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Video Games

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:48 pm
by Morkle
Hope it's not as repetitive as the last 5

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:07 pm
by the wicked child
Ghost of Tsushima looks awesome. That is going on my list for sure.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:16 pm
by NTP66
Ghost of Tsushima looks awesome. That is going on my list for sure.
Finally, a game that looks like I may really enjoy it... and I find out it's for PS4, lol. Are there comparable games on Xbox?

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:17 pm
by skullman80
I want to get Ghost of Tsushima, but I worry about it being too difficult. I'm just not that patient anymore to play very tough games haha. I also just started the Last of Us 2, so I have that to try and finish.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:31 pm
by DigitalGypsy66

Very cool. At $250, not cool enough for me to buy it though.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:03 pm
by skullman80
My wife already gave the green light on getting that when we saw the commercial ha.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:22 pm
by nocera
$250!? You could get a really decent NES console + game lot from ebay for that.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:23 pm
by NAN
Saw that LEGO NES, went "got to have it", saw price and said "nevermind".

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:30 pm
by dodint
My wife got me one of these Hallmark ornaments for Christmas this year:


It lights up and plays sound, but we're waiting until we trim the tree before checking it out. ... I2514.html

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:32 pm
by nocera
:thumb: The fiance picked that up for me as well. We already went through her haul and put batteries in everything. It's a fun one.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:33 pm
by skullman80
$250!? You could get a really decent NES console + game lot from ebay for that.
I agree it's crazy overpriced like most lego stuff, but I still want it.

We still have an original NES downstairs that works with games/controllers.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:49 pm
by tifosi77
I want to get Ghost of Tsushima, but I worry about it being too difficult. I'm just not that patient anymore to play very tough games haha. I also just started the Last of Us 2, so I have that to try and finish.
"Games are hard, so I just got TLOU2"


Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:55 pm
by skullman80
I want to get Ghost of Tsushima, but I worry about it being too difficult. I'm just not that patient anymore to play very tough games haha. I also just started the Last of Us 2, so I have that to try and finish.
"Games are hard, so I just got TLOU2"

I was able to beat the first Last of Us. It took me a bit, but I got through it. I just feel like I read Ghosts of Tsushima was like Dark Souls/Bloodborne type difficulty.. and I just don't have the patience for that stuff these days haha.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:59 pm
by NAN
:thumb: The fiance picked that up for me as well. We already went through her haul and put batteries in everything. It's a fun one.
Got that as well as the gold Zelda cart one, and all the Mario ones from the last few years. The lInk one as well.

Video Games

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 5:46 pm
by shafnutz05
I do not have PS4, but what is all this controversy over TLOU2? Something about a
trans sex scene

Video Games

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:31 pm
by tifosi77
I do not have PS4, but what is all this controversy over TLOU2? Something about a
trans sex scene
Oh boy...............
I mean it........ if you plan on playing this game, click no further until you do.
No really.
Last chance.......
The main character is a lesbian, which we've known since the DLC for the first game. But in this one, we meet her SO, and do missionings together with her. I just know Ellie (MPC) and Dina (her SO NPC) are lesbetarians together, and there's a lot of anti-LGBTQ+ backlash, but I hadn't read anything about trans content.

There's an intense scene in the story trailer that I thought involved either the lover getting tortured/murdered, or the same happening to Joel (the MPC from the first game). Turns out, it was the latter.... he's beaten to death by the remnants of the group of people he sort of slaughtered in the fist game, so it makes perfect sense that they'd seek him out. But he's actually beaten to death with a golf club, and that wasn't heroic enough for some people.

The people complaining about this game are the same types that bellyached about The Last Jedi. They review bombed it on Rotten Tomatoes (I think it had over 50 1-star reviews within 2 hours of availability..... remarkable that so many were able to complete a 20+ hour campaign in that time.), they troll video game YouTube comments sections with "Neil Cuckman ruined Naughty Dog!" and it's really just annoying af.

Video Games

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:03 pm
by MR25
Well (again, if you really want to know the story, dont click. I'm only doing one level of spoiler):
there is another playable character, Abby. There's a sex scene with her. It's never explicitly stated whether or not she's trans but people are making the assumption because in the half a second her chest is shown, she's got really defined pecs, not a lot of boobage (during the scene, anyway), and the other character... enters the back door, so to speak (at least that's what people are saying is happening... I only caught the tail end of it during my roommate's playthrough).

I think people are looking way too into it to find something to hate or create a controversy that isn't there because of the reasons you mentioned.

Video Games

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:00 am
by DigitalGypsy66
Outrage over gay characters is so 1997. WTF?

Video Games

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 9:32 am
by nocera
I'm guessing the people complaining are the same people who "rule 34'd" Ellie.

Video Games

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 8:07 pm
by tifosi77

Video Games

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 7:15 am
by shafnutz05
I'm guessing the people complaining are the same people who "rule 34'd" Ellie.
I'm sure that's a thing, like everything else. Blech.

Thanks Tif. I didn't read the explanation, if only because I tell myself one day I will play those games. Realistically, as a Switch and Xbox owner with two small children, it will never happen, but one can hope.

Video Games

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:06 pm
by tifosi77
If I was still at PlayStation I would offer to get you a refurbed 4 Slim for $125. But, well.....

Video Games

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 4:23 pm
by NTP66
My daughter pleaded with me to install Minecraft on our Xbox, so I finally did. I have no **** idea what to do.

Video Games

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:07 pm
by DigitalGypsy66
😂 go find a YouTuber by the name of Paul Soares Jr. He does Minecraft tutorial videos, at least for survival mode. You'll probably want to start your daughter off in creative, which is sandbox mode. She can just build.

The cool thing is the console versions are compatible with iOS and Android, so you could buy it for your iPad and join her. My boys and I did that for years.

Video Games

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:10 pm
by NTP66
Yeah, we started to figure it out. I had to google how to get her out of the underground, lava filled tunnel that she built, haha.