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Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:33 am
by bhflyhigh
I also started back working out again. Must be the demise of winter that's motivating everyone, except tif. I like running and the last two weeks have ran 3-4 days both weeks. Makes me see how far I have fallen. 5 miles used to be no big deal. Now 2 is a major accomplishment. Gotta keep going.
My plan is to diet and run and lose about 20 pounds. Then slowly start to add in strength training. I understand a lot of the fitness community at large stresses lifting over running, but to me running just feels so good. Gonna go with my feels.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:40 am
by Morkle
Been using MyFitnessPal and going to the gym frequently again. Down about 15lbs in two weeks or so. So that's pretty nice.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:44 am
by Craig
I see people refer to myfitnesspal. It costs money, right? What does it do? Im thinking about getting something to track what i do but want to make sure its useful.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:46 am
by Craig
I also started back working out again. Must be the demise of winter that's motivating everyone, except tif. I like running and the last two weeks have ran 3-4 days both weeks. Makes me see how far I have fallen. 5 miles used to be no big deal. Now 2 is a major accomplishment. Gotta keep going.
My plan is to diet and run and lose about 20 pounds. Then slowly start to add in strength training. I understand a lot of the fitness community at large stresses lifting over running, but to me running just feels so good. Gonna go with my feels.
I think im done running forever, but thT 2 mile hump was always rough. I could basically will myself to 2-2.5 right off the bat, but getting past that was rough. On e i got comfortable with going a little over 3 though, being able to do 5 or so took like 2 more weeks. I wonder what causes that.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:58 am
by Robot B9
Been using MyFitnessPal and going to the gym frequently again. Down about 15lbs in two weeks or so. So that's pretty nice.
Whoa, that's serious work. Great job, man, congrats.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:59 am
by dodint
I also started back working out again. Must be the demise of winter that's motivating everyone, except tif. I like running and the last two weeks have ran 3-4 days both weeks. Makes me see how far I have fallen. 5 miles used to be no big deal. Now 2 is a major accomplishment. Gotta keep going.
My plan is to diet and run and lose about 20 pounds. Then slowly start to add in strength training. I understand a lot of the fitness community at large stresses lifting over running, but to me running just feels so good. Gonna go with my feels.

We're basically in the same boat. I got my 2mi in under 20minutes yesterday. Granted, I'm still 280lbs and I'm pacing myself so that's a nice enough accomplishment. If I do much more I'll start getting shin splints. Hoping to run a half-marathon in November but we'll see. Cool thing about not being in the military is I can train for myself, not to an Order.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:01 pm
by Robot B9
Just a tip from personal experience: if you're pretty overweight and trying to lose, avoid the treadmill. Quick way to really mess your knees up because of the weight constantly coming down on them. I lost all my weight slugging on the arc trainer. But if I could go back I'd definitely do high intensity interval training to get in shape.
I've been incorporating hiit both with the weight regimen and the cardio, and doingitrite has really made a difference. If you keep in mind the goal is to do more work in a shorter timespan and get more burn, then it's easier to accomplish and you really feel it.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:38 pm
by dodint
I tore a meniscus running too much while too heavy so I'm pretty decent and limiting myself to the appropriate miles. If I'm over 250 and trying to run more than 8 miles at a time it's a recipe for disaster. My general rule of them is for every 10lbs I lose I can add a mile until I get back down to my marathon weight of 230.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:44 pm
by Robot B9
I tore a meniscus running too much while too heavy so I'm pretty decent and limiting myself to the appropriate miles. If I'm over 250 and trying to run more than 8 miles at a time it's a recipe for disaster. My general rule of them is for every 10lbs I lose I can add a mile until I get back down to my marathon weight of 230.
I hover around 230-240, so my cardio is roadwork and I mostly powerwalk to avoid more knee probs than I already had. I started light jogging this week, so far so good, but i'm really not pushing that much. At the same time, it's great to hiit with medium walk-jog-fast walk. Keeps things interesting, short and effective.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:25 pm
by IanMoran
That said, the failure to change my lifestyle has led me to regaining the weight each time but that's on me, not the diet.
Ditto, I seriously fluctuate 50 pounds. I gain 50 pounds, then lose it, then gain it (obviously takes awhile). I seriously REALLY struggle with "maintaining weight". Once I'm happy with my weight, I slowly start to gain some. I know someone who starts to try to lose weight when he gains 5 lbs. So on a "lose weight" watch 50% of time almost. Might be way for me...

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:27 pm
by IanMoran
Is the lettuce the problem? Do you just like bread? Lettuce is obviously bland so i use peppered turkey and jalapeno cheese to give plenty of flavor.
I'm fine with lettuce on stuff (REALLY prefer spinach salads over lettuce salads though), just really makes me not enjoy a sandwich at all when its lettuce wrapped / I'd be better off eating it with no bread and a fork. Its probably all a mental thing

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:31 pm
by IanMoran
I understand a lot of the fitness community at large stresses lifting over running, but to me running just feels so good. Gonna go with my feels.
Different strokes for different folks. I actually enjoy lifting weights / feel good about it. Cardio / Running is just pure torture for me. I despise every second of it.

I'm going to get back into playing hockey (haven't played in 6 years) as my method of cardio. Sports is the only form of cardio I enjoy

Health and Fitness

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:46 pm
by dodint
That said, the failure to change my lifestyle has led me to regaining the weight each time but that's on me, not the diet.
Ditto, I seriously fluctuate 50 pounds. I gain 50 pounds, then lose it, then gain it (obviously takes awhile). I seriously REALLY struggle with "maintaining weight". Once I'm happy with my weight, I slowly start to gain some. I know someone who starts to try to lose weight when he gains 5 lbs. So on a "lose weight" watch 50% of time almost. Might be way for me...
I track my weight data on a spreadsheet. Every time I gain weight it's because I get relaxed and stop recording the weight. Hoping to change that this time.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:11 am
by Robot B9
I'd like to get a pair of Rollerblades or whatever the newest thing like it is and would be a first time buyer. Usage would be primarily on streets in my hood.

What should I get?

Health and Fitness

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:13 am
by shafnutz05
I'm doing Stronglifts 5x5 but I hit an absolute wall on the overhead press when I got to 130 pounds. Couldn't do more than 2 sets.
The overhead press doesn't *seem* like it should be that hard, but it is.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:41 pm
by Algernon
Just found this thread


About to squat for the first time in a couple months thanks to tb500 finally making my knee feel healthy

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:15 pm
by Algernon
I'm gonna blow this thread up until people get mad at me

I'm competing in a oly meet in August

I'm 215 pounds and I have to get down to 198

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:44 pm
by Dickie Dunn
What are your lifts currently at? I've always wanted to compete at an event, but improper lifting as a teenager has given my some impingement issues that really mess with my form on Olympic lifts.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:59 pm
by Algernon
What are your lifts currently at? I've always wanted to compete at an event, but improper lifting as a teenager has given my some impingement issues that really mess with my form on Olympic lifts.
I'm enhanced. *shrug* I'm not going to lie about it.

So posting my numbers is meaning less

You can always correct form. It's actually not that hard to fix hip flexion/lumbar flexion issues

People just usually don't know how to diagnose muscle imbalances

It's usually the wrong prescription of "touch your toes and do static stretching"

Which is retarded.

Have someone who knows how to squat watch your form.

Research btn ohp

Work on front Squats

My form isn't immaculate by professional standards but it's 10x better than most of the bros in my gym

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:16 pm
by tifosi77
If you are into improving mobility and form, I have two recommendations:

Kelly Starrett's site MobilityWOD (He's a Crossfitter, sooo......) and book, Becoming A Supple Leopard.

And the Jill Miller book The Roll Model, which promotes a philosophy of 'treat while you train' through the use of therapy balls in a practice called Yoga Tune Up. My neighbor is a certified instructor, and Mrs Tif and I took a 2-hour Tune Up class with her last weekend. Outstanding stuff, rolling around on the floor of a yoga studio with a group of lesbians I had never met before that afternoon making ball jokes. Woot.

Seriously, tho, it changes your outlook on the world.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:36 pm
by Algernon
If you are into improving mobility and form, I have two recommendations:

Kelly Starrett's site MobilityWOD (He's a Crossfitter, sooo......) and book, Becoming A Supple Leopard.

And the Jill Miller book The Roll Model, which promotes a philosophy of 'treat while you train' through the use of therapy balls in a practice called Yoga Tune Up. My neighbor is a certified instructor, and Mrs Tif and I took a 2-hour Tune Up class with her last weekend. Outstanding stuff, rolling around on the floor of a yoga studio with a group of lesbians I had never met before that afternoon making ball jokes. Woot.

Seriously, tho, it changes your outlook on the world.
Starret is good stuff. Just tune out anything he says about pullups

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:26 pm
by iamjs
Ran my first two miles in under 18 today (17:51), which would have projected out to about 27:26 had I ran the full 5k. Tried to squeeze in a quick run during lunch, but then realized I had a guest from out of town and he needs me to gain access to certain rooms and had to stop early, so no long lunch for me today.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:33 pm
by shafnutz05
I ran my first three miles (with the goldendoodle) in probably four months. I've slacked off horribly over the winter. I think my plan is to run while enjoying the nice spring weather, and then start P90x in the cool confines of my basement once the summer heat starts in earnest. By September, all the ladies in Nags Head will be 'mirin
Disclaimer: This plan may or may not be offset by binges, food or alcohol related

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:42 pm
by dodint
I'd like to get a pair of Rollerblades or whatever the newest thing like it is and would be a first time buyer. Usage would be primarily on streets in my hood.

What should I get?
I started with these Bauer X40R, inexpensive quality skate to get going with: ... 0r-sr.html

Most of the miles are road/path skating, but if I'm on sportcourt doing hockey things I have different wheels for that. If you're doing road only just buy some nice hard wheels when the originals wear down and keep on going.

Health and Fitness

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 9:48 pm
by Craig
If you're going to be skating on the road or a trail of some sort, its a remotely hilly area, and you aren't going to be playing hockey, i'd just save some money and get a decent pair of recreational skates. You'll have a brake and those skates are way easier on your feet.