Fast Food Thread

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Fast Food Thread

Postby nocera » Thu May 16, 2024 3:30 pm

Source of the post There were def perks to working at a video store though.
I worked at Hollywood Video in college. Great job, little to no management oversight, ability to "rent" anything we wanted, and we watched movies all day on the store TVs. I briefly worked at Blockbuster between college and grad school. That one sucked. Super strict about what movies you could take out and when, and we had to play those looping promotional videos on the TVs. I did have one customer yell at me about late fees, crumble up her membership, and then scream that she was going to tell all of her friends never to come back to this store. I replied something like "Ma'am, this is Blockbuster. I think we'll be fine without you and your friends." Guess she had the last laugh there.

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