Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby count2infinity » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:09 pm

That's fine... I'm a nice guy, but if someone tells me vaccines cause autism, climate change isn't a thing, evolution isn't real, or any other nonsense that flies in the face of science, I'm gonna call BS. And when it gets to a point where it's quite clear that nothing I could say is going to be taken seriously, then I'll go to just mocking. It's nothing against you, it's just nonsense, that's all.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby dodint » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:16 pm

Source of the post Yeah, well, society kinda listens to the government propaganda on basically everything, doesn't it? We can not blindly put trust in those people.
I don't think so. I don't, anyway. Even if I did, the only people I see advocating as anti-vaxxers are the upper middle class soccer Mom's that can't order enough lattes to fill their day so they spend it on blogs trying to become the perfect helicopter mommy.


The kid in the picture is dead because Maple syrup is not a cure for meningitis.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby tifosi77 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:20 pm

I think the reason you catch flak for this loopy-asssed stuff is it has the potential to cause real harm to others. The more people don't vax, the less effective vaxxing is.

We witnessed it firsthand here in California last year. The state had some a very open rules that allowed parents to opt out of vaxxing pretty much for any reason. Lots of people in (particularly in more affluent areas) took that option and started skipping out on the vaxxes. After a few years, we had statewide numbers of roughly 10% of school students not being current, and that number was even higher in those well-to-do areas.

Well, in a development that should have surprised literally no one we ended up having a measles outbreak. And it started, of all places, at Disneyland. It spread to half a dozen states, caught up 140 people, and lasted months. One study found that the vax rate among people who were caught up in the outbreak was as low as 50%. It was the worst such outbreak in two decades, and it was directly attributable to anti-vaxxers.

So don't be surprised when people respond poorly to this conspiracy theory junk.

Willie Kool
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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Willie Kool » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:26 pm

Can you also get autism from a tetanus shot? I had one a few years ago when I cut myself on a rusty nail. It would sure be more convenient than having to go get the pneumonia shot.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby shmenguin » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:27 pm

exactly, tif. it's dangerous to spread this nonsense. the fact that someone can google the topic and find a rando message board with a guy posting links to misleading resources could actual cause harm.

our options are to trust modern medicine or not trust it. the former has served us well so far.

...but with that said, screw off, flu shot

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby count2infinity » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:27 pm

Can you also get autism from a tetanus shot? I had one a few years ago when I cut myself on a rusty nail. It would sure be more convenient than having to go get the pneumonia shot.
You caught the communism, I believe.

Willie Kool
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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Willie Kool » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:28 pm

Can you also get autism from a tetanus shot? I had one a few years ago when I cut myself on a rusty nail. It would sure be more convenient than having to go get the pneumonia shot.
You caught the communism, I believe.
Can't deny that, but that doesn't qualify me for medical cannabis. ;)

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Sarcastic » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:36 pm

That's fine... I'm a nice guy, but if someone tells me vaccines cause autism, climate change isn't a thing, evolution isn't real, or any other nonsense that flies in the face of science, I'm gonna call BS. And when it gets to a point where it's quite clear that nothing I could say is going to be taken seriously, then I'll go to just mocking. It's nothing against you, it's just nonsense, that's all.
I know you're a nice guy. I'm just saying that I don't think mods should allow this place to devolve into a **** hole for personal attacks the way LGP often was because that was the main issue I had there. In fact, that's what I told Shaf and KS when joining here. I don't want to put up with negativity or personal nonsense.

Forum is a place to discuss no matter what your opinion is. One might learn something or just agree to disagree. Mocking... not so cool. I'll also say that as sarcastic as I can be, I tend to stay away from that myself. And I'll tell you that I see a lot of.... let's say, stuff I disagree with on the forum. I just keep it to myself and don't try to squash people. Maybe I matured or something.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby count2infinity » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:40 pm

If something is a personal attack or personal at all, then report it and it will likely be dealt with. I'm disagreeing with your stance on autism and vaccines, no more, no less. It's dangerous, wrong, and silly. I don't care if it's you, shad, tif (who will out google me), or anyone else, I'm going to say that it's not right. Sorry if that upsets you, but it is what it is.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Sarcastic » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:43 pm

I think the reason you catch flak for this loopy-asssed stuff is it has the potential to cause real harm to others. The more people don't vax, the less effective vaxxing is.

We witnessed it firsthand here in California last year. The state had some a very open rules that allowed parents to opt out of vaxxing pretty much for any reason. Lots of people in (particularly in more affluent areas) took that option and started skipping out on the vaxxes. After a few years, we had statewide numbers of roughly 10% of school students not being current, and that number was even higher in those well-to-do areas.

Well, in a development that should have surprised literally no one we ended up having a measles outbreak. And it started, of all places, at Disneyland. It spread to half a dozen states, caught up 140 people, and lasted months. One study found that the vax rate among people who were caught up in the outbreak was as low as 50%. It was the worst such outbreak in two decades, and it was directly attributable to anti-vaxxers.

So don't be surprised when people respond poorly to this conspiracy theory junk.
I mostly agree with you. Vaccinations are important, so I'm not anti-v. What I disagree with is that I feel the jury is out on this topic and I tend to be on the cautious side. I don't trust the government. And if they paid out $3 Billion for vaccination injuries, then what exactly does that tell you and wouldn't you first, at least, thoroughly investigate something you inject in your kid to look for danger or an alternative?

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Sarcastic » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:46 pm

If something is a personal attack or personal at all, then report it and it will likely be dealt with. I'm disagreeing with your stance on autism and vaccines, no more, no less. It's dangerous, wrong, and silly. I don't care if it's you, shad, tif (who will out google me), or anyone else, I'm going to say that it's not right. Sorry if that upsets you, but it is what it is.
It's not about disagreeing, man. It's really not.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby AuthorTony » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:52 pm

You all suck.

Earlier today I cut open my hand on a rusty screw. I decided to go to the Med Express clinic for a tetanus vaccine, as I haven't had one in about 25 years. All I've been looking forward to all day long was logging on to 5thAve and posting, "So I had to get a tetanus vaccine today. I guess tomorrow I'm going to wake up with autism."

And you ruined it. Jerks.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Morkle » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:56 pm

exactly, tif. it's dangerous to spread this nonsense. the fact that someone can google the topic and find a rando message board with a guy posting links to misleading resources could actual cause harm.

our options are to trust modern medicine or not trust it. the former has served us well so far.

...but with that said, screw off, flu shot
I am not anti-vaxx, but I am totally anti-flu shot. It has like a 100% chance to get me sick after I get it.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby PFiDC » Mon Apr 25, 2016 4:58 pm

My wife works on an NIH contract studying the affects of plasma and tamiflu on influenza. She basically follows the flu around the world. She tells us whether getting a vaccine is worth it at all or not.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby tifosi77 » Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:54 pm

And if they paid out $3 Billion for vaccination injuries, then what exactly does that tell you...?
That dollar amount covers a 28-year period and nearly 4,600 claimants. The hit rate (adjudicated claims per doses of vaccine) is one per one million. That's getting-struck-by-lightning odds.
...tif (who will out google me)...
See above.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Algernon » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:07 pm

Can you catch autism from a person who got a pneumonia vaccine?
I'm going to say something here. I like to discuss serious issues in an adult manner and avoid the childish nonsense, but yet again this proves to be an unfriendly forum full of egomaniacs who think they're always correct and are ready to snap at people. I thought I moved away form that at LGP, but the same people followed.
It's nothing personal.

Virtually everyone in this thread hates big pharma

I don't like getting vaccines I don't need, like the flu vaccine

It's just that autism isn't caused by vaccines. It just isn't.

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Algernon » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:08 pm

My wife works on an NIH contract studying the affects of plasma and tamiflu on influenza. She basically follows the flu around the world. She tells us whether getting a vaccine is worth it at all or not.
Mirin wife's brains

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Can you catch pneumonia from someone who got a pneumonia vaccine?

Postby Shyster » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:32 pm

As to the original question, the answer is undoubtedly yes. The pneumonia vaccine is a vaccine against the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae, which as you might guess from its name is a common cause of bacterial pneumonia and causes something like half of pneumonia cases. But pneumonia is a somewhat generic term that refers to inflammation of the lungs, and it can be caused by a substantial number of causes other than Streptococcus pneumoniae, including other species of bacteria, viruses such as the influenza virus, and even fungi or parasites in rare cases. It probably most likely that Sarcastic has viral influenza. Did you get a flu shot this year?

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