10:34 pm

I don't know what I was expecting with the Taker retirement, but that wasn't it.
They brought back all of these former stars, didn't have any of them say a single word. Vince comes in, speaks for about 2 min. Somewhere in there was a video package, either before or after Vince spoke. I already forget. Taker comes out, speaks in character for two minutes, says now the Undertaker will rest in peace. Post-match post, CGI Paul Bearer appearance, walk up the ramp and scene.
Taker and Stone Cold doing part 2 of their interview. 5 minutes in, already pouring shots of Jack. :lol:

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby Morkle » Sun Nov 22, 2020 11:30 pm

I don't know what I was expecting with the Taker retirement, but that wasn't it.
They brought back all of these former stars, didn't have any of them say a single word. Vince comes in, speaks for about 2 min. Somewhere in there was a video package, either before or after Vince spoke. I already forget. Taker comes out, speaks in character for two minutes, says now the Undertaker will rest in peace. Post-match post, CGI Paul Bearer appearance, walk up the ramp and scene.
Taker and Stone Cold doing part 2 of their interview. 5 minutes in, already pouring shots of Jack. :lol:
All these old dudes in close contact with each other, then they clear out and Vince has the mat by himself.

I know there wasn’t any reason outside of Vince on his own there, but man the optics of a company who didn’t prioritize COVID to start and looked like that, lol.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:45 am

if they were going to do that, they could have spread them outside the ring with masks and had Vince inside. Better yet, why have them out there as part of the PPV? None of them had a speaking part or any on-air interaction with Taker. And I highly doubt there was any type of pre-appearance quarantine. Bad optics indeed.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby skullman80 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:58 am

Vince nor the WWE care about Covid-19 or the optics surrounding it. At all.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby nocera » Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:33 am

COVID optics aside, that whole segment was weird as hell. First of all, how many times has the Undertaker retired? The streak ending was originally thought to be his retirement only for him to return just to bury Bray Wyatt. He laid down his hat and coat after losing to Roman at Mania 33 but lol he's back to beat Cena in a nothing match at Mania 34. He seemed to be retired again as he didn't have a match at Mania 35, just that weird segment with Elias, but nope, he had some absolutely terrible matches in Saudi Arabia. Mania 36 felt like another retirement as he literally rode off into the sunset. The Last Dance Ride documentary felt like another retirement tour.

Another reason why the retirement segment felt off was obviously the lack of a real crowd. Piping in "Thank You Taker" chants felt so hollow. It's also why I don't think this is the last we've seen of Undertaker. He'll absolutely be back for a "real" goodbye once fans return.

Adding to the weirdness, they brought back the most random collection of past stars I've ever seen. I get it, it's the BSK, but Henry O and Phineas I Godwin on WWE in 2020? Savio **** Vega? Then you have all of these dudes out there basically in street clothes but Kane comes out in full gimmick like a **** nob. Vince standing in the ring and looking like a corpse (fits with the Taker theme I guess). The production truck also screwed up the "Rest in Peace" sing-along with the Taker line (the audio is all **** here with 'peace' repeated twice). There's also the weird Paul Bearer Lil Sebastian hologram. And then more piped in chanting.

Maybe if that segment didn't take place in the ThunderDomeTM it would've been better, but not much. I'm so sick of the Undertaker. He should've retired after WM30. The last 7 years have been pointless.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby Morkle » Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:50 am

lol Kane coming out in full attire felt like the rest of the group just messing with Kane.

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Pro Wrasslin' Thread

Postby iamjs » Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:24 am

I was even able to get past all of the previous "retirements". It's wrestling. No one ever really retires. But like you mentioned, there was this year's Mania where he literally rode off into the night. There was the documentary that even came with a news release that came with the announcement that he is officially retired. Based on his interview last night, it seems like he's more retired than others. He admitted not being in shape for his last match and that he wants to wrestle forever but knows he can't go anymore. However, if the right amount of Saudi money came along I can see him doing 2-3 minutes of ring work in a tag match.

But what was the purpose of last night's ceremony? I'm not sure if I'm more stumped why they did it or underwhelmed at the whole thing. None of the guests spoke. Vince spoke, but it couldn't have been longer than 2 minutes. Taker barely spoke. We got some weird electric version of the Taker theme that made it seemed like I blew a speaker in my soundbar and we got hologram Bearer.

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