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by NailedPenguin
Tue Sep 08, 2020 9:10 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Murder status: Its complicated

by NailedPenguin
Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:20 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Weather Thread
Replies: 11803
Views: 876967

Weather Thread

Theres a Lewis Black bit about that kind of weather. But even then he was only talking about thunder snow with lightning.
by NailedPenguin
Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:59 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Yea, that ain't the same thing
by NailedPenguin
Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:02 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Matt Drudge throws Shad thru the proverbial barbershop window

by NailedPenguin
Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:32 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events Nice peaceful protests in Portland still continuing. Even after having molotov cocktails thrown at them, you will notice it was a police officer that finally put out the fire. I thought the agitating storm troopers left weeks ago? :?: :?:
by NailedPenguin
Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:37 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Alotta "if you would have just listened to our demands.." in the replies to his post. Also quite shockingly it would appear the protesters did absolutely nothing wrong again. Trouble just seems to follow these poor people minding their own business.
by NailedPenguin
Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:39 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Wow two whole networks, one made up almost entirely of people who admit they're not journalists. The other you'd probably have to ask 1000 people before you'd find 10 who know how to find it. I feel better now about 99% of of our media coordinating with zero sources to influence an election. 😢 Oh.
by NailedPenguin
Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:58 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Wow two whole networks, one made up almost entirely of people who admit they're not journalists. The other you'd probably have to ask 1000 people before you'd find 10 who know how to find it. I feel better now about 99% of of our media coordinating with zero sources to influence an election.
by NailedPenguin
Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:28 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

LMAO Biden actually said out loud "end of quote" when reading off the prompter hahaha
by NailedPenguin
Fri Sep 04, 2020 1:28 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Atlantic staff gets first dibs with prepared questions at Joe's presser. This is actual collusion for those that care
by NailedPenguin
Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:47 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

All this in 12 hours. Overnight hours to boot. Almost like there was some sort of coordination. @jeneps The Biden campaign is holding a press call this morning with Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Khizr Khan, and Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA) “in reaction to the appalling revelations about Donald Trump and ve...
by NailedPenguin
Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:44 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

I look forward to 12:01 PM on January 20, 2021 when Pelosi becomes president because the election is still tied up in court. Hopefully the asteroid would have wiped us all out by then If the concern is that Trump won't leave when he legitimately loses, then why would he allow Pelosi to become actin...
by NailedPenguin
Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:39 am
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Weather Thread
Replies: 11803
Views: 876967

Weather Thread

Girl I know is headed out there and posted a screen grab of her weather app. I just thought it was glitch but its real.

by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:30 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events "Someone with first hand knowledge who was told, confirmed some of the remarks" So we're still right back where we started. " Someone close to the situation heard it from someone and confirms they were indeed, told some o...
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:12 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Pretty much this is I think where people are coming from.

You can believe Trump is capable of saying terrible things without falling for a story that sounds like dialogue from Project Lincoln's new Off-Broadway Trump play.
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:51 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Our media doesn't take sides, and people are scared and hesitant to come out and speak poorly of Trump. That's the lines we're expected to swallow now?
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:43 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

So why is me asking if people think Trump might have said those things anathema? It's not really that YOU ask, but weve been hearing "well yeah it could be true" as justification that it is, for so much bullshit from the media this entire term. And heres where it'll get turned around on s...
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:28 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Maybe we'll finally get that recording of him saying the N word that Troy's been promising for 5 years
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:25 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

That's the beauty with Trump. You can put out absolutely anything with zero evidence time after time and any time someone is skeptical we get to say, "well it could be true." So that allows the people who really want it to be true to just blindly believe. Which is fine. But for some reason...
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:35 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

Minority Report is a true story. Right, police are being asked to guess that violent people won't stab them. the exact moment that shots were fired matters. Blake didn't post an immediate threat. If he had picked up a knife and turned towards officers with it, I'd consider that a justified shooting...
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:21 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

"Here's an example that behavior, not race, usually plays into officers firing at a suspect" "It's also a good example of why you can't just wait around until a suspect actually does something with their weapon." 5af:
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:18 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

A white woman stabbed a cop, was directed to drop the knife, did but then tried to pick it back up to attack. She was then shot at twice (looked like they didn't hit). She was given more commands to drop the knife and get on the ground. She picked the knife up again and ran toward another cop to st...
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:13 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

nocera wrote: Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:07 pm Honestly, dude, you've lost it. What the **** are you even talking about?

Look at the absolute garbage behavior you constantly can't wait to defend, now look at your reaction to a simple post showing a different scenario that led to the same outcome.
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:09 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

:lol: Like I said I fully admit I posted it to poke a few bears, but what a pathetic overreaction. In near record time.
by NailedPenguin
Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:04 pm
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Politics And Current Events
Replies: 236973
Views: 13885780

Politics And Current Events

A white woman stabbed a cop, was directed to drop the knife, did but then tried to pick it back up to attack. She was then shot at twice (looked like they didn't hit). She was given more commands to drop the knife and get on the ground. She picked the knife up again and ran toward another cop to st...