Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Kaiser » Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:00 pm

Secret Wars > Infinity War

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:07 pm

I can't believe they pulled this movie off, I've never seen something like it. Completely nailed the tone of the movie and Thanos

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:32 am

After sleeping on it, I really loved this movie.
For me, it definitely helps that they focused more on the interesting fun characters. Almost like a thor/guardians sequel. I haven't been the biggest fan of Cap and find the earth politics of past marvel movies quite boring, so the smaller dose was more impactful. Spidey, iron Man and Dr Strange we're so good together.

The canvas this movie is painted on is truly epic. Maybe one of the biggest sci-fi movies ever and they make you feel the scope of the Galaxy.

Thor returning with Stormbreaker was **** awesome, the entire theater erupted in cheers. Just an amazing cinematic moment!

Spidey vanishing with iron man broke me.

Can't wait to hear others thoughts

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:33 pm

We went to a 10:40 am showing yesterday, so it wasn't really crowded. That said, about a quarter of the theater got up and left when the credits rolled. Do they not know how Marvel movies work? I'm at the point where I feel guilty leaving when the credits to other films start, for fear I'm missing something. :lol:

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby blackjack68 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:14 am

We're gonna kill off one of our heroes.
Hold my beer.

And the credits scene,
Definitely Captain Marvel's logo. Let's see what she can do and who will come back.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby skullman80 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 6:37 am

Saw infinity war last night thought it was really good. Also saw at the XD theater in Monroeville packed 7pm Sunday night showing. Winter soldier is still my favorite marvel movie though.

Miami Vice
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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Miami Vice » Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:31 am

We went to a 10:40 am showing yesterday, so it wasn't really crowded. That said, about a quarter of the theater got up and left when the credits rolled. Do they not know how Marvel movies work? I'm at the point where I feel guilty leaving when the credits to other films start, for fear I'm missing something. :lol:
Maybe they'd already seen it

Dickie Dunn
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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Dickie Dunn » Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:53 am

To expand on my previous "Holy ****" comment, this movie completely exceeded any expectations and preconceived thoughts or ideas I had. I don't know if it is my favorite MCU movie, but it's definitely unbelievably good and probably the most impressive MCU movie given what they were able to accomplish. To some degree I was experiencing MCU burnout, but this movie managed to drag me back in and has me salivating for the next three movies.
- When they announced that the title of Avengers 4 was no longer going to be Infinity War Part II somehow I assumed that meant the IW storyline would be wrapped up in one movie, not because our beloved heroes get their asses kicked, lose the war, and the movie ends with half of the universe dusting in the wind.

- I think Thanos is the best villain we've seen in a comic book movie, and that includes Ledger's Joker. They did a great job introducing his motivations and along the way managed to make him sympathetic at times.

- I loved Hulk being to afraid to come out and join the fight.

- Elizabeth Olsen is sexy.

- Thought it was a great decision to not have this be a movie where everyone teams up. Everyone is broken off into 6ish different story beats and even after most of the gang ends up in Wakanda, Tony and crew is still left on Titan.

- Thor going off with "rabbit and tree" worked so much better than I expected. They finally found their stride with this mimbo version of Thor that was fully realized in Ragnarok and it sucks that this could be the end of the line for that character. His side quest to build the axe worked so much better than it should have and giant dwarf Dinklage was amazing. I got goosebumps when they showed up in Wakanda and started kicking ass.

- Watching everyone turn to dust intially blew my mind, but Spider-Man's reaction got me in the feels. Tom Holland is great with the character. That subtle look of pride and motivation when Tony half-assedly knighted him an Avenger was fantastic.

- Red Skull!!!!

- If Rocket's time on Earth doesn't bring him face to face with a real raccoon it's a missed opportunity.

- Until being motivated to look it up due to the after credits scene, I had not realized that Captain Marvel was being released before Avengers 4. I didn't expect her to factor into this at all and am now really looking forward to what she brings to the table.

- I wonder which deaths from this movie will stick. To me it seem obvious that the characters that got Kansas'd away will be able to return, but what about Loki and Gamora? I can't imagine GOTG3 without Gamora being around. I've read some theories that maybe her soul is tied to the Soul Stone, which could be a viable way to bring her back.

- I'm still stunned that the movie ended with so many characters dying. All we really have left at this point are the original Avengers, Rocket, Nebula, M'Baku, and Okoye. The quartet of extras aside, plus the needed addition of Captain Marvel, it seems like Avengers 4 is going to be a final moment in the sun for our original heroes. Probably some valiant self-sacrificing from Steve Rogers or Tony Stark.

- Also wonder how Ant-Man and Hawkeye will play into Avengers 4. Hawkeye sucks, so screw him, but the trailers for Ant-Man and The Wasp shows Scott on house arrest, which is mentioned in IW. Wouldn't surprise me to see some timeline overlap or a post-credits scene of The Wasp turning to dust that ties the two movies together and gets Scott involved in Avengers 4.

- I have no idea what Captain Marvel is capable of, but it seems to me like the heroes need someone who is capable of handling an infinity stone. I imagine she'll be responsbile for getting Tony and Nebula off of Titan and back to Earth.

- Despite the appearance of Thanos winning, I imagine this is truly the one victorious scenario that Dr. Strange saw.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:48 am

To expand on my previous "Holy ****" comment, this movie completely exceeded any expectations and preconceived thoughts or ideas I had. I don't know if it is my favorite MCU movie, but it's definitely unbelievably good and probably the most impressive MCU movie given what they were able to accomplish. To some degree I was experiencing MCU burnout, but this movie managed to drag me back in and has me salivating for the next three movies.
- When they announced that the title of Avengers 4 was no longer going to be Infinity War Part II somehow I assumed that meant the IW storyline would be wrapped up in one movie, not because our beloved heroes get their asses kicked, lose the war, and the movie ends with half of the universe dusting in the wind.

- I think Thanos is the best villain we've seen in a comic book movie, and that includes Ledger's Joker. They did a great job introducing his motivations and along the way managed to make him sympathetic at times.

- I loved Hulk being to afraid to come out and join the fight.

- Elizabeth Olsen is sexy.

- Thought it was a great decision to not have this be a movie where everyone teams up. Everyone is broken off into 6ish different story beats and even after most of the gang ends up in Wakanda, Tony and crew is still left on Titan.

- Thor going off with "rabbit and tree" worked so much better than I expected. They finally found their stride with this mimbo version of Thor that was fully realized in Ragnarok and it sucks that this could be the end of the line for that character. His side quest to build the axe worked so much better than it should have and giant dwarf Dinklage was amazing. I got goosebumps when they showed up in Wakanda and started kicking ass.

- Watching everyone turn to dust intially blew my mind, but Spider-Man's reaction got me in the feels. Tom Holland is great with the character. That subtle look of pride and motivation when Tony half-assedly knighted him an Avenger was fantastic.

- Red Skull!!!!

- If Rocket's time on Earth doesn't bring him face to face with a real raccoon it's a missed opportunity.

- Until being motivated to look it up due to the after credits scene, I had not realized that Captain Marvel was being released before Avengers 4. I didn't expect her to factor into this at all and am now really looking forward to what she brings to the table.

- I wonder which deaths from this movie will stick. To me it seem obvious that the characters that got Kansas'd away will be able to return, but what about Loki and Gamora? I can't imagine GOTG3 without Gamora being around. I've read some theories that maybe her soul is tied to the Soul Stone, which could be a viable way to bring her back.

- I'm still stunned that the movie ended with so many characters dying. All we really have left at this point are the original Avengers, Rocket, Nebula, M'Baku, and Okoye. The quartet of extras aside, plus the needed addition of Captain Marvel, it seems like Avengers 4 is going to be a final moment in the sun for our original heroes. Probably some valiant self-sacrificing from Steve Rogers or Tony Stark.

- Also wonder how Ant-Man and Hawkeye will play into Avengers 4. Hawkeye sucks, so screw him, but the trailers for Ant-Man and The Wasp shows Scott on house arrest, which is mentioned in IW. Wouldn't surprise me to see some timeline overlap or a post-credits scene of The Wasp turning to dust that ties the two movies together and gets Scott involved in Avengers 4.

- I have no idea what Captain Marvel is capable of, but it seems to me like the heroes need someone who is capable of handling an infinity stone. I imagine she'll be responsbile for getting Tony and Nebula off of Titan and back to Earth.

- Despite the appearance of Thanos winning, I imagine this is truly the one victorious scenario that Dr. Strange saw.
completely agree with everything you said
What do you think happened with Thanos after the finger snap? I'm trying to figure out if there was something there with the interaction of little girl Gamora and deat/soul stone? Then he popped out into some type of paradise, but I wasn't certain where he was?

I'm still trying to figure out the Capt. Marvel timeline. Supposedly the movie takes place in the 90s and Fury knew about her while this whole thing was happening, but where is she and why isn't she helping now?

Looks like the original avengers are left to figure this all out for part 2. After seeing the extended characters work out so well, I'm not so sure I'm excited for extended screen time with just these guys, but maybe that will be different.

I'm still thinking about how perfect they made Thanos.

I'm looking forward to watching GoTG 1&2, Thor Ragorak, and Dr Strange leading into this again for an all out insane space epic!

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:18 pm

These MCU films with this cast basically started 10 years ago. I am sure that while they like the paycheck, a few of the actors would like to move on. Bautista is 49 years old. He is not going to be able to do the no-shirt comic book body thing for much longer. Evens is turning 37. Cheadle looked ROUGH already!

Infinity War is a good way to "reboot" without doing a real reboot like was done with the various Spiderman's or Batman's and Superman's or the "what the heck is going on" of the X-movies.

For example, it is the reality stone... you could literally change actors to someone 10-15 years younger, totally flag-pole it, and it would be 100% okay with continuity and there would be no need for new origins or starting from scratch or any of that junk. Most of the superheros have been basically the same age since the 50's or 70's or whenever they entered the pages. That obviously can't happen with actors but it doesn't mean that you need to restart everything. This could be a good time for a changing of the guard but staying on the same track.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:17 pm

and Strange definitely told Stark that this was all part of the plan. He knows what to do next.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:21 pm

and Strange definitely told Stark that this was all part of the plan. He knows what to do next.

Yes to your first sentence, no to your second.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:23 pm

and Strange definitely told Stark that this was all part of the plan. He knows what to do next.

Yes to your first sentence, no to your second.
so do you think Strange and those that vanished will be in a different dimension or something like that where they'll be able to reverse things?

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby tifosi77 » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:41 pm

so do you think Strange and those that vanished will be in a different dimension or something like that where they'll be able to reverse things?
I have no interest in this, as I have not seen nor do I ever plan on seeing any of these movies. But I have read the reviews and the spoilers about this film, and those comments - which line up with your question here - encapsulate nearly everything that I dislike about superhero stories on the most fundamental concept level.

I do not wish to crap on others' enjoyment of these things, so I'll abandon ship now.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:43 pm

and Strange definitely told Stark that this was all part of the plan. He knows what to do next.

Yes to your first sentence, no to your second.
so do you think Strange and those that vanished will be in a different dimension or something like that where they'll be able to reverse things?

No. Just gone.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:23 pm

so do you think Strange and those that vanished will be in a different dimension or something like that where they'll be able to reverse things?
I have no interest in this, as I have not seen nor do I ever plan on seeing any of these movies. But I have read the reviews and the spoilers about this film, and those comments - which line up with your question here - encapsulate nearly everything that I dislike about superhero stories on the most fundamental concept level.

I do not wish to crap on others' enjoyment of these things, so I'll abandon ship now.
completely understandable. Like you, I once felt very strong about this and quite frankly don't like a lot of these movies because of that, but they can still be done in a way that makes it all very exciting and this is the perfect example. As I read more and more comics, I realized that they are always going to come back one way or another. When you change your way of watching these things, it can dramatically change your enjoyment level. It's not about when they die and come back, but how they do it and if the story is done as well as this one, you get invested.

I knew Spidey and all of those others would come back in same way or another, but that didn't stop the tears from flowing and getting caught up in this. And that doubles down for the younger kids watching who were devastated.

Dickie Dunn
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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Dickie Dunn » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:42 pm

To expand on my previous "Holy ****" comment, this movie completely exceeded any expectations and preconceived thoughts or ideas I had. I don't know if it is my favorite MCU movie, but it's definitely unbelievably good and probably the most impressive MCU movie given what they were able to accomplish. To some degree I was experiencing MCU burnout, but this movie managed to drag me back in and has me salivating for the next three movies.
- When they announced that the title of Avengers 4 was no longer going to be Infinity War Part II somehow I assumed that meant the IW storyline would be wrapped up in one movie, not because our beloved heroes get their asses kicked, lose the war, and the movie ends with half of the universe dusting in the wind.

- I think Thanos is the best villain we've seen in a comic book movie, and that includes Ledger's Joker. They did a great job introducing his motivations and along the way managed to make him sympathetic at times.

- I loved Hulk being to afraid to come out and join the fight.

- Elizabeth Olsen is sexy.

- Thought it was a great decision to not have this be a movie where everyone teams up. Everyone is broken off into 6ish different story beats and even after most of the gang ends up in Wakanda, Tony and crew is still left on Titan.

- Thor going off with "rabbit and tree" worked so much better than I expected. They finally found their stride with this mimbo version of Thor that was fully realized in Ragnarok and it sucks that this could be the end of the line for that character. His side quest to build the axe worked so much better than it should have and giant dwarf Dinklage was amazing. I got goosebumps when they showed up in Wakanda and started kicking ass.

- Watching everyone turn to dust intially blew my mind, but Spider-Man's reaction got me in the feels. Tom Holland is great with the character. That subtle look of pride and motivation when Tony half-assedly knighted him an Avenger was fantastic.

- Red Skull!!!!

- If Rocket's time on Earth doesn't bring him face to face with a real raccoon it's a missed opportunity.

- Until being motivated to look it up due to the after credits scene, I had not realized that Captain Marvel was being released before Avengers 4. I didn't expect her to factor into this at all and am now really looking forward to what she brings to the table.

- I wonder which deaths from this movie will stick. To me it seem obvious that the characters that got Kansas'd away will be able to return, but what about Loki and Gamora? I can't imagine GOTG3 without Gamora being around. I've read some theories that maybe her soul is tied to the Soul Stone, which could be a viable way to bring her back.

- I'm still stunned that the movie ended with so many characters dying. All we really have left at this point are the original Avengers, Rocket, Nebula, M'Baku, and Okoye. The quartet of extras aside, plus the needed addition of Captain Marvel, it seems like Avengers 4 is going to be a final moment in the sun for our original heroes. Probably some valiant self-sacrificing from Steve Rogers or Tony Stark.

- Also wonder how Ant-Man and Hawkeye will play into Avengers 4. Hawkeye sucks, so screw him, but the trailers for Ant-Man and The Wasp shows Scott on house arrest, which is mentioned in IW. Wouldn't surprise me to see some timeline overlap or a post-credits scene of The Wasp turning to dust that ties the two movies together and gets Scott involved in Avengers 4.

- I have no idea what Captain Marvel is capable of, but it seems to me like the heroes need someone who is capable of handling an infinity stone. I imagine she'll be responsbile for getting Tony and Nebula off of Titan and back to Earth.

- Despite the appearance of Thanos winning, I imagine this is truly the one victorious scenario that Dr. Strange saw.
completely agree with everything you said
What do you think happened with Thanos after the finger snap? I'm trying to figure out if there was something there with the interaction of little girl Gamora and deat/soul stone? Then he popped out into some type of paradise, but I wasn't certain where he was?

I'm still trying to figure out the Capt. Marvel timeline. Supposedly the movie takes place in the 90s and Fury knew about her while this whole thing was happening, but where is she and why isn't she helping now?

Looks like the original avengers are left to figure this all out for part 2. After seeing the extended characters work out so well, I'm not so sure I'm excited for extended screen time with just these guys, but maybe that will be different.

I'm still thinking about how perfect they made Thanos.

I'm looking forward to watching GoTG 1&2, Thor Ragorak, and Dr Strange leading into this again for an all out insane space epic!
- I didn't even really think of where he ended up. Jaw was too on the floor for my brain to function properly. Maybe just some idlyllic world he had picked up to spend the end of his days. I wonder if he's haunted by the soul of Gamora (maybe in little girl form due to the first time he felt love for another person while on his mission?) via the Soul Stone. One thing I did notice, but forgot and was reminded of thanks to an io9 article, the Infinity Gauntlet certainly looked like it was toast. I don't think he has the ability to wield all 6 stones anymore, making him more susceptible, especially if Captain Marvel is able to harness their powers in some way.

- I'm not overly familiarly with Captain Marvel, but yea the movie apparently takes place in the 90s with a two-eyed Fury, a still in the movies Agent Coulson, and a still alive Ronan. Her powers apparently have something to do with the Kree. No idea why she hasn't come back to Earth yet.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Spangler » Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:30 pm

I don't know how you can handle a colossal movie like Infinity War any better. Turned out MUCH better than I thought it would. Some random thoughts.
-The way the movie ended and what Dr. Strange said about only being 1 way to win, this has to be the winning outcome he saw. At the beginning of the movie, he said he would let Stark and Spiderman die before he let anything happen to the Infinity stone. I don't think he had a sudden change of heart.

-Btw, I haven't seen the Dr. Strange movie, and now I really want to see it. Dr. Strange was perhaps my favorite character in the movie. Same thing with the Black Panther movie. The Wakanda stuff was badass.

-Seeing Thanos hurl parts of a fricken moon from orbit was possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen in a movie.

-During that same fight there was a scene where Thanos didn't pull Dr. Strange closer to him; he pulled the entire ground closer to him!

-A subtle moment I really liked (among many) was when Cpt. held back Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet just on sheer willpower, so Thanos used his other hand to punch him. It really holds true to what the character of Captain America is all about. At least, that's how I interpreted the interaction.

Peter Parker's reaction to being turned to ash was ROUGH. What a performance.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Spangler » Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:43 pm

Another thought.
-Thanos security-locked Perter Dinklage's hands so he couldn't make weapons for anyone else. That's hardcore!

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Jim » Tue May 01, 2018 8:26 am

My favorite thing about Thanos was his attitude. He IS the big bad. He doesn't yap about his badness like Loki, he is not flashy like Doom, He isn't arrogant like Magneto. They play him as almost bored by it. I don't recall which of the underlings said it, but when the one stops the other and says "Let him have his fun..." Have his fun? In that fight? That's awesome! He just slowly walks into the battles like he was going to go check the mailbox.

Even though he is the big-bad, and even without the Gauntlet one of the more powerful beings in 616, he doesn't disrespect those that are weaker. In the trailer they show Cap holding back Thanos' hand (technically two fingers) and even though Thanos would actually barely feel that, he looks at Rogers with a level of awe and respect because here is this tiny being fighting against an unwinable situation but giving it his all. At another point when Thanos says to someone else, "I hope that they remember you. I do." He actually has respect for those that go against him.

"All of that for a single drop of blood." BOOM

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Tue May 01, 2018 8:48 am

My favorite thing about Thanos was his attitude. He IS the big bad. He doesn't yap about his badness like Loki, he is not flashy like Doom, He isn't arrogant like Magneto. They play him as almost bored by it. I don't recall which of the underlings said it, but when the one stops the other and says "Let him have his fun..." Have his fun? In that fight? That's awesome! He just slowly walks into the battles like he was going to go check the mailbox.

Even though he is the big-bad, and even without the Gauntlet one of the more powerful beings in 616, he doesn't disrespect those that are weaker. In the trailer they show Cap holding back Thanos' hand (technically two fingers) and even though Thanos would actually barely feel that, he looks at Rogers with a level of awe and respect because here is this tiny being fighting against an unwinable situation but giving it his all. At another point when Thanos says to someone else, "I hope that they remember you. I do." He actually has respect for those that go against him.

"All of that for a single drop of blood." BOOM
same with when Star Lord pulls the trigger to kill Gomora, he says, "oh I like you"
Thanos doesn't think he is doing anything wrong, I don't think he thinks he's a bad guy at all.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby eddy » Tue May 01, 2018 8:52 am

I know I felt sympathetic for him on more than one occasion

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby DigitalGypsy66 » Tue May 01, 2018 8:55 am

Thanos doesn't think he is doing anything wrong, I don't think he thinks he's a bad guy at all.
Which makes him the most chilling villain of all...

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Jim » Tue May 01, 2018 8:58 am

Thanos doesn't think he is doing anything wrong, I don't think he thinks he's a bad guy at all.

Technically, I think that a good number of the bad guys don't think that they are doing "wrong". Magneto doesn't, he is fighting against oppression and enslavement. Apocolypse doesn't, he is just forcing evolution which makes everything better and stronger.

Anyone that has been around lgp long enough might remember not "half button" idea. So you know that I an quite behind Thanos' grand plan in the MCU.

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Marvel Thread (Movies, Comics, etc)

Postby Jim » Tue May 01, 2018 9:09 am

Another thing that I liked was that his entire background/origin story took all of maybe 30 seconds. They didn't spend the first half hour of the movie force feeding the audience a long winded origin like they do with every Spiderman, Batman, Superman movie.

He told it himself, basically, "**** happened... and now I am where I am." Done, moving on.

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