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Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:27 pm
by shmenguin
Raskin and the other effete impotents shouldn’t be taking the bait here. Theyre engaging, as if this isn’t exactly what they want.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:44 pm
by Morkle
Manchin considering leaving democratic party and be considered independent senator.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:47 pm
by NTP66
:lol: **** that piece of ****. Remove him from any panel he sits on, and give him nothing.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:51 pm
by mikey
Factorial thumbs up forthcoming haha

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:57 pm
by count2infinity
Wouldn't that make the GOP the majority then?

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:59 pm
by dodint
Does it matter? The Dems appease on everything anyway.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:09 pm
by nocera
Which would put Mitch McConnell back on top.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:12 pm
by faftorial
Wouldn't that make the GOP the majority then?
Hello Mitch if he caucuses with the GOP.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:14 pm
by faftorial
Factorial thumbs up forthcoming haha
:thumb: :thumb:

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:17 pm
by dodint
Is Susan Collins still very concerned?

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:18 pm
by tifosi77
Depends on how he'd caucus. There are already 2 'I' Senators (King and Sanders), but they both affiliate with Dems for these purposes.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:18 pm
by MalkinIsMyHomeboy
Does it matter? The Dems appease on everything anyway.
I was thinking it didn’t matter because while they’re a majority on paper Manchin wasn’t exactly in lockstep with the Dems anyway

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:22 pm
by willeyeam
I'm all for congressmen and women to vote less on party lines and think for themselves and their constituents but **** this guy man

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:25 pm
by Morkle
Depends on how he'd caucus. There are already 2 'I' Senators (King and Sanders), but they both affiliate with Dems for these purposes.
I don't think it'd make sense for him to flip to GOP. He has more power being the 51st vote on Dems than he does at 50. He's literally never had the celebrity he does now, and the ability to line his pockets even more has to have increased 10X.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:27 pm
by Troy Loney
Depends on how he'd caucus. There are already 2 'I' Senators (King and Sanders), but they both affiliate with Dems for these purposes.
Isn't sanders a D now?

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:54 pm
by shmenguin
There’s no difference whether Schumer or McConnell is leader. Nothing is moving, either way. It’s not even like “leader” is a magical position. It’s just a way to identify the inner-party reporting structure.

I think Manchin and Sinema should be called out by name in every possible setting by every Democratic official - both legislative and executive. Not to enact immediate change or anything. They’re already purchased by donors. But they really do need to have more historical stigma attached to them. It should be this funny story in history books how these two bozos who have no public support for anything they do to just get historically raked through the coals. They aren’t household names. They should become that, and it should de-incentivize this behavior to some extent.

I also can’t imagine how Sinema still teaches at a university. Like…Can a student just raise their hand and call her a c*nt?

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 5:03 pm
by tifosi77
Depends on how he'd caucus. There are already 2 'I' Senators (King and Sanders), but they both affiliate with Dems for these purposes.
Isn't sanders a D now?
He's only a D when running for President. But he wasn't even a D the day he announced his candidacy to be the D nom 2016.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 5:20 pm
by tifosi77
In reality there's a double-digit number of D Senators who are c**k blocking things. Manchin and Sinema are just the ones willing to do it on-camera.

We have one political party that is devoid of any sort of good-faith governing intentions, and one that's so inept at governing that they're practically a Twitter parody account.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:21 pm
by eddy

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:26 pm
by MalkinIsMyHomeboy
I explained before why I didn’t vote and this **** just confirms what I’m thinking. Politics is so broken

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:29 pm
by shmenguin
Yes. What a principled move. To NOT vote in an election where Trump was on the ticket and was a few thousand votes away from destroying the country. Well done.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:31 pm
by MalkinIsMyHomeboy
It’s not principled. I don’t care about that. It’s more apathy and frustration. It genuinely feels like I’m wasting my time

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:34 pm
by shmenguin
In reality there's a double-digit number of D Senators who are c**k blocking things. Manchin and Sinema are just the ones willing to do it on-camera.

We have one political party that is devoid of any sort of good-faith governing intentions, and one that's so inept at governing that they're practically a Twitter parody account.
Your home senator for example. And I expect one of mine as well. And Coons has no intention of moving democracy forward - he of “Valentines day instead of impeachment witnesses” sound byte.

I agree these two give cover for people like Feinstein. I would still like to see them expelled and smeared. But to your point - there’s no one who can do that. Because they’re really all in it together. They fact that they can still sit straight faced with Cruz and Hawley tells you everything. Even Sanders, who has license to be a crank. If he cared as much as he says he does, he wouldn’t be partaking in the theater.

These are people who will be able to buy mountain villas and armed security when the earth melts and society crumbles. I really do think their theory is that there’s literally no legislation that can impact them personally so they’re not compelled to take any risks.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:38 pm
by shmenguin
It’s not principled. I don’t care about that. It’s more apathy and frustration. It genuinely feels like I’m wasting my time
You’re saying there isn’t a material difference between Trump being President and Biden being President with this string of posts.

I agree it often hasn’t been a compelling thing, to vote. And I think you’re in South Carolina or something so who cares. Your vote means nothing anyway if that’s the case. If you’re in PA, however, this is an inexcusable take.

Politics And Current Events

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:39 pm
by MalkinIsMyHomeboy