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Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:57 am
by nocera
Our firm sent out a survey with WFH preference options of either 2 days a week WFH, 3 days WFH or all in the office. Far as I can tell no one I talked to said all days in the office. Yet here we are, all required to go back full time on 7/6 every day. What's the point of sending the survey?
The illusion of choice.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:01 am
by dodint
Our townhall was yesterday and they want to start bringing a percentage of workers back to the building. From everyone I talked to yesterday, nobody is interested in being the group to go back first.
We had a ton of people pissing and moaning about not being able to come into the office so the first wave of 25% capacity was heavily volunteer, enough that they have to do rotations. There is a high correlation between those people and the folks that *need* to print every single document and manual that comes across their e-mail, then leave it piled on their desk as a fire hazard.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:04 am
by nocera
I've also found that a large number of the people pissing and moaning and the ones who are normally on the road 70% of the year. Now that they can't travel, they have to stay at home with their families. They'll do anything to get the **** out of that house.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:06 am
by dodint
Yeah, I have a guy like that in my group in Pittsburgh. We were dividing up the days we were going to share the office. Him: "We've been married 30 years and my wife is off work on Friday, we can't both be home so can I please have Friday?." :lol:

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:23 am
by NTP66
Those people who ruin it for others are the worst.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:47 am
by NailedPenguin
We are now into Day 2 of a reply-all fest with everyone at our North American sites replying all to tell people to stop replying all.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 10:55 am
by count2infinity
The old dude that was pissing and moaning about working from home at the start of all of this is the only guy that isn’t allowed back yet. Kind of humorous to me. He’s old and has health issues so he’s considered at risk. Not only that, but he’s a personal space violator. Not sure if that had anything to do with the decision, but I hope it did.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:16 am
by mac5155
THe return to work paradigm will be interesting come fall if these schools are 50/50 distance learning.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:23 am
by iamjs
We are now into Day 2 of a reply-all fest with everyone at our North American sites replying all to tell people to stop replying all.
We had something like this happen a few years ago. One guy did a reply all for a question about his paystub. Our reply all involved over 75k people. You can probably imagine what a shitshow that was. The last email I saw before they brought down the exchange server was something along the lines of "I don't know nothing about your check. I doubt anybody else does either. Good luck with that."

We ended up not having email for about an hour. I wish I still had the corporate bulletin that resulted from that day. It's not often you see one published in a passive-aggressive format. One of the things that stuck out in that email was that the number of emails from that incident ended up being somewhere north of 6m.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 11:28 am
by NailedPenguin
lmao. Yikes

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 12:58 pm
by King Colby
My favorite are the people who say "stop replying all to tell everyone not to reply all! You're making it worse!"

The reply all stop stop reply all

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:11 pm
by Pavel Bure
My favorite are the people who say "stop replying all to tell everyone not to reply all! You're making it worse!"

The reply all stop stop reply all
Just use the button that makes the reply all’s invisible.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:28 am
by shafnutz05
THe return to work paradigm will be interesting come fall if these schools are 50/50 distance learning.
Mmhmm. We are at 3.5 months of WFH with both kiddos with us. My wife does the majority of the daytime stuff because my job is so phone intensive. Even with that, it's really hard for me to concentrate and stay focused sometimes hearing my kids in the house

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:38 am
by DigitalGypsy66
Back to work for a full day today. I did a half day last Friday, and an hour here and there since March.

My work PC is awful. I'm so used to my home (gaming) PC with a 27" montior 1440p monitor, that it looks like my 1368 x 768 is a tablet screen. Plus, the PC itself is slow as balls.

Of course, our building HVAC isn't working. Parts have been ordered, but it's already 79 and humid in here. May have to peace out early.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:08 am
by meow
Got news that we are remote the rest of the calendar year. I told me team and there were some mixed reactions. 90% are indifferent. 10% are incredulous- split on each side. I’m guessing that is a somewhat normal breakdown. The few that don’t want to come back have been beating the drum since day one that everyone will die without a vaccine.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:32 am
by mikey
I mean, really, it's perfect. 5% of people want to go back and at that small of a number, it's probably pretty non-threatening...sounds good to me.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:34 am
by NTP66
I haven't put on a pair of pants in months, and I have no intention of changing that.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:42 am
by mikey
Buttholes out all day...

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:44 am
by Morkle
I haven't put on a pair of pants in months, and I have no intention of changing that.
Same, it's been since March 7th, since I've worn jeans.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:09 pm
by mamaemeritus
Have to have a gd meeting with new junior mint in 25 mins. Regarding the deadline that he missed - telling me he was going to miss it an hour before turn-in time. After he had been told multiple times:

> when said deadline was
> he had to do whatever it took to meet said deadline (aka OVERTIME)
> had to communicate clearly about progress

When I asked him the status today, he acted like he didn't know when the deadline was, and when asked why it was missed (after a blank look) replied "I just didn't have time to get to it." Dude has worked zero overtime since he got here. Not two days ago I inquired again about ability to meet deadline - was told it would happen.

F-ing people are the f-ing worst. I f-ing hate being a manager. Now I have to be the f-ing bad guy.

Trying to think to myself WWMD? (What would @mikey do?)


Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:12 pm
by dodint
The Wheel!

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:23 pm
by mikey
What you do is go to the get about $200 worth of $10 bills. You get some tape. Just tape a string of $10 bills to each side of this guy's blazer...just the corners, just enough to get them to stick...

Then, you take him to a place where there won't be any people wearing masks...Hobby Lobby, NRA meeting, NASCAR race, whatever...

You introduce him to everyone there. Everyone. They'll get real close to get those tens...

While he's mingling, you go to the bathroom, you go to the sink, you plug up the drain and put the water on. When he comes in to use the bathroom, you gather up all that pent up anger and you drown him. Hand on the back of the head, till the bubbles stop. You take any tens that are left on him and you walk away...

I think this is an obvious solution, but it's worth saying anyhow...

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:24 pm
by Morkle
He made himself the bad guy, and I don't think you should think of yourself as the bad guy.

If the requirements we're discussed, and he acknowledged, said person dug their own grave.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:53 pm
by mamaemeritus
Heh. Thank you, @mikey :fist: My guy never disappoints!

As I suspected would happen, played dumb. "Didn't realize deadlines were hard deadlines." I literally said that they were word for freaking word in the original meeting.

Made a point to tell me that he "really is working at home" and not blowing off work. youplayedyourselfdotgif, junior.

Job and General Employment Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 12:59 pm
by shafnutz05
I haven't put on a pair of pants in months, and I have no intention of changing that.
Same, it's been since March 7th, since I've worn jeans.
I love WFH, but I also like to shower in the morning after I work out and put on some decent looking clothes. I don't mean jeans, but just like khaki shorts and a nice top. For my mental health, it has helped a lot.