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Postby NTP66 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:24 pm

Endgame was the last movie I saw in the theater...

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Postby Kaiser » Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:30 pm

i fell asleep during black panther. I only remember that nothing they were talking about seemed important.

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Postby PFiDC » Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:39 pm

Dude with a cough at a movie theater is what started the community spread in Outbreak

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Postby nocera » Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:40 pm

I feel like I watched a different movie than most of you. I loved Black Panther. I just recently rewatched all of the MCU, and if I'm making one of those tier list graphics, Black Panther is firmly in the "A" tier. It doesn't quite make the jump to "S" with Iron Man 1, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, and maybe Civil War, but it's damn good.

*edit* And because I'll look for any excuse to procrastinate, here's that tier list:

If you're also procrastinating, you can make your own here: ... ses-190168

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Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:17 pm

We enjoyed the rewatch of Black Panther last night, but the women were what stood out to me this time around.

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Postby NTP66 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:20 pm

I feel like I watched a different movie than most of you. I loved Black Panther. I just recently rewatched all of the MCU, and if I'm making one of those tier list graphics, Black Panther is firmly in the "A" tier. It doesn't quite make the jump to "S" with Iron Man 1, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, and maybe Civil War, but it's damn good.

*edit* And because I'll look for any excuse to procrastinate, here's that tier list:

If you're also procrastinating, you can make your own here: ... ses-190168
IMO, Dr. Strange belongs in the next higher tier. Black Panther is probably towards the back half of the tier you currently have it on.

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Postby nocera » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:22 pm

Eh. Strange was good but not great. I'm not big on origin stories (except Iron Man apparently) and I found myself bored for long stretches. That tier list is just my opinion, and we know what they say about opinions.

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Postby PFiDC » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:24 pm

Thor Ragnarok is the best MCU movie. Fight me.

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Postby eddy » Mon Aug 31, 2020 3:54 pm

I liked Black Panther quite a bit, just thought the end cgi was messy

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Postby blackjack68 » Mon Aug 31, 2020 5:28 pm

Come to think of it, we weren't going to many movies either. Once the kids got older, we stopped going to the animated films (except for Pixar, naturally) so that cut about 6 movies out a year. No new Marvel or Star Wars in 2020 either, so those were out...

Knives Out was a great "last" movie to see in a theater.
That may have been our last in theater movie as well.

Have to check my AMC Stubs account.

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Postby Freddy Rumsen » Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:46 pm

We only go see the tent pole Star Wars movies in the theaters because I have to take a small loan out to take all my kids to a movie.

Dickie Dunn
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Postby Dickie Dunn » Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:38 pm

Ugh. It is admittedly not updated to include Endgame, but I already produced the best MCU rankings known to man:
In preparation for Endgame’s release and the likely end of the MCU as we know it, I did the impossible (it wasn’t that hard) and re-watched the entire MCU during the week my wife was out of the country. My gift to you people is a definitive and indisputable ranking of the movies in the MCU. Scores were determined through a proprietary formula that focuses on Story, Action, Villain, and Performances, with lesser consideration given to MCU Connection, Hotness of Female Participants, Humor, and general Nostalgia for the movie. There are some real standout movies in this series and really only two entries make me hate myself for watching them; everything else is highly watchable and enjoyable, even if some of them aren’t perfect. Spoilered because long AF.
#21 – The Incredible Hulk – MCU Movie #2 – 3.86/10

The rating for this movie is probably a bit unfair as the MCU was in it’s infancy and the only real MCU connection is some pickups and CGI additions that throw the name “Stark” into the movie after the success of Iron Man, but in general the movie is not much fun, the villain sucks, Betty Ross isn’t a real character but just an outlet to connect Hulk to humanity, and for a franchise that is near perfect with their casting, Norton as Banner just doesn’t work. I plan on never watching this movie again.

#20 – Thor: The Dark World – MCU Movie #8 – 5.69/10

This movie was a complete slog to get through. Hemsworth and Hiddleston do their best to make this movie enjoyable, and the Captain America cameo is a great moment, but it’s just not a fun movie. Bogged down in lackluster storytelling, Natalie Portman and Christopher Eccleston mailing in their performances, and dumb villain that we have no reason to care about. It did however add more Infinity Stones to the MCU so points for that.

#19 – Iron Man 2 – MCU Movie #3 – 6.65/10

For the most part I find this movie enjoyable and watchable, but it’s painfully obvious that the studio was still trying to figure out how to handle the behemoth they were trying to create. Lots of MCU involvement, but some of Coulson’s dialogue might as well have been “Thor, coming next summer!”. RDJ is always great, Sam Rockwell was equally great, it was jarring to see the casting change for Rhodey so quickly, and Mickey Rourke sucked. It’s pretty humorous that Iron Man kickstarted RDJ’s resurgence while Iron Man 2 pretty much killed Rourke’s. More dumb villains as the big boss battle is a CGI fight against drone suits. Blah. ScarJo though. God damn. I also appreciate that the disaster of making this movie inspired Favreau to make Chef. That’s a damn good movie.

#18 – Doctor Strange – MCU Movie #14 – 6.90/10

I liked this movie more the first time I saw it and think Strange works better as a supporting character than the focal point of an entire movie. He starts out as a less likable, less charismatic Tony Stark and then way too quickly wants to master the mystical arts and gives zero shits about fixing his hands. Good, Inceptiony action sequences and the bargaining with Dormammu is great. Rachel McAdams is always great and lovely but is underutilized.

#17 – Captain Marvel – MCU Movie #21 - 7.0/10

I wanted to like this movie more than I did. It’s pretty fun, the story is fine, I loved the villain twist, SLJ is awesome, but overall there’s not a ton of substance to the movie. It’s more of an exercise in checking off boxes to introduce the character before Endgame. There needed to be more about Danvers learning the truth to her identity than a black box audio clip and a motivational speech in the yard from her friend that she barely remembers. The end battle was too “video game” for me. Obvious CGI character flying through and battling other obviously CGI things.

#16 – Thor – MCU Movie #4 – 7.01/10

In retrospect it’s kinda crazy that they introduce Thor to the MCU before Captain America. Hemsworth’s dyed eyebrows were more off-putting than an “uncanny valley” I’ve seen with a CGI character. Branagh did some weird stuff with how he framed the movie, which makes it feel unlike any other MCU movie, and Thor kind of rotates between Dickhead Thor and Mimbo Thor, but in general the movie is fine and enjoyable. It does a good job of introducing Asgard and Loki is a genuinely great character, but we’re once again dealing with mediocre at best villains, though it was nice to see the furnace from Home Alone get some run as the villain desert monster thing.

#14t – The Avengers: Age of Ultron – MCU Movie #11 & Captain America: Civil War – MCU Movie #13 – 7.05/10

Unironically, these two movies are my biggest disappointments in the MCU. Ultron is too bloated with too much going on. Given where preceding MCU movies ended, the movie kicks off in kind of a weird places and then just powers through multiple plot lines, introducing multiple new characters, Thor’s vision side quest, giving a **** about Hawkeye’s family, introducing Wakanda, all while giving Baron von Strucker short shrift. The movie helped expand the MCU, Infinity Stones, and Thanos, but it’s all just too much for a single movie. Spader is always great, but Ultron is kind of uneven and his motivation is all over the place. Best scene in the movie is the team hanging out together, just being normal superhero people, and trying to pick up Mjolnir. In this movie it really felt like the wrote Rhodey for Cheadle instead of writing the role for Howard and then recasting the role after the fact.

Civil War might as well have been the third Avengers movie, because pretty much everyone is here. It is again an overstuffed movie, introducing new characters, has a very lose concept of the time it takes to travel places, and kinda short changes Captain America, which sucks because his previous solo outing was great. Hot take: The Airport Battle sucks. The color palate is completely washed out and it’s the first time in this series of movies where it is painfully obvious that if a character has a mask on, there is zero practical effects or stunt work going into the action scene. That **** is 100% CGI and for me it’s an issue that carries on to a lot of the more recent movies. Another movie that feels like a checklist of things that need to get done to set up the rest of the series. Also, hey ****, there’s William Hurt as Thunderbolt Ross. They do pretend that The Incredible Hulk was part of this series!

#13 – Iron Man 3 – MCU Movie #7 – 7.52/10

Seven movies into a 22-movie series and we’re already one with the solo Iron Man films. It’s amazing how Iron Man heavy the start of this run was. I love this movie, but it’s more of a Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2 – Iron Man Edition, than it is an MCU movie. RDJ is great, Shane Black’s humor is on point, I love the journey that Tony Stark’s character takes through the movie as he deals with the fallout of The Battle of New York, and I love Ben Kingsley as the fake Mandarin (which I remember really pissed off the nerds), but Adrich Killian as the primary villain is not great and was actually something forced into the film by Ike Perlmutter, who didn’t want a woman (Maya Hansen) to be the primary villain. The ending of this movie is also completely undone as Tony Stark continues to be Iron Man and puts a new Arc Reactor in his chest sometime between the end of this and the start of AOU.

#11t – Ant-Man – MCU Movie #12 & Ant-Man and the Wasp – MCU Movie #21 – 7.66/10

Not much to say here. Just fun, funny movies with a great cast.

#10 – Black Panther – MCU Movie #18 – 7.95/10

I’m a big fan of this movie. The story is great and Wakanda’s place in the world created by the MCU is interesting. The cast is great and puts forth some incredible performances. Once again, we’re dealing with a villain that is just the villainous opposite of the hero. Would be higher ranked but the final fight between Black Panther and Killmonger is a CGI-fest that honestly looks unfinished.

#9 – Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 – MCU Movie #15 – 8.14/10

I love these characters and this movie falls just short of the original. Tries a little too hard to be funny in some parts, but overall a great, enjoyable, funny movie. Russell is fantastic as Ego and the movie is pretty emotional with Quill’s relationship to his actual father and his father figure and the sisterly relationship between Gamora and Nebula.

#8 – Iron Man – MCU Movie #1 – 8.17/10

The original coming in strong. Great story that relies heavily on RDJ being a fantastic actor. The Dude Lebowski is great as the secret villain until he just becomes a larger version of Iron Man, which is really the only point where the movie falters. I remember being so hyped with the Nick Fury scene after the credits and RDJ’s ad-libbed “I am Iron Man” at the end of the movie set the stage for everything to come.

#7 – Spider-Man: Homecoming – MCU Movie #16 – 8.25/10

I liked Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, particularly for his chemistry with Emma Stone, and I tolerated Tobey Maguire as pathetically boring Spider-Man (until SM3) because Raimi made a couple of pretty solid movies, but Tom Holland is the best version of the character yet. I like the Iron Man as a mentor angle, though it goes to that well a bit too frequently. The movie is boosted by Keaton’s excellent turn as a menacing villain, which really shines in the extremely tense car scene.

#6 – Captain America: The First Avenger – MCU Movie #5 – 8.27/10

This movie got the biggest bump from where I used to rank it. Just a great aesthetic and vibe similar to The Rocketeer. Evans is perfect as Cap and his relationship with the lovely Hayley Atwell makes for a gut punch as he’s going down with the plane. Great supporting cast with Tommy Lee Johns, Hugo Weaving, Dominic Cooper, Stanley Tucci, etc.

#5 – The Avengers – MCU Movie #6 – 8.29/10

The hype level for this movie was over the top and it’s still as great as the first time I saw it. Getting all these characters together seemed like it took forever, yet we were just over a quarter into what the MCU became. Ruffalo’s first appearance as Banner really highlighted just how much better he is in the role than Norton. Some of Whedon’s humor feels a bit out of place, but overall the movie is a great ride from beginning to end.

#4 – Guardians of the Galaxy – MCU Movie #10 – 8.30/10

What a breath of fresh air into the MCU. Something completely different and off the wall and it worked to perfection. Ronan wasn’t a great villain but served the purpose. Our first real look at the expanse of the MCU beyond Earth and Asgard and really sets the stage for journey to come.

#3 – Thor: Ragnarok – MCU Movie #17 – 9.13/10

The finally went all in with Mimbo Thor and it works to perfection. Hilarious movie with a great story, great action, great interactions between Hulk and Thor, as well as Thor and Loki. I hope Thor survives Endgame because I want more of this.

#2 – Captain America: The Winter Soldier – MCU Movie #9 – 9.40/10

What a movie. I love how Cap’s first two solo outings fit into different genres and this movie makes for a great spy thriller. Great action, great use of S.H.I.E.L.D., great look into Cap trying to adjust to life as a still alive super powered 97-year-old, and great, organic expansion of Cap’s team. I wish his third solo movie was more akin to this versus what we got.

#1 – The Avengers: Infinity War – MCU Movie #19 – 9.43/10

Barely eking ahead of TWS, primarily because this was finally it: The massive joint event that everything had been building towards. Some of the action suffered from the obvious CGI vs. CGI, but overall this movie just goes balls to the wall from the very start and doesn’t quit. Great character crossovers. Making the first appearance of GOTG feel like a GOTG movie was a great touch. Humorous moments despite the gravity of the situation. Thor showing up in Wakanda and kicking ass. And then the ending. I was completely stunned that the movie was over and the good guys had lost. I’ve spent a year waiting to see how The Snap gets reserved and it won’t surprise me in the least if Endgame ends up in this top spot in about 36 hours.

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Postby dodint » Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:51 pm

Ford v. Ferrari for me.

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Postby tifosi77 » Tue Sep 01, 2020 2:03 pm

We just watched Ford v Ferrari on the Netflixes, and I thought it was absolutely fantastic. Enjoyed every moment of it.

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Postby Jim » Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:33 pm

I liked when they fought outside and the wife pulled out a chair to watch and then brought drinks.

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Postby meecrofilm » Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:00 pm

re: MCU. I'll always go to bat for Thor 1 and Ant-Man 2, but also realize I'm in the minority there.

Dickie Dunn
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Postby Dickie Dunn » Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:55 pm

Thor 1 is fine but pales in comparison to the movies created as the MCU matured. Ant-Man 2 is good.

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Postby meecrofilm » Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:14 am

Thor 1 is fine but pales in comparison to the movies created as the MCU matured.
I think that's what I like about it so much. They hadn't quite perfected the formula yet. The shakespearean drama of all the Asgard scenes is executed perfectly and those are all gold for me. As great as something like Ragnarok is, I find the lack of wink-wink in the first one to be really refreshing.

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Postby eddy » Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:06 am

Watched Flash Gordon last night with the kids. Boys were bored with it, but the daughter enjoyed it. The 4k remaster is pretty incredible.

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Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:21 am

I saw Flash Gordon in the theater. I think it was one of the first films I ever saw in a campy. :lol:

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Postby tifosi77 » Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:25 am

It is to my everlasting shame that Flash Gordon was my introduction to Queen.

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Postby nocera » Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:36 am

It is to my everlasting shame that Flash Gordon was my introduction to Queen.
My first introduction to Queen was Wayne's World. Just think, there's a whole generation of people who learned about Queen through Glee.

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Postby blackjack68 » Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:44 pm

We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions at football games.

Then Flash and then Another One Bites the Dust all over the radio.

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Postby eddy » Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:47 pm

It is to my everlasting shame that Flash Gordon was my introduction to Queen.
My first introduction to Queen was Wayne's World. Just think, there's a whole generation of people who learned about Queen through Glee.
Mine was Highlander!

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Postby PFiDC » Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:49 pm

Fun fact: Another One Bites the Dust was supposed to be theme of Rocky 3. Survivor got lucky.

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